Cant get SVGLIB running

2004-12-11 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello dear FreeBSD friends. I am having trouble to get SVGALIB running. I need it for running LINRAD amateur radio software from the ports. I cvsuped the ports collection and installed LINRAD and SVGALIB with the make and make install comands as usual, no problem at all. The problem arises when

Re: Cant get SVGLIB running

2004-12-12 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Ramiro Aceves wrote: Hello dear FreeBSD friends. I am having trouble to get SVGALIB running. I need it for running LINRAD amateur radio software from the ports. I cvsuped the ports collection and installed LINRAD and SVGALIB with the make and make install comands as usual, no problem at all

Re: Hang on install of 5.3 on old Presario

2004-12-22 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Scott I. Remick wrote: > I'm trying to breathe some life into some old hardware by giving it a task > of a server. I've burnt the full 5.3 ISO to CD. I can get it to read the CD > fine and start to boot. I get as far as the "Welcome to FreeBSD" menu (with > the ASCII daemon). No matter what opti

Re: Hang on install of 5.3 on old Presario

2004-12-22 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Christian Hiris wrote: On Wednesday 22 December 2004 10:05, Ramiro Aceves wrote: [...] I have an older 486 with 24 MB RAM and it runs freebsd 5.3 installation process very well, but unfortunately, its memory does not fit on the pentium. Did you try to move the harddisk of the 16MB box over to the

Re: FreeBSD's Visual Identity: Outdated?

2004-12-23 Thread Ramiro Aceves
jsha wrote: Hello. I am writing this e-mail hoping that someone will share my thoughts on how the world's best operating system should represent its attributes and users to the rest of the world. I am new to FreeBSD, only one month of use or so. I come from Debian GNU/Linux world and only want to

Re: Man pages take forever on slow machine?

2004-12-29 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Scott I. Remick wrote: Ok so I got over my hurdle getting FreeBSD 5.3 installed on this old Presario (it ended up being RAM... needed more than 16MB to get through install, borrowed some and then could then back off to default 16MB after 5.3 was on). I thought I was on a roll until I "accidentally"

Re: Epson Stylus C84 printer setup

2005-01-04 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Ted Mittelstaedt wrote: > Why in heavens name are you bothering with CUPS? Hello Ted and people there. I have working my Epson C84 in FreeBSD 5.3 perfectly with CUPS and gimp -print. Just curious. ¿What is the matter with CUPS?. I do not understand well what "GPL-crutch" means. I seems that you

Re: Best way to back up to CD?

2005-01-04 Thread Ramiro Aceves
messmate wrote: On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 13:31:26 -0800 Tabor Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello, I would like to start making periodic backups to CD. I know I can make a tarball, and then create an iso with just that tarball on it, and then burn that to a cd, but is there a better way? I come from

Re: Epson Stylus C84 printer setup

2005-01-05 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello Ted Many thanks for your response. Ted Mittelstaedt wrote: > Have you heard of the KISS principle? no :-( > > CUPS is unnecessary. unnecessary software complicates the machine > and makes it harder to troubleshoot. I don't personally care much > for this. I understand now. I agree with you.

Confirmed: 5.3 installation do not work with 16 MB RAM

2005-01-11 Thread Ramiro Aceves
hat in the next post to the list. Thanks Ramiro Aceves ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Can not get Xorg work on S3 card

2005-01-11 Thread Ramiro Aceves
know where to tweak things now, and compiling the kernel is not a quick "test and error" method :-( with this ultraspeed machine. I attach the following files: *dmesg* *pciconf -lv* *uname -a* *Xorg.0.log* *xorg.conf* Thank you very much in advance. Ramiro Acev

Re: Can not get Xorg work on S3 card [fixed]

2005-01-11 Thread Ramiro Aceves
It works now!!! I fixed the problem telling where PCI card is on the xorg.conf file. I do not understand it cause I suposed that Xorg searched for it : BusID "PCI:0:8:0" Thank you very much. Ramiro Aceves ___ ma

Re: Confirmed: 5.3 installation do not work with 16 MB RAM

2005-01-12 Thread Ramiro Aceves
snip i two had the same issues of not getting freebsd 4.9 , 4.10 or 5.3 installed and running with 16 meg of ram on an old 233 box that i whanted to use as a firewall/router .. so i put 32 in it and it works just fine with 5.3-stable ___ Thanks for the

Re: Thank you!

