From: "Oliver Fromme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> sfp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Is it possible to disable a driver compiled into a 4.10 kernel at
>  > boot time by feeding a (set?) command to the loader?
>  >
>  > In this case I want to turf the EM(4) driver that was compiled into
>  > the kernel I've inherited and substitute it with a new if_em.ko using
>  > kldload.
> That's not possible.  You might disable a driver through
> loader variables (or kernel hints, or whatever), but the
> driver will still be present in the kernel image, so you
> cannot load a module that uses the same symbols.

I may have answered my own question.  Compiled em-4.1.6,  replaced if_em.ko
& loaded it from /boot/loader.conf.

The reason I need this is 4.10 enumerates the Pro/1000 GT (PWLA8391GT,
82541PI chipset) as unknown.  Need a newer driver to support the hardware.

I'd still like to find a way to suppress the driver in the kernel entirely
though :P

Thanks for the info!

> You will have to compile a kernel that does not include
> the driver.
>  > I don't have the option of recompiling the kernel to exclude EM(4).
> Too bad.  (Why don't you have that option?)
> Best regards
>    Oliver
> --
> Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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