Re: [RFC] New category proposal, i18n

2009-06-24 Thread perryh
> > If i18n is too cryptic or too alphanumeric, and > > internationalization is too long, why not go with "nls"? > > I personally think that nls is equally as cryptic as i18n or l10n. Anyone care for "intlzn"? It's short, should still tab-complete from "in", and it may be a bit less cryptic than

Re: FreeBSD Port: smalltalk-3.0.5

2009-07-19 Thread perryh
Johan van Selst wrote: > ... versions 3.0.5 and 3.1 were both released on the very same > day: 3.0.5 is not older than 3.1. The former was a stable bugfix > release and 3.1 came with serveral new features (and unfortunately > no perfect backwards compatibility for running older programs) ... > > R

Re: Unable to build "graphics/gd"

2009-07-19 Thread perryh
Greg Lewis wrote: > Marcus von Appen wrote: > > It is a problem with how the FreeBSD upgrade tools work and how > > a port (read: application, library, whatever) manages its own > > build. > > > > Usually a port, in case it links to one of its own components, > > should do that by using the just

>1 linux_base port (Re: 7.2 amd64 Flash)

2009-07-26 Thread perryh
Boris Samorodov wrote: > PJ writes: > > I already had f8 installed as well as fc-4 > That's wrong. Two linux_base ports should not be installed > at a system ... Might it be advisable for each new linux_base port to declare itself incompatible with all earlier ones, to prevent this kind of error

Re: recent change to ifconfig breaks OpenVPN?

2009-08-02 Thread perryh
Stefan Bethke wrote: > Windows does not have p2p interfaces ... Last I knew it had the ability to connect to an ISP using either dialup or PPOE. I think they call it "dial-up networking" or some such. ___ mailing list http://

Re: freebsd-update & userland sources

2009-08-04 Thread perryh
Colin Percival wrote: > > On Sunday 02 August 2009 16:10:37 Tom Mende wrote: > >> Is there a way to get freebsd-update to keep userland sources > >> up to date? > Yes. If you have source code installed (for the right version of > FreeBSD) in /usr/src, then freebsd-update will keep it updated. > >

Re: [HEADUP] FreeBSD Gecko's TODO and plan for future

2009-08-22 Thread perryh
Martin Wilke wrote: > Background: > We have a lot of old stuff on the portstree and it's time > to cleanup old stuff. ... > * www/nvu last official release was in 2005, no longer >supported, and also some vulnerabilities. We have >www/kompozer which also need an update to ge

Re: editors/joe + textproc/aspell: dependency problem?

2010-03-09 Thread perryh
Erik Trulsson wrote: > If a port declares that it depends on file/library/whatever "foo" > from the port "bar", but you have "foo" installed from the port > "baz" then the dependency check will be fine (since it finds > "foo") but when the dependency should be registered in the package > database

Re: ports and PBIs

2010-04-10 Thread perryh
[dropped current@ since it doesn't take non-member posts] Tim Kientzle wrote: > The LD_LIBRARY_PATH issue is the most interesting > problem here. I don't immediately see a solution that > doesn't include teaching about some form > of per-application library path. Maybe install PBI

Re: php5 upgrade woes

2010-04-17 Thread perryh
Alex Dupre wrote: > Scot Hetzel ha scritto: > > Make sure that the devel/php5-pcre port is uninstalled, and > > then install the php5 port by defining WITH_BUNDLED_PCRE. > > No, no and no. I really cannot understand which is the > difficult part in following the 20100409 UPDATING entry. > Two simp

Re: Strange contents on some ftp mirrors

2010-07-27 Thread perryh
Marcin Wisnicki wrote: > At this very moment, french package mirror has INDEX newer than in > other mirrors: > ... > > yet it does not have those packages. > > How could something like this happen ? By being examined while a resync was in process: evidently the new INDEX file had been transferred

Re: Feedback on wanted port: obskurator

2010-08-15 Thread perryh
Frederic Culot wrote: > Following the links on the ports tasks wiki page I found > 'obskurator' to be a wanted port ... so I gave it a try > and report about it here. > > obskurator is supposed to obfuscate source code by changing > variable names ... > I believe the software itself is unusable a

