If you don't want freebsd-update to update your kernel, remove 'kernel' from
the 'Components' line in /etc/freebsd-update.conf.
Colin Percival
Security Officer Emeritus, FreeBSD | The power to serve
Founder, Tarsnap | | Online backups for the truly
er has ever been.
Thank you for all the support and bug reports you've provided over the years,
and please join me in welcoming Simon to his new role.
Colin Percival
- --
Security Officer Emeritus, FreeBSD | The power to serve
Founder, Tarsnap | | Online
RELENG_9_0 |9.0-RELEASE |Normal |January 10, 2012 |January 31, 2013 |
- --
Colin Percival
Security Officer, FreeBSD | | The power to serve
Founder / author, Tarsnap | | Online backups for the trul
telnetd from most other
> vendors? In particular MIT Kerberos & heimdal?
It probably applies to everyone shipping BSD telnetd -- I notified the projects
I could think of, but I'm sure I missed a few.
Heimdal is definitely affected. I don't think MIT Kerberos ships telnetd
, 2010|July 31, 2012|
- --
Colin Percival
Security Officer, FreeBSD | | The power to serve
Founder / author, Tarsnap | | Online backups for the truly paranoid
I fail to see how the man page is incorrect here. What do you think it should
be saying instead?
Colin Percival
FreeBSD Security Officer
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Robert Watson wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Oct 2007, Colin Percival wrote:
>> We stopped uploading advisories there because we kept on running into
>> problems with ftp mirrors being out of date, while have complete
>> control over th
ither FreeBSD 6.3 or FreeBSD 7.0
> once
> those have been released (hopefully by the end of December). FreeBSD 6.3 will
> be supported until the end of 2009, while FreeBSD 7.0 will be supported until
> the end of 2008.
> Colin Percival
> FreeBSD Security Officer
ture (no more details).
Huh? The advisories on the webserver are exactly
the same files as the advisories which went to
Colin Percival
FreeBSD Security Officer
___ mailing list
2-RELEASE will be pushed back,
probably until May 2008; I'm waiting until the 7.0-BETA cycle starts before
making this change since at that point I'll have more of an idea as to when
6.3-RELEASE will happen.
Colin Percival
an IPv6 network -- both
>> routers and hosts -- are required by RFC 2640 to process such headers.
> s/RFC 2640/RFC 2460/
Colin Percival
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e're not affected, especially since we didn't get
> any advance notice of this; but I've asked several of our IPv6 / network
> stack experts to investigate this.
After hearing from a KAME developers who investigated this issue,
ince we didn't get
any advance notice of this; but I've asked several of our IPv6 / network
stack experts to investigate this.
Colin Percival
FreeBSD Security Officer
___ mailing list
gt; Disable / restrict recursion (to limit exposure).
Considering that the only FreeBSD systems which permit recursive queries are
those which have been specifically configured to do so, I don't consider this
to be a workaround. DoS by
on September 6th, right?
Colin Percival
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to_fd = open(to.p_path, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT,
fs->st_mode & ~(S_ISUID | S_ISGID));
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
Philipp Wuensche wrote:
> Colin Percival wrote:
>> In the end we opted to reduce functionality (the jail startup process is
>> no longer logged to /var/log/console.log inside the jail)
> Thats a bummer, when Dirk showed me this problem the first time my ideas
> for fix
e, as well as
the release engineering team for being very patient with us and delaying the
upcoming release to give us time to fix this.
Colin Percival
FreeBSD Security Officer
FreeBSD Security Advisories wrote:
> =
g. If any advisories happen
before 6.2-RELEASE, the appropriate binary updates will be available for
6.2-RC1 via FreeBSD Update.
Colin Percival
FreeBSD Security Officer
___ mailing list
ear opinions from the FreeBSD community about whether
this sort of issue is one which anyone really cares about.
Colin Percival
FreeBSD Security Officer
___ mailing list
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Bill Moran wrote:
> Colin Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This is a local denial of service bug, which was fixed 6 weeks ago in HEAD
> That was what I expected. Section III seems to hint that it could be
> used by an unprivili
be corrected in a future Erratum."
If there was any potential for
(a) privilege escalation,
(b) disclosure of potentially sensitive information, or
(c) denial of service by a non-authenticated attacker,
we would have issued a security advisory.
Colin Percival
oretically lead to
pre-authentication remote code execution if GSSAPI authentication
is enabled, but the likelihood of successful exploitation appears
Colin Percival
ase it matters, this is on 6.1-SECURITY/SMP with freebsd-update from
> ports.
Please send me the output of
# ls -l /lib/
# strings /lib/ | grep 2006
# md5 /lib/
Colin Percival
today, but delayed because of some last-minute problems.)
Colin Percival
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tatements like that make me uncomfortable.
