On Sun, 17 Feb 2002, Zviratko wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a preferred way to do ethernet load balancing? My situation is - 2
> cable modems connected to two ethernet cards on with a machine functioning
> as a NAT gateway for LAN. I tried netgraph (ng_ether with round robin and
> ng_fec). With ng_et
I wonder if there is somebody who has a working winbond ethernet card. My
card has a W89C840 chip and an AC104 PHY. The driver doesn't find the AC104
and as a result the kernel panics. The fix to avoid the panic is very easy,
but i started to wonder if it is the AC104 that is causing this
Hi folks,
I'm trying to setup a VPN connection to my work's staff network. I think
I'm running into the problem described here:
IE: The physical IP address of the cisco device is the same as the tunnel
endpoint address, and packet
> > Hi,
> > is there a preferred way to do ethernet load balancing? My situation
is - 2
> > cable modems connected to two ethernet cards on with a machine
> > as a NAT gateway for LAN. I tried netgraph (ng_ether with round robin
> > ng_fec). With ng_ether, I achieved packets bei
I do not think your proposal is correct (the context is in
your other posting). The firewall provides the basic mechanism,
much like a CPU provides machine instructions.
Your ruleset (your program) makes use of that. If you write the
wrong program it's your business, not the cpu's business. The
this doesn't look like the same bug described in the link you posted.
The other bug caused negotiation to completely fail, while it succeeds
in your case.
Looks like there's something else wring. What does your ifconfig look
like after the link is up?
I just got it to work by using ng_one2many:
ifconfig ed1 up lladdr 00:88:e8:83:63:c0
ifconfig ed2 up lladdr 00:88:e8:83:63:c0
kldload /modules/ng_ether.ko
ngctl mkpeer ed1: one2many upper one
ngctl connect ed1: ed1:upper lower many0
ngctl connect ed2: ed1:upper lower many1
ngctl msg ed2: setpromi