Re: Which DEPENDS if something is just needed during port install

2010-09-06 Thread perryh
Matthias Andree wrote: > Am 06.09.2010 07:32, schrieb Dominic Fandrey: > > What kind of dependency should I define if I just need something > > for the install target? It's not needed before, not after and > > not for the package. > > > > I used to think it's INSTALL_DEPENDS, but I just found ou

Re: [ports/net/isc-dhcp*] Don't stop DHCP related daemons

2010-09-15 Thread perryh
Doug Barton wrote: > >>>... Is it really absolutely necessary > >>>to stop a service before it's files go away? > > IMO the only time the ports infrastructure itself should do this > is if it isn't possible to pkg_delete the port cleanly if it's > running. For example, if there is

Re: autoconf update

2010-09-17 Thread perryh
jhell wrote: > ... Mercurial being the distributed version control that it is > allows you to clone, make the changes you need to the clone test it > thoroughly and then either push or pull them to the main tree ... At the risk of starting the VCS variant of the vi vs emacs wars :) why Mercurial

Re: Distributed Version Control for ports(7) ( was: Re: autoconf update )

2010-09-20 Thread perryh
Konstantin Tokarev wrote: > Why not Git? One issue with either Git or Mercurial is that they are GPL. AFAIK FreeBSD prefers to avoid GPL in the base or in critical widely-used infrastructure if a viable non-GPL alternative exists. Granted SVN, currently used to manage src, is GPL; but its criti

Re: Distributed Version Control for ports(7) ( was: Re: autoconf update )

2010-09-20 Thread perryh
Janne Snabb wrote: > On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, wrote: > > One issue with either Git or Mercurial is that they are GPL. > > AFAIK FreeBSD prefers to avoid GPL in the base or in critical > > widely-used infrastructure if a viable non-GPL alternative > > exists. > > The project curr

Re: Distributed Version Control for ports(7) ( was: Re: autoconf update )

2010-09-22 Thread perryh
jhell wrote: > Feel free to correct me if I am wrong but it is not going to > matter much to what extent a license has to do with this besides > ease of mind maybe. We would not be using the source for the VCS > in a repo that holds the source that is being distributed and > none of the containe

Re: cvs commit: ports/mail/procmail Makefile

2011-08-30 Thread perryh
Matthias Andree wrote: > I understand that keeping unchanging software can sometimes be > necessary, if you're working around its quirks. > > At the same time I'd like to discourage new installations of dead > software so that it disappears over time, rather than haunt fresh > systems. > > How ab


2011-08-30 Thread perryh
Forwarding to ports@, which seems more likely to yield an answer to this particular inquiry than questions@ Please keep the OP, who is probably not subscribed to ports@, in the Cc: list. Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 13:52:12 +0100 Fr

Re: ports/sysutils/diskcheckd (Re: bad sector in gmirror HDD)

2011-08-31 Thread perryh
Chris Rees wrote: > Committed. Thanks! Oops. There was another file (not needing testing, since the changes are only in the comments) that I was also going to include in a "final" patch after the functional changes got whatever testing they were going to get :) The attached also includes the M

Re: Ports system quality

2011-09-02 Thread perryh
Kurt Jaeger wrote: > Probably just this: What about trying to port pkgin for FreeBSD, > so that pkgin can also be used on FreeBSD ? Volunteers? ___ mailing list To unsubs

Re: suggestion for pkgdb from ports-mgmt/portupgrade: add more explanation

2011-09-03 Thread perryh
Doug Barton wrote: > On 09/02/2011 14:58, Lars Eighner wrote: > > The main thing here, of course, is that ports uses "dependency" > > in the exact opposite of its normal English sense (just as > > twitter uses "following" in the exact opposite of its normal > > English sense). > > > > In normal