2005-01-14 Thread Ramiro Aceves
, BSD code is on Linux OSes, and GNU software is on FreeBSD ports.. etc... Thank you very much and sorry for my bad english. Just my 2 euro cents. Ramiro Aceves. (Spain) ___ mailing list

Re: Thank you!

2005-01-14 Thread Ramiro Aceves
martin hudec wrote: MH> Hello, MH> MH> On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 12:13:04PM +0100 or thereabouts, RA>>miro Aceves wrote: MH> RA>>If you argue that, you do not know Linux well. When I speak about Linux, RA>>I mean Debian or Gentoo. I do not think that they are chaothic or RA>>intended for desktop. D

Re: 5.3 Install

2005-01-16 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Lyn Robie wrote: Rarely have I found such an amateurish installation procedure. It's obvious you guys are hard put to find anyone competent in the user interfaces. And after such snobbishly rave reviews for FreeBSD on the web I was expecting better. I installed on an HP533 I386 with the X De

Re: Unable to install FreeBSD 5.3 on a SMP box

2005-01-18 Thread Ramiro Aceves
emory banks not supported by the motherboard. (Have you ran a memtest?) Ramiro Aceves. EA1ABZ ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

I do not understand kernel modules

2005-01-20 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello friends. I am a FreeBSD newbie, I am going to ask you a question that I have not been able to solve reading the manual. I am using 5.3 release. I have compiled a custom kernel in my old pentium 75 MHz machine to include the driver for my sound card. I added the following lines to the kernel c

Re: I do not understand kernel modules

2005-01-21 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Jorn Argelo wrote: On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 13:38:54 +0100, Ramiro Aceves wrote Hello friends. I am a FreeBSD newbie, I am going to ask you a question that I have not been able to solve reading the manual. I am using 5.3 release. I have compiled a custom kernel in my old pentium 75 MHz machine to

Re: I killed my system with grep

2005-02-27 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Ramiro Aceves wrote: Hello FreeBSD friends: I am running a FreeBSD 5.3 system with 64MB RAM and 150 MB swap. Yesterday I entered the command: # grep -R something / and after a while, my system did not respond. I do not remember the exact messages as I am on a winbugs at the University. The error

Re: Installation instructions for Firefox somewhere?

2005-02-27 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Anthony Atkielski wrote: John writes: I suppose I'm nit-picking here, but you would cron it rather than running it by hand. It's mostly the space that I prefer not to part with. How much space have you got to play with? About 2 GB total remaining on /usr. Just installing X stuff gobbled up a f

Re: Installation instructions for Firefox somewhere?

2005-02-28 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Anthony Atkielski wrote: Leonard Zettel writes: My own experiences have given me a definite bias toward using the ports system to compile stuff to be added to my system rather than going with the binary packages. I get the impression that many port maintainers who are fairly careful about keeping

Re: I killed my system with grep

2005-02-28 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Loren M. Lang wrote: On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 11:42:48PM -0500, Parv wrote: in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote Loren M. Lang thusly... On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 12:14:04PM +0100, Ramiro Aceves wrote: I am running a FreeBSD 5.3 system with 64MB RAM and 150 MB swap. Yesterday I entered the c

Re: global vimrc file

2005-03-04 Thread Ramiro Aceves
FreeBSD MailingLists wrote: I have the following ~/.vimrc syn on set incsearch set ignorecase set smartcase set scrolloff=2 set wildmode=longest,list I want to set this up as the default settings for my system. under linux i think there was a way to set global vimrc settings by writing to /etc/vimr

