In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "David E. Cross" writes:
: I have been writing a nasty kludge to treat a CardBus bridge as a standard
: PCI bridge (with static config) .
Ewe. Yuck. Wouldn't it be better to help the pccard/cardbus efforts :-)
: I have
: it to the point where I can (after the sy
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Nick Hibma writes:
: Does anyone know an inexpensive algorithm (O(1)) to go from an number to
: the next (lower or higher) power of two.
1 << ffs(x)
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Nate Williams writes:
: Your definition of kernel threads and mine are obviously quite
: different. :)
True. The kernel "threads" are just process context that a task can
run in Lots of thread-like things are missing...
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When I did a remote geographic disk based mirroring product a few
years ago, I just had an ioctl that said that this disk was special
for a while. Then the open routine would fail. This flag was cleared
in the close routine (and by the companion ioctl). I did allow users
to open the device w/o
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Bill Fumerola
: It took me 10 minutes of explanation for the reservation clerk to finally
: figure out just what the hell I was talking about. WC CDROM did the
: trick.
My clerk just started reading down the names. When I heard walnut
creek cdrom, I said "
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> crypt0genic writes:
: This was just posted to BUGTRAQ, are the FreeBSD developers aware of this yet?
Yes. We are and have been working to correct the problem. In fact,
there is a kernel patch that has been committed. A quick and dirty
workaround has been posted t
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Julian
Elischer writes:
: quickest fix would be to make the core-dump routines not follow symlinks.
An even quicker fix would be to disable coredumps in periodic, since
no reboot would be required. :-)
As has been noted in -security, the kernel fix has been commit
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Peter Holm writes:
: The patch is available at
You might want to work with Bruce Evens who has patches as well..
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Matthew N.
Dodd" writes:
: On Sat, 28 Aug 1999, Kris Kirby wrote:
: > Both. The problem is that you can't cram a signal moving at 10 Mbps
: > through a radio interface designed for 256K, even if it is bandwidth
: > limited to 256K. I'm hoping the 3C503 is ancient e
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Chris D.
Faulhaber" writes:
: Maybe it's just me, but I think you are confusing this with
: {Net|Open}BSD. /etc/rc.sysctl does not exist in FreeBSD.
rc.sysctl does too. I added it.
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kris Kennaway
: Could someone do this before 3.3? It's useful functionality.
As the committer of this feature, I've just sent mail to jkh asking
for permission.
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in t
: I have some frequecy hopping radio modems that use the 82593 to get
: 256kbps or so...
Speaking of which, I'll give two free to someone that commits to
writing a driver for these beasts. It would be an excellent chance
for reverse engineering skills to be honed. :-) I would prefer
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Matthew N.
Dodd" writes:
: Of course, I'm assuming that your boards are compatible with the ARCnet
: standard programming interface...
Actually, no. They are Ethernet drivers with an underdocumented
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "C. Stephen Gunn" writes:
: The above patches weren't written by me, but by a co-worker of
: mine. It allows for a termcap-like configuration file /etc/mountcap
: that allows you to specify a mountpoint/device, options, and filesystem
: formats to try.
Doesn't. I'
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sheldon Hearn writes:
: > The Linux trick I like to add is to have sigset_t always be the last
: > field in structures so that the impact of enlarging sigset_t is
: > minimal.
: On LITTLE_ENDIAN machines?
Endian shouldn't matter. An array at the end of a s
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Poul-Henning Kamp writes:
: >Hmph. I guess common sense wins over ITAR in this case. :)
: That's certainly an improvement in that particular battle :-)
Speaking of ITAR, has anybody actually every approached FreeBSD to say
what we're doing is in violation of ITA
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> The Hermit Hacker
: From a marketing standpoint, wouldn't it make for some seriously bad press
: for Sun to state "open source" and then turn around and not do it? *raised
: eyebrow*
Those who don't know about history are doomed to repeat it. Sun
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sheldon Hearn writes:
: This has nothing to do with what's in the base system. This has to do
: with making it easier for people to run 3rd-party software, which isn't
: part of the base system, in a non-priveledged state.