Re: sysutils/cfs

2011-09-04 Thread perryh
Chris Rees wrote: > > I've had to deprecate sysutils/cfs ... s/sysutils/security (at least in my instance of the ports tree). > Whoops, also missed a CVE -- buffer overflows can cause a DoS. Er, am I the only one who does not recognize what "CVE" stands for? BTW thanks for the heads-up, which

Re: reasons for rewriting regular memory (was: [ANNOUNCE]: clang compiling ports, take 2)

2011-09-04 Thread perryh
Matthias Andree wrote: > > I agree, but I can think of another valid exception. System with > > Hamming correction on the memory, gets a single bit (correctable) > > error. Need to rewrite the memory contents to reset all the parity > > bits! > That's a matter of the EDAC stuff, not the business o

Re: sysutils/cfs

2011-09-05 Thread perryh
Doug Barton wrote: > On 09/05/2011 02:33, Julian H. Stacey wrote: > >>> It is not responsible to threaten to remove ports without > >>> warning between releases for non urgent reasons. > > We understand that this is your perspective, however the community > in general has a different idea. I supp

Re: sysutils/cfs

2011-09-06 Thread perryh
Yar Tikhiy wrote: > By the way, the Debian folks invested certain effort in > keeping cfs up to date. Their git repo is still available > at . In particular, the > DoS fix can be easily obtained from the repo and placed > under files/ in the port. So at this poi

Re: sysutils/cfs

2011-09-06 Thread perryh
Doug Barton wrote: > > Better to deprecate such non urgent ports, & wait a while > > after next release is rolled, to give release users a warning > > & some time to volunteer ... > >> > >> That's an interesting idea, but incredibly unlikely to happen. > > > > It _certainly_ won't ha

Re: sysutils/cfs

2011-09-07 Thread perryh
Doug Barton wrote: > On 09/07/2011 00:07, wrote: > > Doug Barton wrote: > >>> Better to deprecate such non urgent ports, & wait a while > >>> after next release is rolled, to give release users a warning > >>> & some time to volunteer ... > > That's an

Re: sysutils/cfs

2011-09-07 Thread perryh
Peter Jeremy wrote: > On 2011-Sep-07 10:02:42 -0700, wrote: > >Reread the first paragraph. Provided the port is still in the > >tree, when they try to build it the ports mechanism reports the > >FORBIDDEN/BROKEN/whatever which describes the problem, and the > >expiration da

Re: [RFC] New ports idea: github / gitorious / bitbucket direct support.

2011-09-10 Thread perryh
Baptiste Daroussin wrote: > The main problem with that is: we have no way to keep a valid sum > of the distfiles if it is autogenerated (in particular with github) > and this sum is really important. No question about the importance of the checksum, to prevent trojans and other problems if the d

Re: sysutils/cfs

2011-09-10 Thread perryh
Matthias Andree wrote: > Am 09.09.2011 11:09, schrieb Conrad J. Sabatier: > > You fail to take into account the case where a port may need to > > be reinstalled. An extraordinary effort is required if the port > > no longer exists in the ports tree. > > If a "port may need to be reinstalled" then

ports deprecations (was: sysutils/cfs)

2011-09-10 Thread perryh
Matthias Andree wrote: > Am 10.09.2011 16:08, schrieb > > Last I knew, if port X uses services provided by port Y and port > > Y changes, port X often needs to be rebuilt and reinstalled even > > though nothing in port X has changed. AFAIK this has nothing to > > do with ba

Re: [RFC] New ports idea: github / gitorious / bitbucket direct support.

2011-09-10 Thread perryh
"Matthew D. Fuller" wrote: > On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 07:03:41AM -0700 I heard the voice of >, and lo! it spake thus: > > > > If I am understanding correctly, you seem to be saying that two > > distfiles autogenerated from the _same_ tag etc. in the _same_ > > repository, and

Re: Removed ports - looking from the bench

2011-09-10 Thread perryh
Chris Rees wrote: > cvsweb can also be used to find the day the port was deleted. Shouldn't that date be available in the MOVED entry? ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, se

Re: [RFC] New ports idea: github / gitorious / bitbucket direct support.

