>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Sandy
>Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:52 PM
>In order to boost read performance, a RAID card should interleave
>reading from a RAID-1 volume by reading alternately from one drive and
>then the
I have an application with two processes that communicate using a Unix
Is there a way, similar to tcpdump, to spy on the traffic excahnged on
that socket?
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
On 6/20/05, Peter van der Linden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to install FreeBSD 5.4 onto a partition on my 1 year old HP
> laptop.
> I've done a lot of Linux distro installs, and sometimes I need to give
> the installer a hint about the graphics card,
> typically something like:
> bo
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Peter van der
>Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2005 7:06 PM
>To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
>Subject: how to install on laptop? video issue?
>I want to install FreeBSD 5.4 onto a partition on my 1 year
Hi all,
OK, we're still having the FreeBSD machines die on us. Its two specific
machines we've noticed, both FreeBSD 5.4, different hardware, different
Originally, orion, our mail server, started getting kernel traps and
dieing. Then, our primary ldap server, a week later, starte
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of P.U.Kruppa
>Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2005 6:37 PM
>To: Ted Mittelstaedt
>Cc: P.U.Kruppa; freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
>Subject: RE: Yet another RAID Question (YARQ)
>On Sun, 19 Jun 2005, Ted Mittelstaedt
Please post dmesg output from both systems.
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Matt Juszczak
>Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 1:56 AM
>To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
>Subject: FreeBSD Machines dieing, we've tried so much
>Hi all,
I am curious why it's so difficult to get a simple and straight
forward list of FreeBSD's features, that normal people can understand?
I am trying to write one of the largest articles ever to be published
on www.PCWorld.no -- to only say good things about FreeBSD. But I want
it clear what
In my research before posting this question, I saw this same question
in numerous places, but I never saw a resolution!
I have qpopper 4.0.5 running from inetd on FBSD 4.11.
I start it thus: /usr/local/libexec/qpopper
When I connect from my Mac to check my mail, I see the following in /
Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:52 PM
In order to boost read performance, a RAID card should interleave
reading from a RAID-1 volume by reading alternately from one drive and
then the other. You can see this in alternate blinking of the
activity lig
At 05:52 PM 6/19/2005, Charles Howse wrote:
In my research before posting this question, I saw this same question
in numerous places, but I never saw a resolution!
I have qpopper 4.0.5 running from inetd on FBSD 4.11.
I start it thus: /usr/local/libexec/qpopper
When I connect from my Mac to
I'm not 100% sure its writing, but when I try to write something and
then use "mt -f /dev/sa0 status" I got correct status of writen files so
I can just assume that everything is OK.
Tape is fine I was using it in work in DDS2 tape drive. I have some
problem with brand new tapes (DDS2 and DDS3
Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
On Sunday, 19 June 2005 at 21:22:43 +0200, Pavel Duda wrote:
I have problem with my DDS-3 type drive. I'm able to write on it but not
read data back. If I try to read them I get card dump and tape drive
hangs up. I have tried to upgrade firmware but problem remain
hi folks
iam using freebsd 5.4 with libnss-mysql 1.4 and mysql-client40.
libnss-mysql querys on localhost through a socket with no problems.
if i want libnss-mysql querys a database host i get errors:
- the connection defintivly works to the other server (veryfied with
the mysql client)
- the con
Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
Pavel Duda wrote:
I have problem with my DDS-3 type drive. I'm able to write on it but
not read data back. If I try to read them I get card dump and tape
drive hangs up. I have tried to upgrade firmware but problem remains.
Does somebody have experience with this ?
Fafa Hafiz Krantz wrote:
I am curious why it's so difficult to get a simple and straight
forward list of FreeBSD's features, that normal people can understand?
There is no real answer to this question.
I am trying to write one of the largest articles ever to be published
on www.PCWorld.
Just bumping this to see if someone out there might have a clue.
Check the archive or something to find the mail with the scripts and log.
