About biology/molden

2015-11-06 Thread Eduardo Lemos de Sa
due some system variable or library that I did not set. Please, do you have some hints to solve this problem? The makefile that I am using is attached in this email, as well the total output from compilation process. Thank you in advance Cheers Eduardo -- Eduardo Lemos de Sa Associated Profe

About moldenogl in biology/molden

2014-09-05 Thread Eduardo Lemos de Sa
hat I must to do add moldenogl to this suit or could you add it? In attchment, the Makefile modified by me after editing your Makefile in ports Thank you in advance Yours Eduardo -- Eduardo Lemos de Sa Associated Professor Level 4 Dep. Quimica da Universidade Federal do ParanĂ¡ fone: +55(41)3361