2011-09-11 Thread perryh
Lev Serebryakov wrote: > ... gzip, for example, has "timestamp" field in header. > Try this locally, without any [D]VCS: > > % mkdir test && echo "one" > test/one.txt && echo "two" > test/two.txt > % tar czf test1.tar.gz test && sleep 5 && tar czf test2.tar.gz test > % md5 test1.tar.gz test2.ta

Re: Thank you (for making the ports less boring).

2011-09-14 Thread perryh
Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: > It would never have occurred to me that "echo */*/Makefile*" > works when "grep xxx */*/Makefile*". Is that because "echo" > is a builtin command in csh (which is what I use)? I don't know, but I can think of no better explanation. > I notice "/bin/echo */*/Ma

Re: Substitute dependencies?

2011-09-19 Thread perryh
RW wrote: > On Sun, 18 Sep 2011 05:38:00 + (GMT) > Thomas Mueller wrote: > > First case I think of is the misc/freebsd-doc-* ports which want > > links1, which would be redundant if I already have lynx installed > > ... I don't really like links1 ... > > links1 isn't simply installed as browse

outside the box (Re: HEADS UP: ports/ and 10.0-CURRENT)

2011-09-27 Thread perryh
Ade Lovett wrote: > The undeniable fact is that configure scripts in general have > chosen to do things a certain way. Unfortunately for us (us > being FreeBSD), we have now broken these conceptions by moving > to a dual-digit major release. I don't suppose REVISION="A.1" i.e. using a sing

Re: HEADS UP: ports/ and 10.0-CURRENT

2011-09-27 Thread perryh
Eitan Adler wrote: > 2011/9/27 O. Hartmann : > > Now I understand why some OS vendors have choosen the latin > > 10 'X' for their tenth version of their operating system ... > > FreeBSD XP anyone? Are you sure there's a sufficient window of opportunity? :) ___

Re: FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2011-10-07 Thread perryh wrote: > portname: net-mgmt/portmon > deprecated because: No more public distfiles I was able to fetch it earlier today: $ ( cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/portmon && make fetch-recursive ) ===> Fetching all distfiles for portmon-2.0 and dependencies ===> Vulnerability che

Re: "postfix-current" broken on amd64 platform

2011-11-17 Thread perryh
Pav Lucistnik wrote: > The build jails are configured to have only IPv4 address on lo0, > but the host have both IPv4 and IPv6 configured on its lo0. Even disregarding RFC3513, is an IPv6-enabled kernel without an IPv6 address on lo0 a realistic configuration for a "real" FreeBSD system? If not,

Re: FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2011-12-10 Thread perryh wrote: > portname: misc/gtkfind > description:The program to use to have to remember all the options > to find(1) > maintainer: > deprecated because: No more public distfiles, no more upstream Looking at the Makef

Re: FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2011-12-10 Thread perryh
Chris Rees wrote: > >> portname: misc/gtkfind ... > > Looking at the Makefile, it appears that this port does not > > claim to have a MASTER_SITES other than MASTER_SITE_BACKUP, i.e. > > the FreeBSD servers. IOW, it looks as if we _are_ the upstream. > > > Hm. Are you interested in using it? I d

Re: FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2011-12-21 Thread perryh wrote: > portname: misc/gtkfind > description:The program to use to have to remember all the > options to find(1) > maintainer: > deprecated because: No more public distfiles, no more upstream > expiration date:

Re: Stop in /usr/ports/multimedia/x264

2011-12-21 Thread perryh
Kevin Oberman wrote: > I see the following errors during the configure stage: > ===> Configuring for x264-0.119.2113 > [[: not found That sure looks as if the configure script needs to be run with bash. files/patch-configure does this: -#!/bin/bash +#!/bin/sh which presumes that the scri

Re: multimedia/zoneminder: rc script runs mysql commands?