On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 11:31 +0200, Tom Skoglund wrote:
> Hi,
> I have inherited the responsibility for creating the releases for an
> applicati
i know that its not a firewallthing cause i verify it with the console
mysql-client (same password and username) and it works like it should
the permission thing wars the first thing i checked because its the
cause of the most errors ;)
Oliver Dumat
On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 08:39:47AM -04
Pentium II / 433 MHz, VIA 693 chipset
At kernel booting system regulary crashes followed with spontaneous restart.
After many experiments I've figured out it was caused by absence of connected
PS/2 mouse. It's very strange, but when I plug it in, system normaly boots and
is working.
It's very
Andrew L. Gould wrote:
> Regarding the usage of split to divide files into several parts:
> 1. Can the split utility be used on binary files?
> 2. How does one rejoin the resulting split files to recreate the
> original file? I assume you can cat text files into a new file using
> redire
I was happy when I saw that the Battlefield 2 Linux Server was released. Now
I finally had the chance to run this server (a freebsd machine ofcourse ;))
I thought. After a smooth install (the most annoying parts was accepting the
agreements) I tried to run the server.
I entered the follo
Does anyone know of a utility that will get a webpage and dump the output
to standard out? I was going to use wget, but it dumps the output to a
file. Any ideas?
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
# pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui
The package cvsup-without-gui is installed successfully.
When i run this below command
# cvsup -g -L 2 -h cvsup.uk.freebsd.org
could not connect to the site mirror.
--output-document=/dev/cuaa0 for example not work?
On 6/20/05, Brian John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone know of a utility that will get a webpage and dump the output
> to standard out? I was going to use wget, but it dumps the output to a
> file. Any ideas?
> Thanks
> /
> Hello,
> Does anyone know of a utility that will get a webpage and dump the output
> to standard out? I was going to use wget, but it dumps the output to a
> file. Any ideas?
> Thanks
> /Brian
Lynx is pretty easy to use for this:
lynx -dump http://www.google.com
Alan Gerber
I'm missing a valuable free or commercial freebsd newsreader.
Under xp I use grabit from (www.shemes.com).
I tried the pan newsreader but it permanently crashes when reading and
caching "large" newsgroups (more than 100mb of cache).
Are there good and stable freebsd newsreader available?
On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
On Sun, 19 Jun 2005, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
What model of Proliant?
ML 350 G4
Oh good, we have a customer that has been looking at one of these
for FreeBSD and I'm glad to hear that you didn't have problems with it.
Absolutely smooth - and I
mozilla thunderbird
free and pretty good :-) exept (combine and decode) :)
On 6/20/05, Didier Wiroth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm missing a valuable free or commercial freebsd newsreader.
> Under xp I use grabit from (www.shemes.com).
> I tried the pan newsreader but it permanentl
On 20/06/05, Muhammad Kashif Yaqoob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>parsing supfile "/usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile"
>connecting to cvsup.uk.freebsd.org
>cannot connect to cvsup.uk.freebsd.org: connection refused
>will retry at 23:15:30
I don't think that particular
On Sunday 19 June 2005 22:31, Andrew L. Gould wrote:
> 1. Can the split utility be used on binary files?
> 2. How does one rejoin the resulting split files to recreate the
> original file? I assume you can cat text files into a new file using
> redirection (>>); but can you do that with
> This sounds good. How much time is left for you to write it?
A couple of weeks :)
So I have a lot of time to do research.
> FreeBSD is a typical system driven by technical people.
Clearly its weakest point.
> Or, as I describe it for myself, if I would know marketing,
> I would not write so
> Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
> > Pavel Duda wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >> I have problem with my DDS-3 type drive. I'm able to write on it but
> >> not read data back. If I try to read them I get card dump and tape
> >> drive hangs up. I have tried to upgrade firmware but problem remains.
> >> Does some
Dear sir,
I had already read the freebsd cvsup documentation
then i have apply this command in the freebsd.I will test it on so many
mirror that are in the cvsup document .I tested this below command
Hash: SHA1
| I went to mount a UFS filesystem on an OSX prepared drive and discovered
| that apparantly FreeBSD can't read mac disklabels? Is this true or am I
| missing something?
OS X Uses HFS+ which FreeBSD can not read. Its an A
First of all I have qpopper running on 4.10 and 5.4 with out any
problems. I installed the package version.
