Confusing DNS issue behind FreeBSD NAT

2005-07-06 Thread Gerald
A ;; ANSWER SECTION: 3534IN CNAME 86334 IN A ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Wed Jul 6 12:31:01 2005 Wed Jul 06 12:31:01 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:( /usr/src/) $ Gerald _

Re: Confusing DNS issue behind FreeBSD NAT

2005-07-06 Thread Gerald
On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, Charles Swiger wrote: "What you are missing" is the right filename. :-) That should be /etc/resolv.conf, not /etc/resolve.conf... In the words of Homer Simpson: "DOH!" Thanks for the accurate and

Re: Compaq 1850R freezing, controller issues?

2004-04-30 Thread Gerald
On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Gerald wrote: > Saturday when it froze last I setup 2 displays running commands since it > appeared to keep running to the monitor after it would die to all else. > One was running top -ores (since mrtg was pointing around memory) and the > other was running

Re: GCC-4.6-20120608 has a corrupt archive or a bad checksum

2012-06-12 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
ely, download repeatedly until it hits a different mirror? Gerald ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Re: GCC + FreeBSD 11.0 Stable - stat.h does not have vm_ooffset_t definition

2017-04-29 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
rts tree to fix this problem. >>>>> >>>>> >>>> Does this mean that the GCC port/package needs to be updated? If so, >>>> should I file a PR report on this issue? &

Re: GCC + FreeBSD 11.0 Stable - stat.h does not have vm_ooffset_t definition

2017-04-30 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
like to conclude first, otherwise there'll be too many balls in the air. ( is the last hold-off on the first of them, in case anyone can give this a try. ;-) It is on my list to pursue directly afterwards, then. (Luckily this only h

Re: GCC + FreeBSD 11.0 Stable - stat.h does not have vm_ooffset_t definition

2017-05-01 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
try soon, instead of completely yanking the fixincluded directory. Gerald ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Re: lang/gcc* package builds vs. release/11.0.1/ and the future release/11.1.0 because of vm_ooffset_t and vm_pindex_t changes and how the lang/gcc* work

2017-06-28 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
, not STABLE (and hence hoped we'd have more time for this change). My Internet connectivity right now is only slightly above pigeon speed, so sorry for any delays. Gerald ___ mailing list

Re: lang/gcc* package builds vs. release/11.0.1/ and the future release/11.1.0 because of vm_ooffset_t and vm_pindex_t changes and how the lang/gcc* work

2017-06-29 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
st important since it's the default; then 6; 4.x is for retro computing fans ;-), so 7 will then be next. Gerald ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

Re: lang/gcc* package builds vs. release/11.0.1/ and the future release/11.1.0 because of vm_ooffset_t and vm_pindex_t changes and how the lang/gcc* work

2017-06-29 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
d be fine, it's a number of ports that are not (even blocking the move from GCC 5 to 6 as default). Gerald ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""

mount_smbfs: unable to open connection: syserr = Operation timed out

2006-12-08 Thread Gerald Host
I used some non-default kernel options to have more RAM (PAE). On one BSD machine this command works and mounts as expected. On another one it fails: bsd# mount_smbfs -I //[EMAIL PROTECTED]/restorereports /mnt/reports mount_smbfs: unable to open connection: syserr = Operation timed

SMBFS bad address

2006-12-11 Thread Gerald Host
I'm having problems with SMBFS. I'll start by saying I'm using the PAE kernel (6.1), so the SMBFS options aren't loaded by default. If I should add these and rebuild the kernel please let me know: [not in my kernel]: options SMBFS #SMB/CIFS filesystem options

Re: passwd (still) broken in NIS environments

2001-01-23 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
just changing passwords, I assume this isn't the reason? Or does passwd use MD5 nevertheless?? That might be an explanation! Hmm... Gerald -- Gerald "Jerry" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscr

2001-01-25 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
versions say "This ERRATA.TXT file is obviously already out of date by definition" does not seem correct, either. Gerald -- Gerald "Jerry" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-s

Re: Kernel option USER_LDT issues in -stable

2002-01-23 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
unctionality unconditionally?) Gerald -- Gerald "Jerry" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: Adding xpm to linux_base: your comments please

1999-09-07 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
ld be great! xpm is really quite widely used. Gerald -- Gerald "Jerry" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: REMINDER: 4.2 code freeze starts tomorrow!

