In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Chris Shenton writes:
: Unfortunately, it thinks my 3com 3c589 PCMCIA card is an ep0 -- it
: has no driver for the correct zp0 device.
It is correct. That is the right device to use. zp0 is a kludge that
will die in 4.0 if I have my way.
: It is able to get its DHCP address and was briefly able to start
: FTP retrieval from, but speed was about 1KB/second
: on a 1.5Mbps DSL line. Subsequent attempts caused it to fail even
: resolving other ftp* names despite the fact that its
: nameserver is on the same LAN.
This is the classic "I didn't assign the right IRQ to the pccard"
: I'd imagine the 3c589 is a fairly popular card and if ep0 can't
: drive it, then zp0 should certainly be included in the pccard
: floppy distro.
No. pccard floppy is doing the right thing. It is well known that
the ep driver can drive the 3c589, since 10000 of people are using it
to do just that as well as myself :-)
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