On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 15:05:32 -0500
"Lisa Casey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi again,
> One last question and I think I'll be good to go:
> In my ports-supfile, I've changed the host to one that is local to me in the 
> USA. Do I need to make any changes to
> *default release=cvs tag=.

This line defines what _version_ of the ports you want.  "tag=." says
to get whatever the most updated version is.  This is usually what
you want (for ports).  For future reference, if you ever want a version
of the ports other than the most current, you'll change this line.  Also
note that "tag=." is usually _not_ what you want when cvsupping FreeBSD

> *default delete use-rel-suffix

Delete files that have been removed from CVS from your version.

use-rel-suffix controls some bookkeeping that cvsup up does so it can
run efficiently.  You probably want to leave that alone.

> Or can I just leave these as the defaults? I understand everything else in 
> ports-supfile.

Chances are good you can stick with the defaults.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
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