I think this is a good idea. Plesae don't
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mike Smith writes:
: If we do this, I hope a more obvious name is chosen; something like
: "mailman" might be a start. Or "mailperson", or "postperson", or
: whatever. "mta" just feels a little obscure.
which is both obscure and descriptive. Sadly
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Michael Kennett writes:
: make buildworld
: Is this the correct command to use for building the cross?
No. That is not right. Don't put the MACHINE and MACHINE_ARCH in the
environment. They
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> David Krinsky writes:
: Any ideas? I'm quite happy to help debug this one, if you have any
: thoughts on where to go with it--I need to get backups working, and
: I'd much rather not have to buy a new tape drive or switch OSes...
reboot. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ta
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> David Krinsky writes:
: Thanks for the suggestion, though. dd is the magic bullet in so many
: situations, it's always worth a shot. :-)
I don't know if cleaning the tape heads might help. Also, I've had
one bad tape that wouldn't ever work, but changing tapes se
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Soren Schmidt writes:
: What kindof chipset is your motherboard using ??
: Are you overclocking ?? If not what is you PCI bus clock ??
: I'm pretty sure this is the same problem that haunted me with the
: old driver, and if I'm not mistaken it is timing related..
How does one enable dumps before init?
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kevin Day writes:
: No, I'm working on adding support for PCI based non-winmodems. Modems that
: still have a 16550 based uart interface to them, but just happen to sit on
: the PCI bus. I'm not at all planning on writing support for winmodems, just
: making sio.c un
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Warren Welch
: I'd really like to see the sio driver code being able to support PCI
: devices...
Might be a good time have a sys/dev/sio and have pccard, cardbus, pci
and isa attachments there. Yes, I did say cardbus, since I have seen
cardbus PCI modems
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Peter Wemm writes:
: Warner: I've had a look at your pccard_nbk patches, and they seem to work
: for me reasonably well considering what it's trying to do. :-)
: Please, can we have it committed?
OK. I can do that. Makes it easier on me.
: Leave the #if 0 i
[[ questions trimmed ]]
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Andrew Reilly" writes:
: And USB? This reference says that you can (now? soon?) buy a
: laptop docking station with all of the usual ports, connected
: only by USB...
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Andrew Reilly writes:
: So there's going to be manufacturer-specific terminal/serial port drivers
: to talk to the serial ports on USB-attached laptop docking stations, like
: the Annex ethernet terminal server things? I guess in the Windows world
: they must provid
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Brian Somers writes:
: Is it time to install src/etc/rc.sysctl now ? I certainly think it's
: a good idea :-]
No. I don't think we want to install rc.sysctl for an installworld.
It would spam changes that others make to them.
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Nate Williams writes:
: But, they should be PCI/non-Winmodem, as Kevin pointed out, so we
: shouldn't need cardbus seperately from pci.
Just the attachment...
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Brian Somers writes:
: I wasn't suggesting we should do it from installworld - just from
: src/etc/Makefile (used by ``make release'').
Yes. IT should be, but isn't right now.
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Doug Ambrisko writes:
: | PCI and CardBus to USB. Any one having seen a ISA or PCMCIA variant,
: | please let me know.
: I thought I saw a PCMCIA -> USB at Fry's.
Mobile Planet has PC Card <-> USB cards that are not CardBus cards.
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Matthew Dillon writes:
: It is best, of course, to run fsck only on filesystems that have not
: been mounted but this cannot be done for the root filesystem for obvious
: reasons, hence the read-only mount + fsck + remount R/W.
Back in the Bad Old Days,
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Julian Elischer
: At least one person has already written this program...
I wrote one, but didn't post it. Someone else wrote one and did post
it. It really is bog simple to get a good first guess. Harder to get
it perfect.
