> I Just upgraded my freebsd machine to a new board, this one has an
> onboard NIC where as the old one just had a PCI 10/100 nic. I put the
> old NIC on the new board as well so I can have 2 running out of the
> machine, but I don't know how to set it so that the onboard NIC (vr0) is
> the default
On 5/10/06, John Cruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I Just upgraded my freebsd machine to a new board, this one has an
onboard NIC where as the old one just had a PCI 10/100 nic. I put the
old NIC on the new board as well so I can have 2 running out of the
machine, but I don't know how to set it so
I Just upgraded my freebsd machine to a new board, this one has an
onboard NIC where as the old one just had a PCI 10/100 nic. I put the
old NIC on the new board as well so I can have 2 running out of the
machine, but I don't know how to set it so that the onboard NIC (vr0) is
the default and t