>In that case it should log failure using the auth service...Try creating
>the file /var/log/auth.log and adding a line into /etc/syslog.conf:

Actualy, I don't have 'login failers'. I just can't connect! "Connection refused", not 
login failer! I do not get login prompt at all! I even do not get any message from 
telnet-client! Just 'connection refused'. Currently I use ssh to log-in. I did what 
you suggest in /etc/syslog.conf. ssh logins are logged now, etc. But nothing else! 

>On your server use the host command. Type "host <your IP>" where <your IP>

'host' is ok in both directions (host <name> and host <ip> gives the same name/IP). 
Can I assume resolving is ok ?

If i could force things to be logged somehow :-) I can send my /etc/syslog.conf if it 
will be of help ?
Plamen D. Petkov, ICQ# 2214327
First Bulgarian Internet Store

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