Google & the handbook hasn't helped on this one...
Is it possible to disable a driver compiled into a 4.10 kernel at boot time by
feeding a (set?) command to the loader?
In this case I want to turf the EM(4) driver that was compiled into the kernel
I've inherited and substitute it with a new if
From: "Oliver Fromme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> sfp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is it possible to disable a driver compiled into a 4.10 kernel at
> > boot time by feeding a (set?) command to the loader?
> >
> > In this case I want to turf the EM
No love with a /31 mask & default bcast addr. Perhaps ARP reqs are failing to
the subnet bcast address, didn't check. To fix, specify an all ones broadcast.
Tested this against 6.0-Release & a Juniper box that was handy.
As always, YMMV. Oliver has a point though, why not just use a /30 & sav
> As I said, that's simple: Remove the driver from your
> kernel configuration, then recompile the kernel. Easy.
True. That should have read, suppress from the loader. And apologies for top
posting on the /31 thread.