Norton utilities used to put a text file on each dir with long descriptive names. Also remember umsdos file system used to emulate unix file system over fat16 including long names and permissions
2009/4/1, Eric Auer <>: > > Hi! > >>> So why cant we just create a "database/table - file" that allows >>> lookup in a second area, either a file on >>> the hard drive or a separate partition. then based on the >>> file/directory "ID" and store that in the database table completely >>> separate from the FAT if we don't touch fat it should be fine. If we >>> are using a different method and system we are safe. >> >> In reality, though, linux filesystem drivers have been using this >> method of accessing/writing long filenames for years; if Microsoft >> were to go after an operating system, it would be linux first. And as >> Eric pointed out to me, they seem to go more after embedded devices >> that use long filenames on FAT filesystems. So really, I don't think >> there's anything to worry about. > > I think a descript.ion file based driver to support > long file names would be a fine idea indeed :-). > And it would avoid the ugly kludgy way in which MS > stores LFN spread over multiple directory entries. > > Eric > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > _______________________________________________ > Freedos-user mailing list > > > -- -- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Marco A. Achury Tel: +58-(212)-6158777 Cel: +58-(414)-3142282 Fax: +58-(212)-2410828 Skype: marcoachury ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ Freedos-user mailing list