Dear Porters

First it all, I wish to say thank for support us to have molden running in

I got compiled and run the last port to molden (molden5.0.7_1,1) without
problems. But, I notice that a software (moldenogl) was not installed. I
could compiled after unpack molden5.0.7.tgz in another directory and
editing (a little) makefile. Comparing my makefile with makefile from
ports, I couldn't notice any difference. So, I tried to compile your port
(adding moldenogl to the list archives where there are molden gmolden surf
ambfor) but I was unsucessfull. Please, could you point what I must to do
add moldenogl to this suit or could you add it?

In attchment, the Makefile modified by me after editing your Makefile in

Thank you in advance



Eduardo Lemos de Sa
Associated Professor Level 4
Dep. Quimica da Universidade Federal do ParanĂ¡
fone: +55(41)3361-3300
fax:   +55(41)3361-3186
Voip Number call to (41) 33613600 (listen to the message and type 10531185)

Attachment: Makefile-modified-by-Edu
Description: Binary data

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