Re: Problem with libgphoto2, Canon Ixus v2 (USB) and 5.3-STABLE

2005-03-06 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello Olivier I have a Canon D-30 that works out of the box with gphoto2. Just #gphoto2 -P is enough for downloading the pictures. But I have a Canon A80 that refuses to do it without commandline tweaking. #gphoto2 --camera "Canon PowerShot A80 (PTP)" --port "usb:" -P If I use the simple command "g

Re: Compiling XFE

2005-03-07 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Graham Bentley wrote: Hello All, I admit, I am a lazy admin and like clicking with a mouse whilst talking on the phone, drinking tea and eating toast. I got used to XFE from using Linux and have enjoyed it in FreeBSD - until I installed it under 5.3 I am also an XFE fan, I love the command line als

Re: Problem with libgphoto2, Canon Ixus v2 (USB) and 5.3-STABLE

2005-03-07 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Chris Hill wrote: On Sun, 6 Mar 2005, Roland Smith wrote: On Sun, Mar 06, 2005 at 07:48:16PM +0100, Olivier Certner wrote: I've tried to download a few pics from my Canon Ixus v2 camera with libgphoto2 (frontends: kamera and gphoto2) without success. The camera is supported though, I even used

Re: Just installed FreeBSD

2005-03-07 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Katsuki Hirata wrote: Hi, I just installed FreeBSD and I have no clue how to run it. I'm sure it's installed right. When I boot, and after loginging with both root and/or another username, I don't know what to do from there on. How do I get gnome or KDE on? Is it supposed to be a graphical thing li

Re: Just installed FreeBSD

2005-03-07 Thread Ramiro Aceves
- Original Message - From: "Jerry McAllister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Ramiro Aceves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: "Katsuki Hirata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "freebsd-questions-en" Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 3:40 PM Subject: Re: Just ins

Re: Just installed FreeBSD

2005-03-07 Thread Ramiro Aceves
>I would add the BSD-like linux gentoo to the list, perhaps before debian: >it has a complete repository of packages and above all, what I found more >appealing with respect to debian, a wonderful managemente of ports allowing >you to compile your own system from scratch just like the ports of Free

Re: Recommend a Printer for FreeBSD

2005-03-10 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Epson Stylus C8x series (C84, C82, etc.) Use gimp-print and ghostscript to print. Can get full resolution to the printer. Has a parallel port. The C82 and C84 understand ASCII directly in addition to their epson language that you use to print color with. Cheap. Uses separate ink resivors so wh

Re: Installation from Floppies

2005-03-28 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Nick Wilson wrote: Hi I am trying to install 5.3 from floppies/network and I boot from the the three discs (boot, kern1 and kern2). At the end of this I get the FreeBSD 5 boot screen (about 8 options and the character drawing of a daemon). Taking the default option 1 just starts the boot from

Re: Installation from Floppies

2005-03-28 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Nick Wilson wrote: Ramiro Aceves wrote: Nick Wilson wrote: Hi I am trying to install 5.3 from floppies/network and I boot from the the three discs (boot, kern1 and kern2). At the end of this I get the FreeBSD 5 boot screen (about 8 options and the character drawing of a daemon). Taking the

cdcontrol fails

2005-01-28 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello FreeBSD friends. I have been learning 5.3 FreeBSD on an old pentium 75 box on the last weeks. The main target for this system is to have a light weight window manager to surf the Internet and read emails. I have even compiled the kernel to include sound drivers. The system works pretty well w

Re: Freebsd firewall

2005-02-03 Thread Ramiro Aceves
John wrote: On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 09:41:07AM -0500, Kevin A. Pieckiel wrote: On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 09:22:09AM -0500, Aperez wrote: Yes, I am sorry I made a mistake. I meant 64 MB Any idea what is the problem? It's possible that it's faulty hardware. A system that old could very well have its s

Re: >16MB memory requirement for 5.3 install (Re: cracked outfloppy install)

