olutions for this problem? Other software solutions
which will fun on FreeBSD? Any help would be most appreciated - even just
a "I wouldn't have a clue, e-mail this group" or something.
Thanks All
Tom Peck
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e archives with
>julian AND RFC AND ipfwin the net list..
>On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Tom Peck wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > We have ONE static IP with our ISP via a Cable Modem. Connected at our
> end
> > of the Cable Modem is a FreeBSD Firewall / Interne
Hi John
How would this work? The two web servers aren't accessible straight from
the Internet - traffic goes via the gateway box.
Or do you mean why have two web servers? Why not put both domains on the
one server and then port forward? That would be nice, but the two
different servers are
tching the work
>from the two back-end machines.
>On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Tom Peck wrote:
> > Hi John
> >
> > How would this work? The two web servers aren't accessible straight from
> > the Internet - traffic goes via the gateway box.
> >
Hi Kelly!
At 18:18 11/12/2001 -0800, you wrote:
> I have to apologize, I deleted the original post, but as I recall you have
>the actual forwarding working dandy. The only concern, which everyone has
>failed to address, is that you want the NAT'ed web servers to know the
>originating IP address
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lars Eggert
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:53 PM
> > To: Tom Peck
> > Subject: Re: 1 IP - 1 Firewall - 2 Webservers
> >
> >
> > Tom
> Ah, well that is good news. I'm not familiar with e-smith, but from the
>looks of their site it supports installing binary apache modules via RPM. They
>have a pretty good list of contributed RPMs on their site (under "modules" on
>the right of e-smith.org), but unfortunately it does not incl