| See /usr/srcsys/pci/agp* for the sources to agp.ko. | | You can't do what you want to do without using a device driver | to allocate the physical resource on your behalf, since you are | talking about physical memory.
Ok, thank you. I'll have a look. | This is what I told you the first time you asked. | | By persisting, you remind me of a non-technical manager I had, Well, what I didn't have very clear when you answered was that it was the *only* way to solve the problem, and consequently tried to continue with which I had done. | If you insist on using VM86, the only real example is in the | X11 source code: | | xsrc/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/vga256/drivers/s3_savage/lrmi.c | | If you can wade through it, the only other program that uses | it is in: | | /usr/src/usr.bin/doscmd Again, thank you for the sources. | But it does so much more to emulate the full DOS environment that | the calls you actually need t do something minimal are lost and | buried in the rest of it. Actually, I skim-read some x11 code before starting and found it a little bit messy. Thanks for confirming that observation :) | Good luck using vm86, if you insist on that route. Otherwise, | look at the source code to "agp.ko". I have no particular interest in using vm86, but since that is the route I took when I began, I thought it would be possible to continue. Now that you've told me again that what I need is a device driver, I'll have a look at it. Thank you very much for your help. Alex To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message