2012-01-12 Thread perryh
Chris Rees wrote: > On 11 January 2012 18:44, Doug Barton wrote: > > On 1/11/2012 10:41 AM, Mark Felder wrote: > >> perhaps we should see if we can get the mysql maintainer(s) to > >> fix the mysql rc script so it doesn't exit until the service is > >> fully fired up and functional? > > > > That


2012-01-17 Thread perryh
Jason Helfman wrote: > I was looking at update, and found that > MASTER_SITE_FEDORA_LINUX is only used in one port. > > Any objection to moving this site-index into x11-themes/bluecurve-themes, > and removing from > > There is also a referrence to it in,


2012-01-19 Thread perryh
Mark Linimon wrote: > On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 09:09:10PM +, Chris Rees wrote: > > I worry about the ethics of 'stealing' Fedora's bandwidth with > > other people's ports; we should only be using their mirrors if > > it's explicitly developed by Fedora. > > Correct. dougb has pointed this out

Re: NOT_FOR_ARCHS considered harmful [was: with the cvs history? trying to help INDEX builds.]

2012-01-27 Thread perryh
Matthew Seaman wrote: > Finally, all this testing the CPU architecture and the OS version > makes no sense at all for ports that don't install any compiled > binaries, such as shell scripts. Unless said script runs something CPU- or OSversion-specific, e.g. to perform operations that are support

Re: FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2012-02-07 Thread perryh wrote: > portname: graphics/vrml2pov > description:Convert VRML files to POVRay source > maintainer: > status: BROKEN > deprecated because: unfetchable This seems to be a ports-infrastructure problem, rather than a proble

Re: FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2012-02-08 Thread perryh
Doug Barton wrote: > On 02/08/2012 02:12, wrote: > > wrote: > >> portname: graphics/vrml2pov > >> description:Convert VRML files to POVRay source > >> maintainer: > >> status: BROKEN > >> deprecated b

Re: port variants

2012-04-13 Thread perryh
Kevin Oberman wrote: > While I think makefile-options is the way to go, I should also > point out that for the specific case of emacs and X11, it is > not used due to the very large differences. Other "variants" > are handled via options, but there are separate emacs and > emacs-nox11 ports. > ..

Re: Interactive tool for installing packages

2010-11-10 Thread perryh
Marin Atanasov Nikolov wrote: > in order to install the program, you need to: > > # git clone git:// ... > Surely, there's room for improvement, but that's a start.. :) Dunno about anyone else, but from my standpoint it would be a _big_ improvement to provide

Re: Interactive tool for installing packages

2010-11-10 Thread perryh
Marin Atanasov Nikolov wrote: > If you do not have git installed, you could still get the > latest snapshot of pkg_add_it via the Cgit repo. [1] > [1] Aha! I'm sure I looked at that page before posting, but did not see how to pull down a snapshot

Re: Suggestions on getting compiz working?

2010-11-21 Thread perryh
Doug Barton wrote: > So does anyone have compiz working with gnome on FreeBSD? I can't help with that directly, but have a related suggestion: Based on what I've been reading on wine-users, it seems that wine and compiz do not get along well together. When you get compiz working, it might be w

Re: packages compressed with xz

2010-11-30 Thread perryh
Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote: > > It would be nice to support xz(1) compression for large selective > > packages like firefox or openoffice as those will never run on > > smaller systems. > > Trouble is it ain't no way (CPU, space, banhdwidth on our side and > space,bandwidth on our mirrors side) we cou

Re: Attention ports committers

2011-01-15 Thread perryh
Eygene Ryabinkin wrote: > And please, please, please, try to put your shar(1) archive > somewhere to the Web and add the link to the PR: mail over > gnats if not uuencoded properly makes attachments with partial > quoted-printable stuff left ... Sounds as if Sec. 3.6 of the Porter's Handbook nee

Re: duplicate entry for graphics/yafray ?

