Accessing memory below 1 MB

2002-07-30 Thread hal
Hello, I'm writing some graphics code (just for fun) and I need "legal" access to the memory addresses below 1 mb. The thing is, I know how to access those addresses (open /dev/mem, mmap, and that's it), but I'd like to be able to alloc some pages so that my accesses are correct and don't make t

Memory below 1 MB

2002-08-09 Thread hal
Hello, As I explained in another message, I am writing some graphics code (both for fun and educational purposes) and need to access memory below 1 MB. I have tried it by opening /dev/mem, calling mmap, i386_vm86 and even opening /dev/io to change permission levels. However, the program (and a

Re: Memory below 1 MB

2002-08-10 Thread hal
| See /usr/srcsys/pci/agp* for the sources to agp.ko. | | You can't do what you want to do without using a device driver | to allocate the physical resource on your behalf, since you are | talking about physical memory. Ok, thank you. I'll have a look. | This is what I told you the first time y

Re: Anyone see todays Wall Street Journal article: Microsoft Using Free Software (or something to that effect)

2001-06-19 Thread Hal Snyder
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2001-07-24 Thread Hal Snyder
I am wondering if there is a problem with err, warn, etc. in libc. All these functions are in the same module, err.o. If you redefine some of the err.o functions, and call a libc function that depends on another (not redefined) one of the functions, then link statically, you end up with a multipl

Re: Finding MAC address of interface - programming question

2001-08-01 Thread Hal Snyder
Michael VanLoon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Thanks that's just exactly the information I was looking for. :-) > > I'm slow grunging through the code and man pages that take this apart. > > As far as UNPv1 I assume you're referring to Stevens' "Unix Network > Programming"? If I'm not mistaken

Re: cable modem connection problem

2001-12-09 Thread Hal Snyder
Andrew Heybey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> > Somebody mentioned on this list that deleting the arp table entry >> > of the default router of the cable modem provider (as a cron job) >> > solved the problem. I had not tried arp deletion but noticed severe slowdown or apparent disconnect (except