Second that error message is saying that user charles is not a valid
user on the ISP where you are telling qpopper to fetch the mail
-Original Message-
On 2005-06-19 22:37, "Andrew L. Gould" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Sunday 19 June 2005 10:34 pm, Olivier Nicole wrote:
>>> 2. How does one rejoin the resulting split files to recreate the
>>> original file? I assume you can cat text files into a new file
>>> using redirection (>>); but can you
On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 08:05:48AM -0500, Brian John wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone know of a utility that will get a webpage and dump the
> output to standard out? I was going to use wget, but it dumps the
> output to a file. Any ideas?
fetch -o - http://url
On Jun 20, 2005, at 8:12 AM, Bob Bomar wrote:
Hash: SHA1
| I went to mount a UFS filesystem on an OSX prepared drive and
| that apparantly FreeBSD can't read mac disklabels? Is this true
or am I
| missing something?
Is there a way to compile a C program, but generating a Linux binary
instead of a FreeBSD one?
Thanks and Best Regards,
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe,
I tried to install mysql query browser from source (1.1.11, get from
www.mysql.com) and I get blocked.
make hang in "Making all in gtksourceview"
Here is the display.
Any help ?
/tmp/mysql-query-browser-1.1.11/mysql-query-browser# make
Making all in library
Making all in source
Making all
Thanks for that tip. I tried it, but it still doesn't work. I also tried a
pkgdb -F to see if anything else was amiss. I also tried uninstalling imake6
and letting xorg install imake during the build, and even after completing
the install, it moaned and bombed out.
Any ideas ?
In another message you told that you take it from your AIX
system. Take a look at the DIP-Switches configuration, since it should be
different for that system.
Look that your dmesg recognizes the tape as SCSI-2, not 3:
Jun 19 20:54:32 monty kernel: sa0:
Removable Sequential
On Jun 20, 2005, at 9:15 AM, Alejandro Pulver wrote:
Is there a way to compile a C program, but generating a Linux binary
instead of a FreeBSD one?
I don't know if this works but assuming you have the linux
compatibility layer running
% chroot /compat/linux/ /bin/bash
% gcc
it must be a well-discussed topic, but I don't know where to find a good
description about upgrading from 4.x to 5.x. There is a production
machine running 4.10 and the owner wants me to upgrade it to 5.4. Could
somebody tell me the most important points to care? Or do You know a
--On June 19, 2005 2:16:38 PM -0700 John Jawed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok I removed the nvidia card, reconfigured X and everything works like a
charm! There has to be a driver incompatiblity in X for my setup. Now...I
guess my options are to switch from the "ati" driver to the
On June 20, 2005 11:28 am, Kövesdán Gábor wrote:
> Hello,
> it must be a well-discussed topic, but I don't know where to find a good
> description about upgrading from 4.x to 5.x. There is a production
> machine running 4.10 and the owner wants me to upgrade it to 5.4. Could
> somebody tell me th
Alistair Sutton wrote:
On 20/06/05, Muhammad Kashif Yaqoob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
parsing supfile "/usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile"
connecting to cvsup.uk.freebsd.org
cannot connect to cvsup.uk.freebsd.org: connection refused
will retry at 23:15:30
I don't thin
Hello Kövesdán,
Monday, June 20, 2005, 5:28:58 PM, you wrote these comments:
> Hello,
> it must be a well-discussed topic, but I don't know where to find a good
> description about upgrading from 4.x to 5.x. There is a production
> machine running 4.10 and the owner wants me to upgrade it to 5.
On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 08:33:45AM +0200, Christopher Illies wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 09:13:56PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> >
> > Folks,
> >
> > Once upon a time (like when I ran v 4.x) I somehow managed to
> > have a bunch of ttf-derived fonts that somehow worked with
> >
Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
xaa, xab, ... Chunks of the original file that can fit
in 1.4MB floppies (does anyone use these
A Linux boot floppy saved out bacon just last week, and it's still the
On Jun 20, 2005, at 07:59, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:
On Jun 20, 2005, at 8:12 AM, Bob Bomar wrote:
Hash: SHA1
| I went to mount a UFS filesystem on an OSX prepared drive and
| that apparantly FreeBSD can't re
A couple weeks ago I realized that my ipf ruleset was messing
up my web access ... ad had been for months I just tried an
older, simpler ipf.rules. Same results. Can anybody out there
in FreeBSD-land clue me in please?
