On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 23:10:27 +0200
Roland Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 09:31:51PM +0100, Grant wrote:
> > 
> > Or so i thought, the sound is fine unless i want to do something, if
> > i'm just scrolling in firefox it causes the sound to kinda of jump
> > or skip,
> <snip> 
> > The skips only seem to happen when there is some type of activity on
> > the computer, disk, network or screen. I dont know if i have missed
> > configuring something or i just need to apply some type of patch...
> Try enlarging the soundcards DMA buffer; Add the following line to
> /boot/device.hints and reboot:
> hint.pcm.0.buffersize="16384"


I found the above line on google when i had a looke, i shoved it in but
with another number 65536 i dont know if that made a difference, but i
tried the exact line above with that number.

The Jitter is still there, but instead of happening when firefox is
scrolling its only when firefox is just about to finish loading
something, which i suppose would cause a CPU spike or something ? also
during playback firefox runs very very slow :/ i dontk now if this is
related at all, but with the cpu and the ram it shouldnt run that bad,
the window manager is fluxbox so thats keeping things to a minimum.

Previously i dont remember having any performance issues on this laptop
when using linux and freebsd, maybe i've configured the sound card wrong
which is causing all these problems.

I was also wondering if i should try 4.x instead of 5.4 i dont know all
the details about their difference and that, but it might be worth a try

Thanks again.
>From Grant.

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