2005-02-08 Thread Ramiro Aceves
> > Sounds like memory is indeed the issue then - is the original poster > able to confirm this? If so, one of you should submit a PR requesting > that the docs be updated. > > Kris Hello Kris. I posted my experiences in the thread "Confirmed: 5.3 installation do not work with 16 MB RAM" on 11th-

Re: >16MB memory requirement for 5.3 install (Re: cracked outfloppy install)

2005-02-09 Thread Ramiro Aceves
I think it is a bug because there are some boneheaded older systems that have broken BIOSes where FreeBSD can only detect 16MB of ram without recompiling the kernel. I have just submitted a bug report. I am wainting for the confirmation. Thanks. ___ freeb

Re: >16MB memory requirement for 5.3 install (Re: cracked outfloppy install)

2005-02-09 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Submitted PR is docs/77304 Regards Ramiro ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: Freebsd vs. linux

2005-02-12 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Anthony Atkielski wrote: [...] Still another reason why I prefer FreeBSD is that it places far less emphasis on the desktop. Linux has been moving more and more towards a desktop because that's where the hype and money is perceived to be. [...] Hello Anthony and FreeBSD fans I use Debian as my mai

Re: Freebsd vs. linux

2005-02-12 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello Anthony Thanks for your reply. Anthony Atkielski wrote: Ramiro Aceves writes: I use Debian as my main system and I do not agree with you. I do not think that Linux distributions I use are doing more enphasis on the desktop. At least on Debian or Gentoo (the distros I know) you always have

Re: Freebsd vs. linux

2005-02-12 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Erik Norgaard wrote: Ramiro Aceves wrote: I although have observed that in this list, some of you hate Linux. I have never seen insults to FreeBSD in the Debian e-mail lists. They some times talk about some experiences about FreeBSD, but never say things like " such crap FreeBSD ..&

Re: Freebsd vs. linux

2005-02-12 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Anthony Atkielski wrote: Ramiro Aceves writes: Yes, but some OSes are famous for their "blue screens" None that I'm aware of. Blue screens are more of a popular myth invented by people who hate Microsoft than a reality. I saw occasional BSODs long ago when there were dri

Re: Freebsd vs. linux

2005-02-13 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Anthony Atkielski wrote: Ramiro Aceves writes: There are not a myth, they are a fact. I have seen bluescreens frecuently in win95 and winMillenium. Neither of these is based on NT, and both are dead products. How can I trust on a company that creates such a bad OSes? My girlfriend has got

Re: Freebsd vs. linux

2005-02-13 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Loren M. Lang wrote: On Sat, Feb 12, 2005 at 02:15:16PM +0100, Ramiro Aceves wrote: Hello Anthony Thanks for your reply. Anthony Atkielski wrote: Ramiro Aceves writes: I use my computer for my engineering calculations, surfing the net and e-mailing, and for fun and hobbies such as astronomy

Re: Freebsd vs. linux

2005-02-13 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Loren M. Lang wrote: I although have observed that in this list, some of you hate Linux. I have never seen insults to FreeBSD in the Debian e-mail lists. They some times talk about some experiences about FreeBSD, but never say things like " such crap FreeBSD .." as I have heard here many time

Re: Freebsd vs. linux

2005-02-13 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Anthony Atkielski wrote: darren kirby writes: I think your interpretation here is a tad glib. I think it's right on the money. The entire Linux movement is fueled by hatred for Microsoft. And the ultimate goal of the Linux movement is to build an OS that walks, talks, and quacks like Microsoft

Re: Freebsd vs. linux

2005-02-13 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Anthony Atkielski wrote: darren kirby writes: That is just not right. Perhaps for Redhat, SuSe et al this may be the case, but what do you expect? MS is their primary (only?) competition. Whatever happened to UNIX _servers_? There are a million different reasons to run Linux, and a million diffe

Re: Freebsd vs. linux

2005-02-13 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Anthony Atkielski wrote: Ramiro Aceves writes: How can I trust on a company that creates such a bad OSes? Most companies that write operating systems don't do a very good job of it on the first few tries. The older Mac OS (the one that preceded Mac OS X) was of the same generation as 1

Re: Recommended desktop?

