I'm experiencing fatal issues with pools hanging my machine requiring a
hard-reset. I'm new to freebsd and these mailing lists in particular, is
this the place to ask for help?
it has a certain smooth-brained appeal
Several people, including me, have an issue like this with 9.1. Your
best bet is to try 9.0.
Hmm... interesting. Is there any consensus as to what's going on?
Before anyone jumps to conclusions though, lemme just post the whole
issue so we're on the same page (apologizes if it turns out thi
1. freebsd-fs is the proper list for filesystem-oriented questions of
this sort, especially for ZFS.
Ok, I'm assuming I should subscribe to that list and post there then?
2. The issue you've described is experienced by some, and **not**
experienced by even more/just as many, so please keep
Is USENET coming to its end?
Yes, for better or worse. It's been a slow downward spiral since the
late 90's. I can't speak for other countries, but in the US the majority
of ISPs started dropping access as a cost cutting measure since your
average layman didn't really understand or use it. Yo
Younger generations
In my experience, few people under the age of 30 have used usenet, and
no one under the age of 20 has even heard of it.
it has a certain smooth-brained appeal
Why exactly is the "bs=10240" is there? Wouldn't the default of 512
do just as well?
Modern systems can read and write far more than 512 bytes per operation.
Sticking with 512 would work perfectly fine, but you'd be imposing an
unnecessary bottleneck and the copy would be a lot sl
I have filed the following PR:
Er, don't take my word for law: I have *no* idea if 1M is a good idea
for most systems, I'm not even sure if it's optimal for mine. I did a
single test with three random values at different orders of magnitude
I have a new computer with windows 8, which I hate with a passion. I don't
play music and I don't do a lot of pictures. Basically I only search, some
EBay and games. Can I replace win8 with BSD?
[pc/free]bsd *can* be used as a desktop system, but it's really aimed
more at servers... a lot of
The problem is that now, the Windows system seems to think that the
size of the thing is only something like 24.2 Megabytes... *not* the
actual size, which is vastly larger (16GB).
but then at the last second I hesitate and decide to
actually try to _understand_ what's going on here, really,
Did you try using fdisk?
Don't use fdisk, it's waay out of date, doesn't work with a lot of
modern large drives, and has horribly arcane syntax. Modern versions of
gpart support MBR, so there's basically no reason to suffer through
fdisk anymore.
Personally I'm using FreeBSD _exclusively_ (!) on the desktop
since version 4.0, and I haven't missed _any_ "common desktopy
thing" that is required for my daily work.
I was referring to general intent when I wrote that. For example, bsd
has poor support for things like sleep/suspend/hibernat
You might want to confirm that your processor model requires a thermal pad
and not grease. Then hunt some down and use it instead of thermal grease. I
seem to recall they were somewhat difficult to locate a place from which to
It's not that bad these days, search amazon or something
I'd really like to
have this working cleanly on FreeBSD without requiring any funky shells
Define "funky shell". Does it have to be straight up plain sh? Can it
use csh or tcsh syntax? Does bash count as 'funky'?
or using any temporary files.
Do you mean "manually created temp files"? bec
fail on an unwritable
...By which I mean you can't create new files because your disk is
completely full or you're booting from a ramdisk that's messed up, etc.
it has a certain smooth-brained appeal
I can work around this by downloading the files with clive and watching
with mplayer, but I'd like to make this work again.
To be honest, this is really the best solution for all platforms,
win/mac/bsd/etc. I don't have flash installed on any of my machines: I
use a plugin that downloads the
1) Given a system running FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE, is anything bad gonna
happen if I insert a drive into this thing while the system is running?
Assuming your board supports sata hotswap (too lazy to check) it'll be
just fine. I've done this many times with the machine I'm messing with
zfs on.
However, if the OP wanted to actually truncate $FOO to 51
NEWFOO=$( echo "$FOO" | awk -v max=51 '{print substr($0,0,max)}' )
You don't need all that for a simple truncation/substring, you can do it
with a direct assignment:
The three params here are "variabl
That works for bash, not sh.
Ok granted, but I don't think that ${#foo} is straight sh either, so I
assumed "things bash/tcsh/ksh/whatever accept when running in sh
emulation" were ok.
it has a certain smooth-brained appeal
You need the sata ports running in straight up pure ahci mode (as
opposed to "IDE mode" or "compatible" or something that emulates old
style parallel-ata).
OK. Thanks Quartz,. I'll make it a point to check for that.
The wording on different bios' can ofte
Be aware that Windows up through XP doesn't
support ahci,
There is a huge amount of information via a quick Google search that
would seem to contradict your statements regarding WinXP and AHCI.
Sorry, poor choice of wording. I meant earlier versions of Windows don't
support achi *natively
#foo works with sh
Is it actually part of the official spec though is what I'm wondering,
or is it a case of other shells not rejecting 'advanced' statements when
running in emulation.
At least FreeBSD's implementation of sh (which is ash, I think)
supports the # functionality.
The rea
By default, there is no bash on FreeBSD,
Right right... I know this, but forgot what list I was on :)
It doesn't help that I always install bash first thing on any freebsd
box or it get's installed automatically as part of pc-bsd anyway.
it has a certai
I say this from a FreeBSD context. It may entirely be possible that a
Linux distro uses bash in /bin/sh
Yes. For most (all?) linux distros as well as osx, /bin/sh is actually
bash. When I say "emulation mode" I mean running a script with a
"#!/bin/sh" header on a system that doesn't have a rea
How does the ZFS option 'copies=n' and raid relate to and interact with
each other? specifically recovery in the event of a failure. For
example, is having three disks in a raid-1 configuration with copies=1
effectively the same as having three disks in a raid-0 with copies=3?
Are t
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