On June 20, 2005 12:32 pm, Gary Kline wrote:
> Folks,
> A couple weeks ago I realized that my ipf ruleset was messing
> up my web access ... ad had been for months I just tried an
> older, simpler ipf.rules. Same results. Can anybody out there
> in FreeBSD-land cl
These commands use to give me information on who is logged on in BSD 5.3 now
for some reason no information is given from these commands when super users
are logged on. Any info.?
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
Due to FBSD's stability, I have never had to diagnose a kernel stability
problem before!! Lately, my server has been rebooting itself for an
unknown reason. There isn't anything informative in the logs. I can't find
any core dumps (find / -type f -iname '*core*'). Can someone point me in
the right
On June 20, 2005 12:36 pm, Dixit, Viraj wrote:
> These commands use to give me information on who is logged on in BSD 5.3
> now for some reason no information is given from these commands when super
> users are logged on. Any info.? Thanks!!
They work on my 5.4-p2 system. Did you remember to add b
It most likely hardware. Heat or RAM.
Get memtest86 and see...
On Jun 20, 2005, at 9:49 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Due to FBSD's stability, I have never had to diagnose a kernel
problem before!! Lately, my server has been rebooting itself for an
unknown reason. There isn't anyt
On June 20, 2005 12:54 pm, you wrote:
> I am not sure what you are telling me, please explain. Thanks!
First, I do not have the same problem that you have. So it is probably not a
bug in the OS but an installation error on your system. That is w, finger,
and who are working as expected (for me)
I apologize, the machine is running 5.4.
> It most likely hardware. Heat or RAM.
> Get memtest86 and see...
> On Jun 20, 2005, at 9:49 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Due to FBSD's stability, I have never had to diagnose a kernel
>> stability
>> problem before!! Lately, my server has bee
I pieced some info together from various sources... See the following script
(running on 5.4-p2, comments are in the script). I seem to have run into a
roadblock though... I am hoping someone else has seen this and solved it.
# (sk0) <--->| |
FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE (GENERIC) #0: Fri Nov 5 04:19:18 UTC 2004
I have apache2 running which I installed from ports. All is running
well. I would like to install the proxy module. As I'm relatively new
to FreeBSD and Unix I'm not sure which is the best way to go. Is there
a way to change the config
Benjamin Sher wrote:
Dear friends:
Well, the good news is that my first install of FreeBSD went
perfectly. I selected ALL for installation of ports and packages so
it took a good hour to install everything from my two CD's. And some
of the packages encountered an error and could not be installed
Benjamin Sher wrote:
Dear friends:
All that's missing now is FreeBSD. After completing my install, I
exited. FreeBSD exited normally, then rebooted. But no sign of
FreeBSD. Instead, Windows came up. I do recall choosing to have a
boot manager but never actually saw the screen and boot-up options
## Redirected to freebsd-questions, since this is a more appropriate
## mailing list for this sort of discussion.
On 2005-06-20 10:24, Benjamin Sher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear friends:
> I'm trying to install FreeBSD 5.4. The install CD that I created in
> Nero is fine. I also printed out
On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
Please post dmesg output from both systems.
The systems end up crashing so I can't do a dmesg or do you mean a
general dmesg when they are stable?
Here is the output from Caliban: http://paste.atopia.net/126.