Message-ID: <[EMAIL PR
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Daniel O'Connor" writes:
: > Thats like suggesting we make the 'ipfw' command a port and leave the
: > kernel bits in the tree. Since all this stuff depends on being in sync,
: > the only reasonable way to do this is to put it in the tree.
: Why? What kernel cod
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Oliver Fromme writes:
: It only works on two's-complement machines, though, but I'm not
: aware of any FreeBSD port to an architecture that doesn't use
: two's-complement numbers...
I'm not aware of any one's-complement machine that was manufacture
after about 1980.
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kazutaka YOKOTA
: case _PANIC_KEY_
: #if !defined(SC_DISABLE_REBOOT) && !defined(SC_DISABLE_PANIC)
: if (securelevel <= 0)
: panic();
: #endif
: break;
: Any opinions?
I can see this being useful on
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Matthew Dillon writes:
:Personally speaking I don't see how permission persistence could possibly
:be implemented within DEVFS itself without a huge amount of work. I'm
:not sure it would be appropriate to implement it there anyhow when it
:is so eas
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Matthew N.
Dodd" writes:
: Seems like a devfsd using the file monitoring hooks would work; you'd only
: update the persistent store if you were running devfsd. devfsd would read
: the store and init /dev with the contents. I think the only issue that
: would invo
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Matthew N. Dodd" writes:
: Well, with devd or devfsd its still going to read the persistant store
: when started by the system on reboot; I'd imagine you'd be able to
: make checkpoint intervals tunable and tell it which permission updates you
: wanted to ignore and
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Boris Popov writes:
: Why not to create a simple 'devfs' device ? devfsd can sleep at
: polling it and devfs device itself can provide hooks in the kernel to
: register all important events and pass them to devfsd.
That is one option. However, a more general
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tony Finch writes:
: Why not just do a one-off checkpoint at shutdown time? Why do you need
: to track the changes as they happen?
Power failures.
Also, if the device is new, it might be nice to have commands that run
when they arrive in the tree (think pccard).
Devices must failsafe from a security point of view in the absense of
a devfsd. Otherwise there will extreme opposition from the security
officer. This means 0600 or more restrictive permissions. While it
doesn't happen often, it must be designed for. Otherwise you've
replaced a secure, predic
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wes Peters writes:
: Is there any possibility of creating a database of devfs perms that gets
: loaded into kernel-accessible data space by the loader before boot? Once
: the system is up, devfsd could take over, monitoring and updating the
: state of devfs and this
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wes Peters writes:
: Interrupt, DMA, I/O settings, promiscuous operation, baud rate and parity,
: etc. Any little thing a device driver might desire...
I had been specifically thinking of things more obscure like the
WNETID for wavelan cards, the frequency ranges f
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kevin Day writes:
: I'm now playing with compressed data streams. The decompression is slow, so
: I'd like to cache the *decompressed* version of these files. I end up
: allocating large amounts of ram in one process to cache the decompressed
: data. This is a disava
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Oliver Fromme writes:
: Beware, I have not actually tried this with FreeBSD, and there
: might be bugs that prevent using 2.88 Mb floppies.
The BIOS will report a different value for the 2.88MB drives to the
probe routines... You may need to do some touchup there a
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wilko Bulte writes:
: How difficult would CAMifying a driver be?
Speaking of which, has a "How to CAMify a driver" doc been written?
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Kenneth D. Merry" writes:
: Nope. You've CAMified a driver, would you like to write it? :)
I started with a CAMified driver and hacked it...
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reinier Bezuidenhout writes:
: What I am though experiencing is some delay in sound e.g. xgal
: (xgalaga) and a few other splications. The sound is not in sync with
: the application. When I quit/kill the application sound is sometimes
: still generated for qui
How does one tell ddb about dynamic modules? I've had a couple of
crashes in my code where I've needed symbols from things dynamically
loaded... Does gdb grok them any better?
