the return value of sctp_connectx do not match any error

2011-12-02 Thread jyl_2006
Hi, I use FreeBSD 9.0 Beta2. When I use sctp_connectx to init a new association , the return value of this function is strange. The return value is not any of following:1.EINVAL, 2.E2BIG, 3.EBADOF, 4.ENOTSOCK. I use perror() function to see detail, it shows that " Resource temporarily unavailable

Re: the return value of sctp_connectx do not match any error

2011-12-02 Thread jyl_2006
First, I use the return value of sctp_connectx, and I do not use errno, so the return value does not match the errors gived in manual. Now,I know it is my mistake. However, I write a simple program to test sctp_connectx, it still show error.The errno is "EINVAL", I am sure that the paraments are s

Re: the return value of sctp_connectx do not match any error

2011-12-03 Thread jyl_2006
Hi, Michael The problem about sctp_connectx is solved.Thank you very much. But I encounter another problem, it's about sctp_getladdrs().Every time I call this function, the return value is "ENOMEM". Even I reboot the computer, this problem still exists. My function is: struct sockaddr*show_ip

Re: the return value of sctp_connectx do not match any error

2011-12-03 Thread jyl_2006
Sorry.The return value is -1, that means sctp_getladdrs() and sctp_getpaddrs() encounter an error. And the errno is set to ENOMEM. -- View this message in context: Sent from the fr

Re: the return value of sctp_connectx do not match any error

2011-12-04 Thread jyl_2006
I change the code , and the return value of sctp_getladdrs() is still -1, and the errno is "ENOMEM". My operating system is FreeBSD 9.0 Beta2. Thanks. -- View this message in context:

Re: the return value of sctp_connectx do not match any error

2011-12-04 Thread jyl_2006
Yes, I mean the program you send does not work. -- View this message in context: Sent from the freebsd-net mailing list archive at _

Re: the return value of sctp_connectx do not match any error

2011-12-04 Thread jyl_2006
Yes, besides "" , I also test between two computer, each one have ip address of wlan.The question still remains. -- View this message in context: Sent from the freebsd-net

Re: the return value of sctp_connectx do not match any error

2011-12-04 Thread jyl_2006
This time, the program you provide work perfectly. But when I use another program to test, the result is"SCTP_GET_LOCAL_ADDRESS:no such file or directory". /*My own program have the same set with the program you provide, that means the ip address is the same and both programs have same "Server to

Re: the return value of sctp_connectx do not match any error

2011-12-05 Thread jyl_2006
I download freebsd-rc2(Character-based) and use the new Operating system to run the code you provide(sctp_client.c and give name of ComputerA to the computer it uses).In another computer(named ComputerB) I run freebsd-beta2(Graphical interface), I use the code(sctp_server.c) and I use wireshark to


2011-05-14 Thread jyl_2006
I have download files from,and when I input gmake, It shows that: cc:../user/FreeBSD/libsctpuser.a:No such file or directory. I have tryed to search file named "libsctpuser.a",but nothing have found. Anyone who can help me? -- View this message in context: http://

sctp cmt problem:using two wireless cards the speed is lower than using one wireless cards

2011-09-14 Thread jyl_2006
Before testing cmt in wlan,we also turn on sysctl states by setting sysctl net.inet.sctp.cmt_pf=1 sysctl net.inet.sctp.cmt_use_dac=1 sysctl net.inet.sctp.cmt_on_off=1 My Os is Freebsd8.2, I write a simple tarball to send data , and get data from wireshark . The result shows that both two pat

Re: sctp cmt problem:using two wireless cards the speed is lower than using one wireless cards

2011-09-16 Thread jyl_2006
They are in different band.I am sure about that. I have test many times. -- View this message in context: Sent from the freebsd-net mailing list a

message from sctp getsockopt or sctp_opt_info show error

2011-09-24 Thread jyl_2006
Recently , I use getsockopt or sctp_opt_info to get the information of sctp association message, both two function return value of 0, and that means they work well, but the result of testing show some error. Here are the result that getting from function getsockopt or sctp_opt_info: NO. ASSOC-ID

Re: message from sctp getsockopt or sctp_opt_info show error

2011-09-26 Thread jyl_2006
I use one wireless card to communicate with another computer,which also has one wireless card. Both two computer does not set any system parameters by using command sysctl . I use a tarball to test and record. In this tarball,computer A use sendmsg() to send a file, and computer B use recvmsg() to

Re: message from sctp getsockopt or sctp_opt_info show error

2011-09-26 Thread jyl_2006
OK ,In Ubuntu, I use getsockopt to get sctp_status with lksctp tarball, the result show me that only sender get the correct value about cwnd , the receive's cwnd keep the same value. Second time, I use Ubuntu as sender and use FreeBSD 9.0 as receiver, and I does not set any system parameters by u

Re: message from sctp getsockopt or sctp_opt_info show error

2011-09-27 Thread jyl_2006
I am sorry,I make a mistake to test the result of cwnd, now the value of cwnd is ok. Thank you very much. Best regards -- View this message in context: Sent from the freebsd-net

SCTP : problems in sending ASCONF chunks

2011-10-23 Thread jyl_2006
Hi, I use FreeBSD 9.0 Beta2 on two computers . One have one wireless card, and the other one has two wireless card. When I use sctp with the feature of automatic address reconfiguration , I notice that no Asconf Chunk send. Here are INIT chunk message about association: Both in the INIT chunk a

Re: SCTP : problems in sending ASCONF chunks

2011-10-23 Thread jyl_2006
Hi,Tüxen I will provide more detail: The Topology is: 1( computer A ---1 computer B( 2( means computer has two wireless cards , I name them with A_1 and A_2, computer B has one wireless cards, and its name is B_1. N

Does "Transparent TCP-to-SCTP Translation Shim Layer" available?

2011-10-25 Thread jyl_2006
Hi, Does anyone know Shim Layer about TCP-to-SCTP is available or not? Or any schedule about this? -- View this message in context: Sent from the freebsd-net mailing list arch