I use one wireless card to communicate with another computer,which also has
one wireless card.
Both two computer does not set any system parameters by using command sysctl

I use a tarball to test and record. In this tarball,computer A use sendmsg()
to send a file, and computer B use recvmsg() to receive data from computer

Both the computer enable                
subscribe.sctp_data_io_event = 1;
subscribe.sctp_association_event = 1;

When computer A get data from function recvmsg(), I call getsockopt to get
status of association.
I set sstat_assoc_id as the value given by sctp_notification, and
sctp_opt_info's return value is 0, so I guess it work well. But the results
shows the value does not correct.

Second time,I use two computer,one computer run with Ubuntu, and the other
computer run with FreeBSD 9.0
, in Ubuntu,the result is OK, but in Freebsd ,the result keep same value.

So , does something we did wrong or steps I missed? 

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