at a workaround.
The correct solution is to use the correct tool for the job. Either
install PostgreSQL and use it instead, or use InnoDB tables.
Bill Moran
___ mailing list
oot) in fBSD ?
Can't help you much here because I can't reproduce the problem. I compiled
your program and ran it and I was still able to use the system just fine
as it was scrolling numbers past. I was also able to CTRL-C the program
from the terminal and it stopped without any problems.
an IRC
> server as well as an internet radio channel.
> Simple website / control panel design is ofcourse a plus. None of that cpanel
> bullshit though, I prefer to meddle around with simple text files the way
> it's meant to be done.
> So,
your data is safely on disk, but I can say that PostgreSQL uses fsync
after each commit to ensure you're data can not be lost. From there,
it's up to the hardware, so ensure you have quality disks that don't
lie about caching, and you'll probably want a battery-backed RAID
N clients, and your local machine
is a VPN server)
The right tool for the job, I'd say.
Bill Moran
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pect your question is Suse-specific.
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Based purely on the symptom that the crashes started occurring unrelated
to any other activity, I would guess that you've got a hardware issue.
Have you tried running things like cpuburn and memtest to see if you
can reproduce it?
x27;t help you, it will provide details that you can post
with your question so that people can help you more effectively.
Bill Moran
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I have also tried
> lmmon with the -i option and that did not work.
We've been able to do this using IPMI.
Bill Moran
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sking folks to look at it and provide feedback.
Yes, a 466K shar file posted to the mailing list is going to tick a lot
of people off ;)
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If for some incomprehensible reason a laptop doesn't work then the answer
is going to be specific to the brand/model of UPS you have.
Bill Moran
___ mailing list
rking acceptably for us for a while. I expect it will
work for you unless you have applications that rely on locking for
actual shared file access.
As far as the actual issue ... sounds like you should open a PR.
Bill Moran
"Jie Ouyang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Test
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ably some stuff you can clean out
to make room. Do you have a /boot/kernel.old file that would free up
some space if removed?
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re clever than I may have figured out a way to pull it off ...
I'd be interested to know about it.
Bill Moran
___ mailing list
there is no way I can afford that move. If I
> could get there I could probably get good work. The town she is moving to is
> only 90 miles from Pittsburgh, PA and it looks like there are plenty of
> computer programming jobs available there.
Why don't you post a
a SWEEX PU103 with a Sil3512 chipset. Does
> FreeBSD 7.0
> support this chipset ?
Well, between the top posting and the ambiguous reply quoting, I'm not
sure what your original question actually was.
However, all the questions in this email should be answerable on this
you have to change the UID of the pgsql user in each jail so they
don't overwrite each other's shared memory, and enable SYSV SHM for
jails (via sysctl)
Bill Moran
___ mailing list
ever it's trying to
dump to. Personally, I prefer to tweak kern.corefile to be
/usr/local/corefiles/%N.%P.core. I can then ensure that directory exists
and that all users have write access to it (probably not the best idea
on a production server, however)
>From there,
to learn important things like this if you're going to get
anywhere in this business ...
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active machine and rsync again. This
second rsync should be very fast so you'll have little downtime.
Bill Moran
___ mailing list
this discussion with some colleagues a short time back. Our
conclusion (based on some research and experimentation):
1) Underscores are not valid in domain names.
2) _most_ DNS systems will work with them anyway.
3) Just enough DNS systems don't work with _,
it wrong.
Checksum problems occur sometimes during downloads ... that's the
_reason_ checksums are provided, to detect corrupted downloads.
Bill Moran
___ mailing list
novo T61. It runs FreeBSD 7 pretty well. The only problem I've had
so far is that FreeBSD is unable to put it to sleep, but my understanding
is that's not a Thinkpad-specific problem.
So far I've been very happy with all aspects of it.
Bill Moran
and breaks once it gets ENOMEM (doing another
> while(1) so it doesn't exit); this application's memory size in top
> always matches the kern.maxdsiz setting, however it has a very low
> resident memory number, according to top.
Have a look at /etc/log
In response to "Brad Penoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Brad Penoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 1:54 PM, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> In response to "Brad Penoff" <[EMA
In response to "Brad Penoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 6:09 AM, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In response to "Brad Penoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >> On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Brad Penoff <
licated. I set up new
jails almost every week. I get the impression that you have some reason
for avoiding the obvious solution, and I suspect it revolves around some
incorrect impression that jails are "complicated".
