Norton utilities used to put a text file on each dir with long
descriptive names. Also remember umsdos file system used to emulate
unix file system over fat16 including long names and permissions
2009/4/1, Eric Auer :
> Hi!
>>> So why cant we just create a "database/table - file" that allows
>> Maybe this is also a dumb question but is it possible to run
>> FreeDos on a different File System? like on of the linux ones
>> and still be able to run/use most dos programs?
There is one that works very well: When using dosemu, Drive C: is
redirected to a directory in the System's file sys
>> So why cant we just create a "database/table - file" that allows
>> lookup in a second area, either a file on
>> the hard drive or a separate partition. then based on the
>> file/directory "ID" and store that in the database table completely
>> separate from the FAT if we don't touch fat i
> Maybe this is also a dumb question but is it possible to run
> FreeDos on a different File System? like on of the linux ones
> and still be able to run/use most dos programs?
Yes, the network drive interface and similar are used not
only for network drives but also for CD/DVD filesystems