Hi All,

When starting a jail you can, as of 8.0 if I'm not mistaken, set the
JID and name for a jail. This change doesn't seem to have been
incorporated into the /etc/rc.d/jail script? Looking at
http://wiki.polymorf.fr/index.php/Howto:FreeBSD_jail_vnet it wouldn't
be a huge change to add name support. The other additions in that
script look a lot more intrusive. Are there any plans to merge this
patch into the jail rc-script or is this "v2" style of jail invocation
still considered to be experimental? As of 8.1 is seems to no longer
be considered experimental looking at the release notes.

The jail(8) documentation (mine lists FreeBSD 8.1 January 17, 2010)
seems to be missing documentation on the vnet command (due to the
experimental status)?

Kind regards,

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