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h FreeBSD. Did you install CUPS and the ppd files?
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ot of stuff. Could be timing out on DNS or
other networking issues. Grab a tcpdump while it's running and see
if any networking is taking an extraordinary amount of time.
Bill Moran
he simple
VPN you describe is pretty easy to set up from this HOWTO:
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ok for php.ini file in the directory path or use the
specified file
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se AMD published their spec first. (FYI)
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e if I use
syslogd_enable="NO" and allow the script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d
to start syslog-ng
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
___ mailing list
needs to be SMIME/PGP aware and handle IMAP gracefully (according
> to the RFCs, not like MS crap.)
Have you looked at Sylpheed? I don't know how closely it will match
the behaviour that you're used to, but it talks nicely to every IMAP
server I've ever seen, and it turns the fo
On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 18:08:36 +0100
Erik Norgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bill Moran wrote:
> > The rc.conf manpage states that syslogd_program= can be used to change
> > the program run for system logging. This is also mentioned in
> > /etc/defaults/rc.conf and
On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 11:54:01 -0600
Dan Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the last episode (Mar 14), Bill Moran said:
> > The rc.conf manpage states that syslogd_program= can be used to
> > change the program run for system logging. This is also mentioned in
> > /
tem (as I
> said - probably a good idea but I just don't want to do that now, I just
> want to update my ports).
> Can't I just update the ports without updating the entire system?
Yes. Look at /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile
You _are_ on the right track, and you
it can
run efficiently. You probably want to leave that alone.
> Or can I just leave these as the defaults? I understand everything else in
> ports-supfile.
Chances are good you can stick with the defaults.
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
to install a boot manager
on the first disk. Be _very_ careful, as you'll delete Windows if you
choose the wrong options. I'm sorry that I don't remember the exact
sequence to accomplish this. As has been said: make good backups first!
You _only_ want to install the boot manager
I don't know the answers to your other questions, however.
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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should set you on the right path. Search for timecounter and calcru
in addition to other terms relevent to your issue.
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
___ mailing list
remove mod_php4.
You should be able to use portupgrade with the -o option to replace
mod_php4 with php4. See the man page for portupgrade for examples
(the EXAMPLES section in particular).
In my experience, this works 90%+ of the time. If this is a
production system, however, you'll do well to
t;- XYZ X.W.V Go See for <[EMAIL
> Is such a redirection possible?
> Is it hard to configure?
> Have I just described "relaying"?
According to RFC-821, it looks like "551 User not loca
Kevin Kinsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And, incidentally, Tim, judging an OS by its installer is about as useful
> as judging women by their appearance. There's more to it than that. ;-)
Really? Such as?
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
f, this will
disable the use of delayed acks. For things like file transfer, it's
pretty much typical practice to disable nagle, as it generally doesn't
help performance, and occasionally hurts it.
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
all or upgrade the port.
You could establish a set of options on a scratch machine, then copy
the /var/db/ports directory to the new machines you are building.
Also, the portupgrade.conf file allows you to add command line options
for ports. See the man page for details.
Bill Moran
of correctly configuring
DNS. But it is an indicator that you'll have difficulty tracking
down the source of the login.
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
___ mailing list
ed for nice
integration with Apache. It does _not_ automagically update your
Apache config to work with PHP, however. Seek out the HOWTO on the
PHP site, but I believe all you'll have to do is insert the
appropriate AddType directive in your httpd.conf.
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 20:43:43 +0200
> never mind!
man 1 jot
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 21:13:24 +0200
> jot != seq
Equivalent, no. But it does offer comparative functionality. You
should be able to write a shell script that wraps jot and provides
its functionality in the same format as seq.
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion
would never overflow, except in the case where the
queue is so short that it can't reply with a source quench fast enough.
To me, this would be expected behaviour. A little packet sniffing should
show whether this is what is actually happening or not.
As a side note, this is why arbi
g the database on for the first
time, you can temporarily turn fsync off while you're uploading the
data. If the system crashes during this, just delete and recreate
the database and try again.