The machine crashed again
Hello Benjamin,
* Benjamin Sher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, the good news is that my first install of FreeBSD went
> perfectly. I selected ALL for installation of ports and packages so it
> took a good hour to install everything from my two CD's. And some of
> the packages encountered an er
Nicholas Henry wrote:
FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE (GENERIC) #0: Fri Nov 5 04:19:18 UTC 2004
I have apache2 running which I installed from ports. All is running
well. I would like to install the proxy module. As I'm relatively new
to FreeBSD and Unix I'm not sure which is the best way to go. Is there
Ed Schouten wrote:
I do have one tip for you about your problem; if you've installed
FreeBSD on a machine with multiple harddisks (first disk Windows, second
disk FreeBSD) and your BIOS is set up to boot from the first harddisk
(HDD-0), it will just boot Windows, without even' looking at the
On Jun 20, 2005, at 11:28 AM, Kövesdán_Gábor wrote:
it must be a well-discussed topic, but I don't know where to find a
good description about upgrading from 4.x to 5.x. There is a
production machine running 4.10 and the owner wants me to upgrade
it to 5.4. Could somebody tell me
My swap used to be 30MB+
I increased from 256MB to 384MB.
For several days swap usage was zero. Then I saw it increase to a few
hundred Kbs.. and now it's up to 10MB.
I am wondering if it's because swap is not going down or there is now that
many more programs running (which I doubt).
In the last episode (Jun 20), Francisco Reyes said:
> My swap used to be 30MB+
> I increased from 256MB to 384MB.
> For several days swap usage was zero. Then I saw it increase to a few
> hundred Kbs.. and now it's up to 10MB.
> I am wondering if it's because swap is not going down or there is
Nice try,
but it didn't work, unfortunately.
I'm still getting the same error:
/usr/home/dennis/BF2/bf2/bin/ia-32/bf2_f: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5: version
`GLIBCPP_3.2.2' not found (required by > >
> -Original Message-
> From: Christopher J. Um
On Jun 20, 2005, at 11:48 AM, Matt Juszczak wrote:
On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
Please post dmesg output from both systems.
The systems end up crashing so I can't do a dmesg or do you
mean a general dmesg when they are stable?
Probably just a standard one so pe
On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Dan Nelson wrote:
When the system is low on memory, it will force the least used blocks
of memory to swap. It will not free the swap space until the process
owning them exits (even if it pages that memory back into RAM), so at
some point the system paged out 30MB of memory,
In the last episode (Jun 20), Francisco Reyes said:
> On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Dan Nelson wrote:
> > When the system is low on memory, it will force the least used
> > blocks of memory to swap. It will not free the swap space until
> > the process owning them exits (even if it pages that memory back
I am looking for a way to use FreeBSD as a L2TP VPN client. Does anyone
know of a way to do this. I found ng_l2tp, but I'm not quite sure how to
use it. If anyone has a good how-to, or can give me some direction, I'd
appreciate it. Thank you.
Andy Miller
Attached is the dmesg as requested
Copyright (c) 1992-2005 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p1 #0: Mon May 16 21:25:42 EDT 2005
Hello ,
can you please point me to some tutorial regarding NAT and PPP.
I have successfully set up PPPoE connection on 1 of the interface, I am
able to make ssh and ping the server from the other interface but I am
still not able to make to make the system forward the packages.
--- Dan Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the last episode (Jun 20), Francisco Reyes said:
> > On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Dan Nelson wrote:
> > Makes sense.
> > Any way to find out which process is using the
> swap?
> None that I know of. Another one of those "Junior
> Kernel Hacker"
> proe
Did you install the linux binaries?
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Yeah, this sounds like a way to a solution. Of course, the
drive isn't mine :-/ so I'm sort of powerless on this point.
The consensus seems to be though that FreeBSD doesn't
support reading those mac disklabels (partitions)...
I wonder, can FreeBSD read GPT organized disks (ia64) under
Yes, and in OSX this drive has been formatted with their
idea of a UFS filesystem. The trouble I encounter appears
to be because
1) there is no dos partition information (no slices)
2) freebsd cannot read the mac disklabel format (no
I just want to confirm that I'm not running into an
I've resently installed freebsd 5.4 on to my HP omnibook 4150, i've got
the sound working and everything else setup perfect.
Or so i thought, the sound is fine unless i want to do something, if i'm
just scrolling in firefox it causes the sound to kinda of jump or skip,
i've tried different a
you are mixing up ppp nat and ipfw nat.
these belong to ipfw nat
natd_enable="YES"( I tried with NO too)
you do nat in ppp or in the furewall but not both places.
you need to post the desrciption of your over all network layout
-Original Message-
Fafa Hafiz Krantz wrote:
I know some people who were to afraid to move to FreeBSD as they
believed installing from source is equal to being a programmer.