2011-01-29 Thread perryh (Denise H. G.) wrote: > All breakdowns occur on the plumber's day off. ... except those involving the plumber's truck, which tend to occur on the day _after_ the scheduled day off, resulting in an additional day off :) ___ freebsd-port

Re: Instructions on Installing HP LaserJet P1102 on FreeBSD 8 (solved)

2011-01-30 Thread perryh
Warren Block wrote: > Generally, avoid the models that don't speak PCL or PostScript. By and large, this goes for printers in general unless your goal is to _work on supporting_ the printer rather than _using_ it. ___ mailing

Re: [CFT] cpu stresser^W libreoffice 3.3.0 final

2011-02-03 Thread perryh
Baptiste Daroussin wrote: > your built is failing because you ran it twice. > > make can't be run twice you should make clean before Doesn't this point to a bug in the Makefile, dependencies, etc? Last I knew the whole point of make was to build what needs to be built, skipping any parts which a

Re: Radiance

2011-03-04 Thread perryh
Anoop K wrote: > I would like to make a port request for > Radiance < >. After a brief look at the site (but not the code), I would _guess_ this to be a very easy port. It is said to be a Unix program, and because it was written during the author's employment at

Re: Superfluous dependencies

2011-03-12 Thread perryh
Charlie Kester wrote: > A few minutes ago, I was answering a post on the forums, in which > a user expressed surprise (and outrage) that the phpmyadmin port > was installing libX11 and similar things on his server. By > installing it myself and then using "pkg_tree -v" to examine the > dependenc

Re: Superfluous dependencies

2011-03-12 Thread perryh
Doug Barton wrote: > ... what is really needed is for the OPTIONS framework to take > environmental preferences into account when dealing with defaults > ... if WITHOUT_X11 is defined in make.conf, then the defaults for > OPTIONS that are related to requiring X11 stuff should be off ... > that lo

Re: sysutils/gpart: deprecated port, anyone interested?

2011-03-17 Thread perryh
Matthias Andree wrote: > > If someone is willing to update the port: I have an original > > tarball 'gpart-0.1h.tar.gz'. It would need a new home ;-) > > Is that tarball different from what's on sunsite and currently > fetched by the port? One would hope not :) and sunsite makes at least two fe

Re: fact-finding: problems after recent Xorg upgrade

2011-03-19 Thread perryh
Robert Huff wrote: > FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #0: Sat Oct 23 08:15:53 EDT 2010 amd64 > xorg-7.5.1 > fvwm-2.5.31 > ... > > Since the upgrade to xorg-7.5.1, I have had issues with > ... focus, for lack of a better diagnosis. > Before, as I move the 3x3 desktop focus followed the mouse. > If

Re: [HEADS UP] Ports Infrastructure Changes

2011-03-24 Thread perryh
Doug Barton wrote: > > This would be a good time to include ports-mgmt/pkg_search into > > the base system... > > It would be a better idea to put the pkg_* tools IN the ports tree > where they belong. :) Wouldn't this lead to a chicken-egg problem for those who use packages? How would one go a

Re: Updating multiple ports with portmaster

2011-03-27 Thread perryh
Doug Barton wrote: > On 03/26/2011 10:00, Matthew Seaman wrote: > > pkg_version -vIL= | awk '/^p5-/ { print $1 }' | xargs portmaster > > That's a good suggestion, but if you want to use that technique, better > would be: portmaster `pkg_version -vIL= | awk '/^p5-/ { print $1 }'` ... Unless the

Re: Dropping maintainership of my ports

2011-04-28 Thread perryh
Eitan Adler wrote: > > I've been told that we shouldn't be looking for reasons > > to save any unmaintained port, > > What you have been told is "no-one steps up to (a) fix the > problem, (b) take maintainership and (c) _continue_ with > maintainership ... > > If you are stepping up to do the wor

mixing local and remote package repositories

2011-05-22 Thread perryh
Suppose I start to install some packages using "pkg_add -K -r" and something goes wrong partway through. When trying again, AFAICT there is no way to tell pkg_add to first look for any package that it needs (e.g. dependencies) in the local repository created by the previous run's -K switch, but fa

Re: devel/fossology -- does anyone use this port??

