I just got it to work by using ng_one2many: ifconfig ed1 up lladdr 00:88:e8:83:63:c0 ifconfig ed2 up lladdr 00:88:e8:83:63:c0 kldload /modules/ng_ether.ko ngctl mkpeer ed1: one2many upper one ngctl connect ed1: ed1:upper lower many0 ngctl connect ed2: ed1:upper lower many1 ngctl msg ed2: setpromisc 1 ngctl msg ed1: setpromisc 1 ngctl msg ed2: setautosrc 0 ngctl msg ed1:upper \ setconfig "{ xmitAlg=1 failAlg=1 enabledLinks=[ 1 1 1 1 ] }" ifconfig ed1 my.ip.is.here netmask
the only prerequirement is to have both interfaces UP and WITHTOUT IP! (otherwise it works only for local LAN, but you will have problem if trying to route traffic to a gateway - my situation). Other problem is, that if you have the same net on both interfaces in the beginning ( I have on both) and you need to route via as gateway, the only way is to set this script to use the FIRST initialized interface, otherwise you cannot(I can't) set gateway only for the second interface... Ufff... ;-) The result is a fine-working-non-laggy-double-speed-line :) beware: if you use cable modem, you need to have the same speed subscribed for both of them, otherwise, you will receive a whole bunch of DUP!s :) and both modems need to be on the same bridge. Thx all for help Zviratko To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-net" in the body of the message