2005-02-13 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Len Zettel wrote: I am looking for a desktop environment to run with freebsd. I will be the sole user. Just what I prefer: Must-have: graphical ftp client gftp if you like GUIs, wget if you prefer commandline apps. spreadsheet package capable of handling .xls files gnumeric or openoffice word proc

Re: All your laptops are belong to Windows.

2005-02-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello, Have a look at , I have not found your model, but perhaps you can take some hints from other HP laptops. Good Luck Ramiro ___ mailing list


2005-02-16 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello FreeBSD friends. I have read that others had this problem before. I just write this report for you to know. I received yesterday two old computers retired from a school and finally I was able to build a "decent" machine mixing the best parts of each one. The machine is an AMD K6 400 MHz

Re: UDMA ICRC error

2005-02-16 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Rob wrote: Ramiro Aceves wrote: I have read that others had this problem before. I just write this report for you to know. When I installed FreeBSD 5.3 R, I get some errors like this, but I could end the install: ad0: WARNING -READ_DMA UDMA ICRC error (retrying request) LBA=5313599 ad0

Re: UDMA ICRC error

2005-02-16 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Peter Risdon wrote: On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 06:31 -0800, Rob wrote: Ramiro Aceves wrote: I have read that others had this problem before. I just write this report for you to know. When I installed FreeBSD 5.3 R, I get some errors like this, but I could end the install: ad0: WARNING -READ_DMA UDMA

Re: UDMA ICRC error

2005-02-18 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Rob wrote: --- Ramiro Aceves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Rob wrote: Ramiro Aceves wrote: I have read that others had this problem before. I just write this report for you to know. When I installed FreeBSD 5.3 R, I get some errors like this, but I could end the install: ad0: WARNING -READ_DM

Questions about ports

2005-02-21 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello FreeBSD friends I have a question about ports. I have installed FreeBSD 5.3 on a AMD 400 MHz machine with 64 MB RAM, so it is not a fast machine for compiling big programs! :-). The problem I am going to tell you, happened to me several weeks ago into another slower machine (Pentium 75 in

Re: Questions about ports

2005-02-22 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Ramiro Aceves wrote: Hello FreeBSD friends I have a question about ports. I have installed FreeBSD 5.3 on a AMD 400 MHz machine with 64 MB RAM, so it is not a fast machine for compiling big programs! :-). The problem I am going to tell you, happened to me several weeks ago into another slower

Re: Questions about ports

2005-02-22 Thread Ramiro Aceves
- Original Message - From: "Lowell Gilbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Ramiro Aceves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 4:05 PM Subject: Re: Questions about ports > If you are going to mess around with those, it's probably e

Re: Questions about ports

2005-02-22 Thread Ramiro Aceves
> > I must have missed the first message. Easy to do when there are > several hundred per day. ok, yes, this mailing list is high traffic and that also happens to me. :-) > > I would cvsup the latest ports collection. (There is no 5-stable ports > collection, the same set of ports works for al

Re: Questions about ports

2005-02-22 Thread Ramiro Aceves
- Original Message - From: "Donald J. O'Neill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Cc: "Ramiro Aceves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 4:59 PM Subject: Re: Questions about ports > On Monday 21 February 2005 06:15 am, Ramiro Aceves wr

Re: Questions about ports

2005-02-22 Thread Ramiro Aceves
- Original Message - From: "Wouter van Rooij" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 5:03 PM Subject: Re: Questions about ports > I think the best you can do is install linux-mozillafirebird. I'm > using it for a couple of months now, because I had the same problems >

Re: Questions about ports

2005-02-23 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello again. Browsing the freebsd list, I have found this interesting link that explains it great: Thank you very much. Ramiro. ___ mailing list http:

I killed my system with grep

2005-02-25 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello FreeBSD friends: I am running a FreeBSD 5.3 system with 64MB RAM and 150 MB swap. Yesterday I entered the command: # grep -R something / and after a while, my system did not respond. I do not remember the exact messages as I am on a winbugs at the University. The error was about swapping.

