2008-07-20 Thread Luigi Iannone
n the FreeBSD kernel. OpenLISP was designed and implemented by Luigi Iannone. You can find more details about OpenLISP from Any feedback from the FreeBSD Networking community is more than welcome. Best regards, Luigi Iannone [EMAIL PROT

Re: OpenLISP

2008-07-20 Thread Luigi Iannone
Hi, Le 20-juil.-08 à 20:33, Julian Elischer a écrit : Luigi Iannone wrote: Hello FreeBSD Networking Community, hello to you too :-) The latter approach is the solution chosen by the proponents of the Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP). LISP is a router-based solution to

Re: OpenLISP

2008-07-20 Thread Luigi Iannone | [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ ASCII Ribbon Campaign | Against HTML Mail and News ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: OpenLISP

2008-07-20 Thread Luigi Iannone
Le 20-juil.-08 à 21:49, Julian Elischer a écrit : Luigi Iannone wrote: Hi, A word about the implementation. The interception mechanism for LISP tunneled packets in ip_input/forward is *horrible*! Some of that is due to the design, but I believe it can be implemented much cleaner if


2002-05-29 Thread Luigi Iannone
Hi! I developped a basic implementation of MPLS over Ethernet in the FreeBSD Environment! If someone is interested in my code just e.mail me! Bye Luigi Iannone > Luigi Iannone LI

Host AP porting!!!

2003-09-15 Thread Luigi Iannone
Hi, Can anyone tell me if there exist a port of the HostAP software on freebsd (any version)??? Thank you all Ciao Luigi > Luigi Iannone - Laboratoire D'Informatique Paris 6 e.mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel: +33