2011-06-04 Thread perryh
Chris Rees wrote: > Hi all, > > On my drive to clear pkg-install scripts manually creating users > etc I came across devel/fossology which is marked BROKEN. > > I've made a patch for the USERS= problem at [1], but I'm going > to recommend deprecating the port unless someone can step up to > maint

initializing portmaster's local-packagedir

2011-06-22 Thread perryh
Starting with a single directory containing a few hundred packages (.tbz files), how would I go about converting it into the sort of repository which portmaster could use as its --local-packagedir? I suppose the first step would be something along the lines of mkdir .all mv *.tbz .all mv .a

Re: initializing portmaster's local-packagedir

2011-06-25 Thread perryh
Florent Thoumie wrote: > On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 3:09 AM, wrote: > > Starting with a single directory containing a few hundred packages > > (.tbz files), how would I go about converting it into the sort of > > repository which portmaster could use as its --local-packagedir? > > ... how do I fig

Re: KDE3 and Qt3 are not maintained anymore

2011-07-07 Thread perryh
Max Brazhnikov wrote: > The KDE FreeBSD team has officially dropped support for Qt3/KDE3 > ports. We are not going to remove them in the near future, so > you can continue to use them. But we strongly recommend you to > consider alternative solutions. Can you recommend an alternative for kdiff3

Re: UPDATING 20110730

2011-07-31 Thread perryh
Andriy Gapon wrote: > If for X ports all the relevant data under /var/db/pkg fits into > fs cache, then the performance may be blazing, but once you exceed > the cache size the performance might become totally different. and/or the poorly-performing system may have enough less memory than the ot

Re: Deprecation: round3

2011-08-02 Thread perryh
Baptiste Daroussin wrote: > For the third time, I'm running a deprecation campaign to > remove old, unmaintain and/or problematic stuff from the > ports tree (ports@) > > As usual I may be wrong there maybe some false positive, > I sharpened a bit my analysis scripts so there should be > less fal

Re: Deprecation: round3

2011-08-03 Thread perryh
Baptiste Daroussin wrote: > On Wed, 03 Aug 2011 02:02:39 -0700, wrote: > > What, exactly, is the significance of the list at > > > > > > beyond that the ports listed there are unmaintained? > > > > "make

Re: Deprecation: round3

2011-08-03 Thread perryh
Eitan Adler wrote: > > "make fetch" succeeded for every one of the ~150 ports that > > I tried from that list, using the first site it attempted in > > the considerable majority of cases. > > Did it fetch from a FreeBSD distfile mirror? We don't count > that as functioning correctly. I'm aware o

Re: sysutils/diskcheckd needs fixing and a maintainer

2011-08-17 Thread perryh
Chris Rees wrote: > We don't want to provide broken software. Mark Linimon wrote: > ... it's obsolete, broken, junk ... Unless there is more to this than is reported in those two PRs, I'd call it a considerable exaggeration to describe diskcheckd as "broken". *

Re: sysutils/diskcheckd needs fixing and a maintainer

2011-08-19 Thread perryh
Chris Rees wrote: > On 18 Aug 2011 08:15, "Matthias Andree" wrote: > > Am 18.08.2011 08:20, schrieb Chris Rees: > > > On 18 August 2011 09:03, wrote: > > >> Chris Rees wrote: > > >> > > >>> We don't want to provide broken software. > > >> > > >> Mark Linimon wrote: > > >> > > >>> ... it's obs

Re: sysutils/diskcheckd needs fixing and a maintainer

2011-08-20 Thread perryh
Chris Rees wrote: > Is it logging to syslog? I haven't seen anything in /var/log/messages or on ttyv0, but this may be a matter of configuration rather than a problem with diskcheckd. * I'm running diskcheckd as a normal user, not as root. (The user is in the operator group and does have rea

ports/sysutils/diskcheckd (Re: bad sector in gmirror HDD)

2011-08-24 Thread perryh
> When the specified or calculated rate exceeds 64KB/sec, the > required sleep interval between 64KB chunks is less than one > second. Since diskcheckd calculates the interval in whole seconds > -- because it calls sleep() rather than usleep() or nanosleep() > -- an interval of less than one secon