Re: FreeBSD's Visual Identity: Outdated?

2005-07-02 Thread Ramiro Aceves
jsha wrote: Hello. I am writing this e-mail hoping that someone will share my thoughts on how the world's best operating system should represent its attributes and users to the rest of the world. I am new to FreeBSD, only one month of use or so. I come from Debian GNU/Linux world and only wan

I can not install FreeBSD 5.3 in an old Pentium 100 MHz

2004-11-27 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Hello dear FreeBSD friends. I am Ramiro from Spain.This is my first post to the list. I am a regular Debian GNU/Linux user, but I have been tempted to try FreeBSD. I have installed it successfully on my 1200 MHz Athlon computer booting from the CDROM drive and I like it, but I can not install it

Re: I can not install FreeBSD 5.3 in an old Pentium 100 MHz

2004-11-28 Thread Ramiro Aceves
ny other key for the command prompt then turn off acpi. If this doesen't work, try loading FreeBSD 4.10 Ted -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ramiro Aceves Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 3:04 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: I can not in

Re: I can not install FreeBSD 5.3 in an old Pentium 100 MHz

2004-11-28 Thread Ramiro Aceves
bian woody working well there. Thanks. Ramiro. Ramiro Aceves wrote: Hello Ted: Thanks for your help. I tried that before without success. I am going to download 4.10 floppies and I will tell you the result. Thanks. ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing

Re: I can not install FreeBSD 5.3 in an old Pentium 100 MHz

2004-11-30 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Ramiro Aceves wrote: Hello I have been investigating (I have read all freebsd manuals and search on the internet) and my old pentium machine has got the bad CMD 640 disk controller. FreeBSD 5.3 says that it does NOT support it. I think that they have removed support for it in the 5.x versions

Re: Cannot install FreeBSD 5.3 on notebook Toshiba A40-231

2004-11-30 Thread Ramiro Aceves
slatvick wrote: Hello People, I have Notebook Toshiba A40-231. I've tried to install FreeBSD 5.3 on it and had failure. CD plays, then I see menu, choose anyone(default, acpi disabled,...) and then after several lines Computer is stopped. Also I've tried to install with disabled acpi

Re: I can not install FreeBSD 5.3 in an old Pentium 100 MHz

2004-11-30 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Brian Bobowski wrote: > Well, salvage any hardware that you can; you never know, you just >might find a compatible motherboard without a CPU, and then you'll be >able to mix and match. (Speaking as someone who's missed too many >scrounging opportunities, here.) Dear Brian: Thanks for answering.

Re: I can not install FreeBSD 5.3 in an old Pentium 100 MHz

2004-12-01 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Ted Mittelstaedt wrote: Ramiro, Don't I qualify as a guru, I did after all write a book on it: Thanks Ted for your mail. I am very happy of beeing able to speak with people that knows well the FreeBSD system. Also, as for your problem with the CMD640, I m

Re: I can not install FreeBSD 5.3 in an old Pentium 100 MHz

2004-12-02 Thread Ramiro Aceves
Ted Mittelstaedt wrote: -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ramiro Aceves Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 2:18 AM To: Ted Mittelstaedt You are right Ted, when I had Linux installed on that pentium machine it worked even slower than a 486

Re: I can not install FreeBSD 5.3 in an old Pentium 100 MHz

2004-12-04 Thread Ramiro Aceves
>Ted Mittelstaedt wrote: Keep in mind that the way this bug works is when you have a hard disk on the first IDE controller and a CDROM on the second (as you do here) when they are both transferring data at the same time the CMD 640 chip corrupts the data. You can fix it by moving the CD to the sam