It's not generally a good idea to run in production with fsync off,
tables without indexes
2) Insert data
3) Create the indexes
This will be much, much faster than inserting 3G of data into an indexed
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
___ mailing list
"Ashish Awasthi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/30/06, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > "Ashish Awasthi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I am a relative newbie, so please don't flame me if my ques
with an error:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: preg_replace()
> in /usr/local/www/data-dist/webmail/functions/global.php
> on line 85.
> After some research, I found that I guess I need pcre in
> PHP4.
> phpinfo() does not show --with-pcre-regex .
ell as any and all
errors that you received. Please cut/paste so messages are preserved
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
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> mailing list
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> This message scanned by the Collaborative Fusion, Inc. PineApp.
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s I'm slow today, but it seems
like you're saying: "I'm going to do this, is that OK?" If that's the
case, then the answer is "yes".
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
This may vary from one video
to the next.
5) Find a mailing list or other online community more specialized in the
area of videos, and ask the question there. While there may be some
digital video experts on this list, it's not a primary focus of the
FreeBSD community.
I'm not a video expert, but this should get you started.
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
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... which would allow connections to be initiated from the machine, but
not to the machine.
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
___ mailing list
hat is current?
I do not know of anyone who makes .isos of patch releases available. It
would be a nice contribution to the community if someone had the time and
bandwidth to do it.
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
Olga Zenkova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, all.
> I gather cisco router ip statistics. This statistics
> is made weekly by the "ip accounting output-packets"
> of IOS. Is there any port to calculate this data?
Look into opensnmp.
Bill Mo
t cases, you're not able to
> access other
> networks smoothly if connected.
I've never actually used it, but IPsec in transport mode should be
capable of what you want, and should not have the negative side effects
you describe.
At least that's the way it'
its running newfs(8) while the system is multi-
In addition, kernel time changes are restricted to less than or
equal to one second. Attempts to change the time by more than this
will log the message ``Time adjustment clamped to +1 second
> new shell it had opened.
> So, my question is how can I get it to execute a cd in the current
> shell using c code. You don't have to give me the code, just give me
> a term to search for or a function to look up. I'm sure someone knows
> how to do it here!
you could ever want. That and
a copy of the source code (which comes with FreeBSD) should keep
you busy studying for some time.
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
___ mailing list
e that DRAC keyboards
are USB keyboards). You may be able to accomplish the same thing with
some sort of modules or loader magic, but we wanted custom kernels
anyway, so it wasn't a hassle.
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
the daemon logo, you'll need to get Dr. McKusick's
permission, as he owns the copyright. He's usually pretty good about
allowing you to do whatever you want, as long as you're not doing
something nasty.
I don't know what the s
know nothing about.
I've seen a number of people bash Linux and the BSDs because they wanted
a simple, cheap solution to Windows and did not have the time or
patience to work through the learning curve. Unless I've misinterpreted
your email and you do have some Unix experience, this i
locate more CPU attention to this process? I've tried using "nice"
> but it does not help.
nice is the correct command to allocate more CPU attention to the process.
However, the process can't use the CPU if it doesn't have it's data in
Bill Moran
ant failover between two different gateways, you'll need to set
up BGP of some other routing control system to automatically adjust routes
as needed. An explanation of BGP or any similar routing protocol is
beyond the scope of an email explanation - if that's what you
the two processes. He hasn't
stated enough about the application to know whether that's relevent or
> On 4/6/06, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "Karl Ma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I have a py
> On 4/6/06, eoghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> > > On 2006-04-06 09:49, Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> "Tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>> I am just looking at Free BSD a
team is "broken", the wisest course of action would be to post here _before_
you commit to an upgrade that is unlikey to work.
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ecifiy the IP of your end of the VPN tunnel and it should force
the traffic to go through the tunnel. ssh, for example uses -b to set
the originating IP.
I'll reiterate, however, that the _best_ way is to properly organize
your routing so it happes automagically.
Bill Moran
Potential Tech
un multiple computers all off the same backend.
(Although newer NFS implementations make this less of a concern than when
Maildir was first developed)
PostgreSQL is a little more of a commitment, but it seems as if support
for PostgreSQL is growing, and has been for many years. So I don't th
Matthew Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In my humble opinion, sendmail is fine on almost any server not intended
> to be primarily a mail server.
