Hi All,
Created a small patch for 8.1 to add name support to /etc/rc.d/jail.
This doesn't upgrade /etc/rc.d/jail to the overhauled invocation of
8.0 but merely adds the ability to set a jail's name on start which
was added in FreeBSD 7.2 (May 2009).
Could this patch be considered to be applied to
Hi All,
When starting a jail you can, as of 8.0 if I'm not mistaken, set the
JID and name for a jail. This change doesn't seem to have been
incorporated into the /etc/rc.d/jail script? Looking at
http://wiki.polymorf.fr/index.php/Howto:FreeBSD_jail_vnet it wouldn't
be a huge change to add name sup
Spil Oss wrote:
Hi All,
Created a small patch for 8.1 to add name support to /etc/rc.d/jail.
This doesn't upgrade /etc/rc.d/jail to the overhauled invocation of
8.0 but merely adds the ability to set a jail's name on start which
was added in FreeBSD 7.2 (May 2009).
Could this patch be considere
On Sun, 24 Oct 2010, Spil Oss wrote:
Created a small patch for 8.1 to add name support to /etc/rc.d/jail.
This doesn't upgrade /etc/rc.d/jail to the overhauled invocation of
8.0 but merely adds the ability to set a jail's name on start which
was added in FreeBSD 7.2 (May 2009).
Could this