> : comment out the PARANOID line in /etc/hosts.allow?
> : #ALL : PARANOID : RFC931 20 : deny
> Yes. This PARANOID option is really quite silly since RFC 931 is
> useless outside of your own administrative domain and off dubious
> value inside it. Best to leave it commented out.
> Warner
On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, [gill] wrote:
> check ps -ax to make sure the daemon is up
They are (syslogd and sshd).
> run the daemon /usr/local/sbin/sshd -d and watch the debug info
> run the client ssh -v for verbose
I'll try this and play around a little more tonight.
> are you running 4.0-RELEASE
On Tue, 1 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Actualy, I don't have 'login failers'. I just can't
> connect! "Connection refused", not login failer! I do not get login
> prompt at all!
Correct... However, per inetd(8), wrapped services log failed attempts
using the auth syslog facility.
> 'hos
>In that case it should log failure using the auth service...Try creating
>the file /var/log/auth.log and adding a line into /etc/syslog.conf:
Actualy, I don't have 'login failers'. I just can't connect! "Connection refused", not
login failer! I do not get login prompt at all! I even do not
Given this example IPs:
My Home PC: /dynamic IP from ISP, dial-up/
My Server:
I can telnet /and pop3 server is ok, popper/
Now, with this:
My Home PC: /dynamic IP from another ISP, dial-up/
My Server:
I CAN NOT telnet /pop3 server connection r