2000-11-01 Thread W Gerald Hicks
Sean O'Connell wrote: > > all of my daily scripts were run twice as well. > Aye, here too. Jerry Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: Next STABLE release going to be 4.4?

2001-05-01 Thread W Gerald Hicks
(makes note to request [EMAIL PROTECTED]) To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: Why is the STABLE branch not so stable anymore?

2001-06-12 Thread W Gerald Hicks
Mark Evenson wrote: > > W Gerald Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > Cripes people, the CVS repository is available for people to be able to > > slide back and forth in time as necessary. It only requires a tiny bit > > of competence. For fair effort

Re: debugging a crash

1999-09-23 Thread W Gerald Hicks
> My machine running 3.3-STABLE is randomly rebooting from time to > time. There is nothing in the system logs. What should I do if I > want to find the cause of these reboots? Is the "Kernel Debugging" > section in the handbook the right place to start? This machines is > destined to beco

Re: Deprecating base system ftpd?

2021-04-06 Thread Gerald de la Pascua
tocol. It's not sensitive data so the security concerns aren't an issue to us. thanks, Gerald, On Sat, Apr 3, 2021 at 9:40 PM Ed Maste wrote: > I propose deprecating the ftpd currently included in the base system > before FreeBSD 14, and opened review D26447 > (https://review

Re: Deprecating base system ftpd?

2021-04-06 Thread Gerald de la Pascua
"Can I ask, for those who do enable it, why isn’t “sftp” acceptable (or “scp”)? Both provide a similar function, securely, which also works with a basic installation without any ports. SSHFXP, the protocol underlying sftp is better specified, less ambiguous and more fault tolerant and safe than t

Re: Deprecating base system ftpd?

2021-04-06 Thread Gerald de la Pascua
+1 again from me too, keep it, It seems a pointless change of something that it seems a reasonable number of people are still using, even if there are better tools now, G On Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 8:16 PM Ted Hatfield wrote: > On Mon, 5 Apr 2021, Patrick M. Hausen wrote: > > Hi all, > > > >> Am

Re: Need really cheap IDE mirroring PCI controlled for FreebBSD 4.10

2005-03-03 Thread Gerald de la Pascua
amount, kind regards, Gerald On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 21:50:41 -0800, pete wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 17:27:07 +0300, Artem Kuchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Can anybody recommend cheap IDE mirroring PCI (2.0, not 2.1 or 2.2) > > controller

Re: Need really cheap IDE mirroring PCI controlled for FreebBSD 4.10

2005-03-03 Thread Gerald de la Pascua
it ( don't know if 3ware has these actually !) what model do you use and approximately how much are they? thanks in advance, Gerald On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 10:49:53 -0500, Brian Reichert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 09:10:00AM +, Gerald de la Pascua wrot

Re: Rotating web server logs without restarting Apache

2005-11-25 Thread Gerald de la Pascua
I usally just copy the file and then echo > /var/log/apache/httpd_log and apache doesn't seem to need to be restarted, thanks Gerald On 11/25/05, Luke Hollins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Ladislav Bodnar wrote: > > >Hi, > > > >Every time my h

Re: Rotating web server logs without restarting Apache

2005-11-25 Thread Gerald de la Pascua
loose entries? what in the window between the copy and the restart? would the scheme you suggest work with individual logfiles for individual domains? Gerald On 11/25/05, Holger Kipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On Fri, Nov 25, 2005 at 02:28:31PM +, Gerald de la Pascua