Yeah I know a lot of people like that :)
For those people, the pcbsd project www.pcbsd.org might be an option. I
didn't try it myself (y
Gary Kline wrote:
> Folks,
> A couple weeks ago I realized that my ipf ruleset was messing
> up my web access ... ad had been for months I just tried an
> older, simpler ipf.rules. Same results. Can anybody out there
> in FreeBSD-land clue me in please?
Yet some other solutions:
with bash:
( printf 'GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n' >&3 & cat 0<&3 ) 3<>
with netcat:
printf 'GET / HTTP/1.0' | nc www.freebsd.org 80
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 09:31:51PM +0100, Grant wrote:
> Or so i thought, the sound is fine unless i want to do something, if i'm
> just scrolling in firefox it causes the sound to kinda of jump or skip,
> The skips only seem to happen when there is some type of activity on the
> computer, dis
On 6/20/05, Freek Nossin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was happy when I saw that the Battlefield 2 Linux Server was released. Now
> I finally had the chance to run this server (a freebsd machine ofcourse ;))
> I thought. After a smooth install (the most annoying parts was accepting the
Benjamin Sher wrote:
Dear Alex:
Thanks so much for your help.
I did try it, went into Post Installation Config, Label, etc. But at the top
there was no information whatsoever about any disks. Zilch. No slice, no
partition. Nothing.
Any idea what's going on?
I'm sorry, I meant to type "slic
On Jun 20, 2005, at 6:05 AM, Glenn Dawson wrote:
At 05:52 PM 6/19/2005, Charles Howse wrote:
In my research before posting this question, I saw this same question
in numerous places, but I never saw a resolution!
I have qpopper 4.0.5 running from inetd on FBSD 4.11.
I start it thus: /usr
I plan to use qpopper to retrieve root's mail (which I have aliased
to 'charles').
I will use my home lan to connect to the FBSD box from my Mac, and
read the mail.
"Charles" is indeed a valid user on the FBSD box. I ssh to that box
as charles, and am logged in as charles right now.
On Jun
On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 23:10:27 +0200
Roland Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 09:31:51PM +0100, Grant wrote:
> >
> > Or so i thought, the sound is fine unless i want to do something, if
> > i'm just scrolling in firefox it causes the sound to kinda of jump
> > or skip,
All users defined on the gateway sendmail server system have to
belong to the "mail" group, so the qpopper pop3 server can access
the user's sendmail mailbox.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Charles
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 6:08 PM
I know this off topic but the apache users mail list is slow in response to
this question. Anybody here
can help me please?
so I build apache 1.3.33 some about a month ago and around that time I stopped
seeing POST log
messages for my perl scrip
Charles Howse wrote:
In my research before posting this question, I saw this same question
in numerous places, but I never saw a resolution!
I have qpopper 4.0.5 running from inetd on FBSD 4.11.
I start it thus: /usr/local/libexec/qpopper
When I connect from my Mac to check my mail, I see
On Jun 20, 2005, at 5:22 PM, Greg Barniskis wrote:
Charles Howse wrote:
In my research before posting this question, I saw this same
question in numerous places, but I never saw a resolution!
I have qpopper 4.0.5 running from inetd on FBSD 4.11.
I start it thus: /usr/local/libexec/qpo
Am Montag, 20. Juni 2005 21:05 schrieb Andy Miller:
> I am looking for a way to use FreeBSD as a L2TP VPN client. Does anyone
> know of a way to do this. I found ng_l2tp, but I'm not quite sure how
> to use it. If anyone has a good how-to, or can give me some direction,
Check mpd from the ports
> On 6/17/05, Tuc at T-B-O-H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>Ever since I upgraded to 5.3-RELEASE-p15, I've started to run into
> >>problems... All of a sudden, anything I do results in a Segfault. Sometimes
> >>I'll get :
> >>
> >>/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: top: Share
On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, K. Greenwood wrote:
Perhaps /sysutils/lsof? Desc. as follows.
Checked both lsof and fstat. Neither lists programs that are using the
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