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Dan Seguin writes:
: I'm looking for information pertaining to the Solaris 2.x Kernel. We're
: writing auditing tools for system calls, and therefore need to write
: loadable modules (I've done this in FreeBSD, works flawlessly).
For docs on suns, I usually go to:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Dan Seguin writes:
: As I mentioned in my post, we're looking for the Kernel API specs. We
: don't need the source, just the (credible, authoritive) info on Kernel
: functions and their return values.
No such animal exists. Sun has many levels of API commitment fro
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Aleksandr A.Babaylov" writes:
: I need in directories without link to parent in it
: or with link to parent renamed to something exotic name.
: What is the method to do it without kernel patching
: in FreeBSD 2.2.X or 3.X ?
I don't think this is possible. Even
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Edward Elhauge writes:
: I wonder what people out in FreeBSD land know about interfacing the
: Jornado
: with FreeBSD or Linux. The Jornado is a CE machine. Are there Unix
: utilities
: to synchronize the file systems?
The Jornada is a WinCE machine based on the Str
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jason Thorpe writes:
: What sort of processor does the Jornado have? If it's a MIPS-based machine,
: getting it to run NetBSD/hpcmips might be a possibility.
We have several Jornadas at work, and it is definitely StrongArm
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Marc Slemko
: Why does FreeBSD let you create paths longer than MAXPATHLEN?
Because this is allowed.
: I often have various trees that are as deep as possible for testing various
: programs for holes, and I finally figured out why locate wasn't updating
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Alexey Zelkin writes:
: But I don't see anywhere descirptions on PHONOGRAM and IDEOGRAM. Manpages
: shown that these categories were used by Japan locale only (again without any
: descriptions :-( )
A PHONOGRAM is a symbol that stands for more than one sound without
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jacques Vidrine writes:
: > $find . -name "*.c" -print -exec "egrep" "-i" "idt" {} \; | less
: > Here , "idt" is a search string.
: That's because no one wants a separate invocation of egrep for
: every file!
find . -name \*.c | xargs egrep -i idt | less
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Chris Shenton writes:
: Unfortunately, it thinks my 3com 3c589 PCMCIA card is an ep0 -- it
: has no driver for the correct zp0 device.
It is correct. That is the right device to use. zp0 is a kludge that
will die in 4.0 if I have my way.
: It is able
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Chuck Robey
: Does anyone (anyone, that is, who's coded X11 applications) know how you
: handle X11 callbacks to C++ object methods?
OI_add_event(3OI) :-)
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Chuck Robey writes:
: Uhhh? I've long since got the answer I wanted, but this seems a complete
: mystery, so I'll bite, what's a OI_add_event? From some package? Can't
: find a man page on it.
OI was a native C++ toolkit that had a nice interface and was ported
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Robert Withrow writes:
: When the card attaches it is called a Linksys and it runs with the ed driver,
: and gives me good performance on a 100Tx network.
The linksys support in normal freebsd was added only since FreeBSD
Con. If this card uses the same linksys chi
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Guy Middleton writes:
: I just installed PAO, and it now works fine. Thanks for everybody's help.
Looks like a good argument for removing the MAC address check in the
linksys probe code... What's MAC does PAO report for this card?
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Guy Middleton writes:
: PAO says the address is 00:50:ba:a7:ff:95.
Which driver does PAO use for this card?
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Jonathan M. Bresler" writes:
: if we remove the OUI check, then we are relying on the
: checksum alone. that sounds fine provided that other none
: Lninksys/dl10019c cards will fail the checksum.
: what do other nic cards have at those addresses
: (sc->a
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Roger Hardiman writes:
: #if defined (BSD)
: or #ifdef BSD
BSD will be defined on BSD systems, for what it is worth.
However, these days
#ifndef linux
works just about as well and is often time more accurate in describing
what needs to happen in
> Is this a real problem, or is it a "well don't protect suid
> executables that way" problem? The permissions used in Linux's
> /proc seem to be more conservative and seem to prevent this.
