On Wed, 22 Apr 2009, Marius Strobl wrote:
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:06:12AM -0400, Jeff Blank wrote:
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 09:55:10PM +0200, Marius Strobl wrote:
Use the sources you have but plug in sys/dev/bge/if_bge.c
rev and sys/dev/pci/pci.c rev 1.355.2.6, this
combination sh
th the 4.4-install.iso and the 4.4-mini.iso
Annelise Anderson
Author of: FreeBSD: An Open-Source Operating System for Your PC
Book Website: http://www.bittreepress.com/FreeBSD/introbook/
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You probably need to fill out /etc/resolv.conf on the FreeBSD box,
so it knows where to find the nameserver you want to use. Maybe
some entries in /etc/hosts would help too.
But, for what you're doing you really don't need the kernel
firewall stuff or natd. ppp -alias or ppp -nat (same thing) w
I referred to "this line" and said "copy it." I thought that
would be clear. I certainly did not mean to tell him to copy
the entire file, and I hope he did not understand it this way.
I did intend, however, to tell him one place he could look to solve
similar problems in the future--/etc/defa
I remember figuring out a few releases ago that most
of the problems occurred with the cdroms, and did not show up
at all for people who were getting source and doing make
It's getting increasingly possible to really test a
release, since people can download an iso and bu
On Mon, 15 May 2000, David Gilbert wrote:
> >>>>> "Annelise" == Annelise Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Annelise> I linked /var/lib to /uar/compat/linux/var/lib, which is
> Annelise> where on rpm is. This it found, I think.