DH and DSA are limited to 1 bits. RSA is limited to 16400 or 4112 bits
depending upon whether the public exponent is less or more than 72 bits.
I wouldn't have allowed this change into the security branches if I was not
he ports had the
same security problems as the base system code.
Colin Percival
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eeBSD Update builds finish).
Colin Percival
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imes later today.
Colin Percival
FreeBSD Security Advisories wrote:
> =
> FreeBSD-SA-06:19.opensslSecurity Advisory
blic exponent of 65537 are absolutely not vulnerable to this
Colin Percival
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Protocol. I'll send out a revised advisory once I'm sure I have all the
details right.
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
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reeBSD Update does not
include updated $FreeBSD$ tags, since the new values in those tags are
generated at commit time, well after the FreeBSD Update builds are run.
> I'm fairly new to FreeBSD, so I may just be missing something
> here--is there a reliable way to determine if a system
se visit
and complete the survey below before May 31st, 2006.
Colin Percival
FreeBSD Security Officer
___ mailing list
To un
I wrote:
> FreeBSD Update will work on FreeBSD 6.1 before the first security
> advisory affecting 6.1 is released.
I think I have everything in place for FreeBSD Update to run on
FreeBSD 6.1. Please test and let me know if I forgot anything.
Colin Pe
already work is that I was getting ready for my flight to BSDCan
when the release happened.
Colin Percival
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Stefan Bethke wrote:
> Am 24.04.2006 um 23:17 schrieb Colin Percival:
>> FreeBSD src repository
>> Modified files:
>> sys/amd64/amd64 mp_machdep.c
>> sys/i386/i386mp_machdep.c
> I do not pretend to understand the background, but
there were
several people in this position, so I'm hoping I can reach my target in
the next week.
As before, details about the work I plan on doing, how to donate, and a list
of the donations I have received, are at
Colin Per
sponse at
Colin Percival
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said, if I come close to, but do not reach, my target, I'll ask
the Foundation if they can make up the difference.
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
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s), please contact me by email to obtain my
mailing address. In either case, please let me know if you wish to
remain anonymous.
For more details, see .
Colin Percival
l -d0.1
> Version 8.13.3
> When I try to check patch (patch -C), I receive many "Hunk #n failed
> at nn." see below.
Try using sendmail.patch instead of sendmail411.patch.
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
the cracks this time.
Colin Percival
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They're just not there yet. mirrors from; the files are on ftp-master, but
they apparently haven't been mirrored yet.
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
y affects RPC messages
incoming via TCP, disabling the use of TCP with NFS will correct this
while still allowing NFS to run over UDP.
To disable use of TCP for NFS, remove the "-t" flag from nfs_server_flags
in /etc/rc.conf and reboot.
Colin Percival
Richard Kojedzinszky wrote:
> removed the whole /usr/obj, then issued make buildworld, but again it
> failed.
> My source is up to date, to RELENG_5_4, from
> What should i try next?
I don't know... buildworld works for me
bj tree lying around. Try deleting /usr/obj .
Colin Percival
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e depend && make
# cd /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/texinfo/texindex
# make obj && make depend && make && make install
Colin Percival
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Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 03:43:11PM -0800, Colin Percival wrote:
>>Even before you get to that point, you have to worry about making sure
>>that the build clients are secure. One possibility which worries me a
>>great deal is that a trojan in the build c
Kris Kennaway wrote:
> Also, pkg_sign(1) has existed for a long time, but needs the support
> infrastructure to make it usable.
Last I heard, pkg_sign(1) became non-functional when we changed from
gzipped tarballs to bzip2ed tarballs for packages.
Colin Pe
7;m not willing to trust the security of every system which
ever installs FreeBSD packages to the hope that nobody will ever find a
security flaw which permits a jailbreak. Once Xen is more mature, I
imagine that it will be very useful for performing such buil
t need to redirect your connection
> and wait 'til your next cvsup sync is done.
This is why I wrote portsnap.
Colin Percival
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e the build code I'll have to consult with the
release engineering team and the user community about which kernels would
be most useful.
Colin Percival
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patching fails), using a
caching HTTP proxy will use far less bandwidth than mirroring everything.
Colin Percival
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ecurity update in sendmail and you have
deleted the sendmail binaries, FreeBSD Update will ignore that particular
Is there any reason why this is insufficient?
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
tiple known bugs -- so I don't particularly want to expose it to public
scrutiny and I doubt that it will be very useful either.
Rewriting the build code is approaching the top of my todo list, but isn't
there quite yet; in the meantime, if you can send me more details about what
you want to do I
If you have any details about these, please forward them to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] so that we can investigate.
Colin Percival
FreeBSD Security Officer
___ mailing list
Kris Kennaway wrote:
> AFAIK there are no statically linked openssl applications in the
> FreeBSD base system, unless someone has specifically compiled them
> that way on their own.