Now, I don't want to start a pro/anti sendmail flame war, but when I read
that sentence, I laughed so hard I almost choked
"Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Apr 2006, Bill Moran wrote:
> > One advantage of Maildir over mbox and the Cyrus db (that, for some
> > reason, I seldom see touted) is that you can make a safe backup of a
> > Maildir with
ode enabled
> fxp: promiscuous mode disabled
> I didn't find it in fxp's manual...
> What's it ...
Programs such as tcpdump and snort will put the interfac
"Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 9 Apr 2006, Bill Moran wrote:
> > I have only a small amount of experience with Cyrus. However:
> >
> >
> > Based on that document,
us the investigation further.
> Want to walk me through this and will do. As I said, reproducible.
You could also install the setup under Bochs and enable full logging.
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
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ions imported. OpenSSL
is a non-trivial part of FreeBSD, so upgrading is not something to be
taken lightly.
Regardless, it would be worthwhile for you to see if there is an
outstanding PR and file one if there isn't. Sometimes developers get
so busy that they d
say "a terabyte of disk space" instead of
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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results to other POSIX systems?
The problem is in the way that real numbers are implemented. If you
do some searches, you'll find many, many discussions of this. Simple
fact is that the behaviour under these circumstances is not what
you think it is. This kind of thing is the reason that m
Krzysztof Nakielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 09:37:01AM -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
> > On Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:09:17 +0200
> > Krzysztof Nakielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I am havi
Greg Pavelcak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 14, 2004 at 08:31:40AM -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
> >
> > This has come up 1 times. It's simply not going to happen because the
> > beastie has too much historical significance. It's a matter of
Subject is the question. I'm using 4.9-RELEASE (I know, it's time to upgrade)
Just cvsupped ports and rebuilt ethereal. Using gtk-2.4.1 (gnome 2.6)
Ethereal starts, but when I try to start a capture, it just freezes.
Anyone else seeing this trouble? Anyone got any suggestions?
Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject is the question. I'm using 4.9-RELEASE (I know, it's time to upgrade)
> Just cvsupped ports and rebuilt ethereal. Using gtk-2.4.1 (gnome 2.6)
> Ethereal starts, but when I try to start a capture, it jus
Charles Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 14, 2004, at 3:23 PM, Bill Moran wrote:
> > Ethereal starts, but when I try to start a capture, it just freezes.
> >
> > Anyone else seeing this trouble? Anyone got any suggestions?
> Hmm, try using tcpdump?
es over...
> jerry
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is rebooted,
> at which point they both come back on. Due to our network configuration,
> it's constantly displaying blocked port 53 from one of the other servers,
> and I want UDP log_in_vain disabled permanently. Where can I do this in the
> configuration? Thanks.
> I'm positive...there is no log_in_vain entry in rc.conf. It only appears in
>, where both tcp and udp were set to 1.
That's really strange ... is you customized? It really shouldn't
The stock one only sets log_in_vain if /etc/rc.conf
essional world on hardware like
> this ? Anyone with a recommendation?
> This 'swap' won't happen untill Q4 this year, so it will be running
> 5-STABLE then. Please take this new platform into consideration for when
> recommending new hardware.
I recommend FreeBSD Systems: h
in /var/log to see if there is any
information as to what's going wrong?
If you disable KDM, are you able to start KDE by logging in and issuing
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
x27;ll probably
have to add syslogd_flags="-ss" to /etc/rc.conf
Otherwise, you're probably good, execpt that there are some spoofing techniques
that may be able to get around such a ruleset. That's beyond my expertise,
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
, it's beyond the scope of the FreeBSD project to
give you information on all of them. You're going to have to track down each
project and read up on their homepage what their design goals are, what
capabilities they have available and what admin is involved.
The biggest problem with OS
> And also: is this "UDMA ICRC error" because it's a Windows/DOS partition?
> Would formatting to FreeBSD filesystem solve the problem?
No, it's more likely because of the 40 pin cable.
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
ted, drivers are probably included in
4.10. See the hardware notes:
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
il, which can be a royal PITA to get running).
Postfix (IMHO) is the easiest to configure. Postfix is an excellent mailer in
its own right, but the ease of configuration may be its single, best attribute.
Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
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