Re: sysutils/diskcheckd needs fixing and a maintainer

2011-08-24 Thread perryh
> > Is it logging to syslog? > > I haven't seen anything in /var/log/messages or on ttyv0 ... It does log errors to syslog. The informational message when reaching the end of the disk is discarded with default syslog.conf, but presumably would be logged if syslog were so configured. > > Also, wo

Re: port unmaintained since 2005? drop it? misc/gpt*

2012-06-10 Thread perryh
Michael Scheidell wrote: > Two unmaintained ports, nothing depends on them, and upstream has > not updated source since 2004, ftp server unresponsive. > > > (gpt32: misc/gpt also unmaintained since 2005. > >

Re: Port system "problems"

2012-06-27 Thread perryh
Baptiste Daroussin wrote: > On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 12:22:28AM +0200, Florent Peterschmitt > wrote: > > 2. Why do we have to put WITH_NEW_XORG in /etc/make.conf to > > get it ? Why not put this var in a port configuration file > > which will be read by all ports needing this var ? > > Because this

Re: Any way to keep two versions of Xorg?

2013-04-28 Thread perryh
"Thomas Mueller" wrote: > Is there any way to keep two versions of Xorg-server, using no > more than one at a time? > > Reason is the newer but unstable version with KMS, permitting > full use of the newer Intel graphics chips. Provided you are OK with having the new KMS code in the kernel while

vpnc connects, but does not work

2008-12-24 Thread perryh
I have installed vpnc to connect to an employer's Cisco VPN system, and it seems to make the connection, but after connecting I can't ping the gateway nor anything beyond it. The symptom seems to resemble what is described in the Routing section of,

Re: vpnc connects, but does not work

2008-12-26 Thread perryh
> > I have installed vpnc to connect to an employer's Cisco > > VPN system, and it seems to make the connection, but after > > connecting I can't ping the gateway nor anything beyond it ... > > > > Does this look at all familiar to anyone? > > I have no idea since I haven't used vpnc, yet, but

FIXED: vpnc connects, but does not work

2009-01-04 Thread perryh
> I have installed vpnc to connect to an employer's Cisco VPN > system, and it seems to make the connection, but after connecting > I can't ping the gateway nor anything beyond it ... It turned out the only problem was the absence of NAT Traversal Mode cisco-udp in vpnc.conf. (Presumably not

Re: Dead projects in ports tree

2009-02-28 Thread perryh
Garrett Cooper wrote: > Just trying to amass cruft in the ports tree that could be > marked deprecated and removed ... > > multimedia/openquicktime - no movement in CVS / SVN for 1+ years; > no releases in the past 3 years This strikes me as slim evidence on which to seek a death sentence :)

mtools vs X11 (Re: FreeBSD Port: syslinux-3.72)

2009-03-19 Thread perryh
Gary Jennejohn wrote: > Luigi Rizzo wrote: > > ... Cynthia Flynn wrote: > [snip - syslinux pulls in too much X11 stuff] > > I think the extra dependencies that you find listed for syslinux: > > [snip] > > come directly from mtools ... > > Yeah. It looks like mtools uses X11 by default, which IMH

Re: mtools vs X11 (Re: FreeBSD Port: syslinux-3.72)

2009-03-21 Thread perryh
Gary Jennejohn wrote: > mtools doesn't use config options. You have to set them on the > command line when you install the port. When you install it, or when you build it? ___ mailing list

Re: mtools vs X11 (Re: FreeBSD Port: syslinux-3.72)

2009-03-21 Thread perryh
Wesley Shields wrote: > On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 05:35:15PM -0700, Cynthia Flynn wrote: > > Steven Kreuzer wrote: > > > On Mar 20, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Cynthia Flynn wrote: > > >> Can someone confirm for me that a normal port install > > >> of mtools brings up a configuration menu in which the > > >>

Re: HEADS UP multi processor compilations and packages

2009-03-25 Thread perryh
Pav Lucistnik wrote: > Brian Whalen p??e v ?t 24. 03. 2009 v 12:08 -0700: > > On a related topic, I wonder what the cost would be of acquiring > > enough hardware so that the probability of actually getting a > > package with portupgrade -aP would go up substantially ... > > It's more a question o