Yes. This is a real problem. One of the security team has had
patches since before FreeBSD CON. There ar
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Brian Fundakowski Feldman writes:
: It sounds to me that what you really want are the semantics of a
: symbolic link and not the semantics of a hard link. Is it just me,
: or does it seem as if the pathname of the executable being stored as
: a virtual symlink in pr
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jeroen Ruigrok/Asmodai
: machine/bus.h claims, in its comment section, that it supports 8 byte
: read/writes, but never in the whole file does it declare anything
: remotely akin to bus_space_read_8().
: Any reason why not?
Because no busses that we supp
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jamie Bowden
: What does jail do that chroot doesn't? I've seen several discussions on
: jail on -hackers, but no explanation of why it was implemented, or how
: it's different from chroot.
It restricts root's ability to do things which would otherwise all
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ollivier Robert writes:
: NAT breaks too many things (like IPsec, incoming connections and many
: protocols) to be anything else than an abomination in my eyes.
It breaks any protocol that encodes an IP address and/or a port into
the data stream. Without datastream
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ben Rosengart
: D'oh -- I *meant* to add "besides trying different values and measuring"
: -- if I had that much time on my hands, I wouldn't be worrying about how
: long a make world takes. :-)
Generally on FreeBSD machines that are otherwise unused and f
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ben Rosengart
: On what basis? I usually use larger values, like 12, on the theory that
: I have more than enough memory, and if there's free CPU, there should
: always be a process available to use it.
People have measured things and found that the knee i
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Nate Williams writes:
: Is there a way to look at a compiled file to see if it was compiled as
: PIC? I've got some .o files that I don't have source code to, but
: before I throw them into a shlib, I need to know if they are legal to
: put into one?
You can likely
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Dennis writes:
: regarding loading over 1024 cylinder...does this work?
even w/o uniload, I've managed to get my FreeBSD partition to work on
my Sony VAIO laptop. It starts at cylnder 2193... It all depends on
the BIOS that you are using...
To Unsubscrib
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Doug Rabson
: I've always used 57600 and it seems to work fine...
On some carefully hand picked machines, I run at 115200 w/o
problems... Don't try this if your mcahines don't have good UARTs and
can service the interrupts fast enough...
To Unsub
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "David E. Cross" writes:
: I have been noticing of late a disturbing trend of AMD wedging and
: eventually taking the entire system down. The WCHAN that it is locked in is
: "sbwait". I now have the luxury of having this happen on a non-critical
: system with DDB c
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "David E. Cross" writes:
: 30 minutes and *poof*, the problem went away. Any ideas?
Contact Matt Dillon :-). The specific case that I hit he was able to
help me with, but it is very definitely NFS client/server on the same
machine only.
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Josef Karthauser writes:
: I've got problems with F290 and ep0 and 'zzz' :)
: I've running a kernel from 20th Oct (FreeBSDCon ;) to solve it.
: It may be fixed more recently, but last week's kernel didn't solve it.
The suspend/card eject problem is still there.
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Dan Moschuk writes:
: | if (ioctl(sp->fd, PIOCSDRV, &drv)) {
Do you have any cards that work? Are you 100% positive that your
kernel and pccardd match? ENOTTY is returned only when the pccard
driver doesn't know about the ioctl.
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Dan Moschuk writes:
: The steps I take are as follows:
: i) cvsup
ia) make includes in src
: ii) make/make install usr.sbin/pccard
: iii) copy new pccard.conf into place
: iv) build and reboot new kernel
You need to make sure that you are compiling against the ri
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Josef Karthauser writes:
: If you can give me some clues I'll work on it. I've got zero familiarity
: with the code :(.
Sure. I posted this once to -mobile, so you might want to look in the
archives there as well as here.