I can confirm that this is true for 4.10, 4.11, 5.3, and 5.4, at least
under the default build flag
ontain the string "OpenSSL" (using fgrep).
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t is
supported by both the client and the server, so I don't
see why disabling SSLv2 entirely would be useful aside
from protecting against this vulnerability.
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
Jacques Vidrine wrote:
> I asked the FreeBSD Core Team to offer the security officer role to
> Colin Percival, and I am happy to say that they agreed and that Colin
> accepted. [...]
Thanks, Jacques, for the words of introduction. I'd like to take this
opportunity to say a fe
l example, the sequence
MD5(0), MD5(1), MD5(2) ... looks random, but obviously isn't.)
If we want to determine if the PRNG has been seeded properly, we should be
querying the kernel, not trying to distinguish between "random" and "non-random"
just based on its output.
> Affects:FreeBSD 5.3, FreeBSD 5.4
A few people have asked about this, so to make it clear: This issue affects
FreeBSD 5.3 and FreeBSD 5.4 ONLY. FreeBSD 4.x is not affected.
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
Uwe Doering wrote:
> So 'tcp_seq.h' needs to be patched, too. [...]
Or you could just follow the instructions in FreeBSD-SA-05:15.tcp. :-)
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
Michael Scheidell wrote:
> How safe is this your site?
This doesn't matter (much), since the ports code checks MD5 hashes
before trusting a downloaded distfile.
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
Mipam wrote:
> Thanks for the kernel.
> What parameters did you change in your SMP kernel.
> Just curious, surely gonna try your kernel. :-)
I didn't change any parameters, I just used the SMP kernel configuration
from the source tree (i.e., GENERIC plus "options SMP
Billy Newsom wrote:
> Colin Percival wrote:
>> It sounds like the SMP kernel I provided for FreeBSD 5.3 was quite
>> popular [...]
> I'm curious how popular. Would you like to report some statistics here
> on the list? As in, how many SMP downloads did you get
# freebsd-update fetch
# freebsd-update install
# echo 'bootfile="SMP"' >> /boot/loader.conf
and reboot. You should now find that `uname -ri` outputs "5.4-SECURITY SMP".
Colin Percival
me. Kewl.
No. On hyperthreaded systems which don't run FreeBSD or SCO, having
a local account buys you an attack which would otherwise be impossible.
(Unless you're running a really old version of OpenSSL.)
Colin Percival
no local users), you can set machdep.hyperthreading_allowed=1 in
/boot/loader.conf or via the sysctl after booting, and get the benefit
of hyperthreading.
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
Brett Glass wrote:
> At 07:42 PM 4/17/2005, Colin Percival wrote:
>>FreeBSD 4.11 will be supported until at least January 2007.
> Any chance of a 4.12, incorporating some of the last bits
> that have been brought into 4-STABLE...
Unless someone wants to step forward with a
rted for two years
from its release date.
Colin Percival
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My personal recommendation is to move to 5.x now; but to answer your
question: Yes. FreeBSD 4.11 is supported until January 2007, and the
latest plans (that I've heard, at least) have FreeBSD 6.0 coming out
some time in late 2005.
Colin Percival
ither difficult nor
time consuming) then you can expect security support until at least the
second half of 2007.
Colin Percival
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hedule. It probably took longer than usual for the ftp mirrors this
time since many of them are still grabbing the 5.4-RC1 bits.
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
To unsu
ead of 'vp'.
I agree that it looks a bit odd; a few people have pointed this out to us
(but none of them before it was committed into the CVS tree). That said,
it doesn't seem to matter, so I'm not going to go back and change the patch
Colin Percival
h will be written.
Taking the second example, if slc_replyp == slc_reply + 126, then we
will have &slc_replyp[2] == slc_reply_eom, but (looking at the code)
the two final bytes will be written into slc_reply[126] and
Colin Percival
ther affected systems if they wish.
Colin Percival
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from one of four different directories. We decided
that having everybody run "make buildworld" was far less prone to
error than trying to explain which particular version of telnet each
system would need to have rebuilt.
Colin Percival
David Schultz wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2005, Colin Percival wrote:
>>We're not affected. The problem is in copyoutstr(),
>>which doesn't exist in FreeBSD.
> It exists on FreeBSD/alpha because it was blindly copied from
> NetBSD. However, we don
m us.
stheg olloydson wrote:
> According to the site, this hole was disclosed 28.2.05. I wonder
> if this is the issue that Theo deRaadt was complaining about
Colin Percival
___ mailing list
Timothy Smith wrote:
> no patch or anything, is there any action on this?
We're not affected. The problem is in copyoutstr(),
which doesn't exist in FreeBSD.
I've sent an email to securityfocus advising them
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