The basic problem is that it appears that
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Jamie Bowden
: I asked on -mobile, but didn't get an answer, so now I'm asking here. I
: Have a Dell Latitude CPiR, and am thinking about getting the Intel cardbus
: 82559 based ethercard for this machine. What I want to know is, once
: cardbus is rolle
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Ben Rosengart
: In my tests, I've found that FreeBSD is getting faster with successive
: releases -- I think because the increased weight of the extra disks helps
: overcome wind resistance.
That's just due to the beefier system requirements. of course the
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "David E. Cross" writes:
: Ok... I have *had* it with the meta, but not really, lockd. Are there any
: kernel issues with correctly implimenting rpc.lockd?How can I take a
: filehandle and map it into a filename, with path, so I may open it and lock
: it on the
In message <19991129230436.A6501@badmofo> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
: [badmofo@/home/matt] df -h
: FilesystemSize UsedAvail Capacity Mounted on
: /dev/wd0s1a 722M20M 644M 3% /
: /dev/wd0s2h 9.9G 4.4G 4.8G48% /usr
: procfs4.0K 4.0K 0B 100%
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Warner Losh writes:
: It also appears that this patch ignores blocksize, but maybe that's
: something that I've missed somehow...
Never mind this comment. It was my mistake.
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with "unsubs
Here's a slightly better patch. It tries harder to fill up the 5
digit field with as many sig figs as possible (always up to 3). It
uses better constants for things than the magic numbers of the first
patch. I've not tried to patch the man page yet. Also patched where
the gross use of "BKMGTP"
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Richard Puga writes:
: I have some PCMCIA to ISA adapters which use the Data Book DB86082
: chipset.
: I would be happy to donate a card or 2 to anyone who would write a
: driver for it.
If you can get a databook/user manual for these things, I'd consider
it afte
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Matthew N.
Dodd" writes:
: On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Warner Losh wrote:
: > If you can get a databook/user manual for these things, I'd consider
: > it after the newcard stuff stabilizes.
: It doesn't seem likely that we'l
Dec 2 11:08:56 bifrost /kernel: sio0: 208 more tty-level buffer overflows (total 3356)
is appearing on our ppp machine. What are tty-level buffer overflows?
How can I fix this? What resource is running out?
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mike Smith writes:
: It's documented in the sio(4) manpage, which is always worth reading.
Even reading the sio manpage is unclear. All it says is that things
are too slow. Steady state I don't get these, just every now and
again it happens. No apparent correlati
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Matthew Jacob
: Normally I might agree with this, but I use a tty line on a 150Mhz i386 to
: be a serial console for another freebsd box. This is a NS16550A with a 16
: byte fifo. This systems is effectively idle except for this task. So, I'm
: running tip a
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mike Smith writes:
: Growing the buffer isn't the solution; it should be big enough already.
: We need to work out why a system that should have no trouble with the
: data rate in question is croaking so trivially.
Growing the buffer is a solution. I only get a
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Darren Reed writes:
: How reliable should the ep0 driver be with 3c389d pcmcia cards ?
I had no problems using 3.3 and my 3C589D, but I've only done minor
stuff with that. I've done most of my work on -current, however. The
most likely problem is that you're using
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Darren Reed writes:
: ejecting a modem pcmcia card caused 3.3 to do the following:
: /kernel: sio2 unload,gone
: /kernel: Return IRQ=11
: /kernel: Card removed, slot 1
: /kernel: Card inserted, slot 0
: and then it was frozen.
: Will there be a 3.4 with things lik
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mike Smith writes:
: Yup. Ignore the "problem in the application" part, as that predicates
: that the kernel and driver are working properly, which doesn't seem to be
: the case. The problem here is that the buffer between the top side of
: the driver and the app
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Darren Reed writes:
: Did all of that. When ejecting the card it says "freeing IRQ 10" (or
: words to that effect), which is the IRQ I used with it under Windows
: and NetBSD. How much can I specify on the "config" lines in pccard.conf ?
: Can I `wire down' irq's,
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