2001-07-27 Thread y-carden
Dear Jonathan I want ask a favor to you. I have try to get help in hackers list, but it was unsuccessful. Days ago, I asked : > I need pass asynchronously data from kernel > to a userland process, include a quantity variable of > data (void *opaque). And Terry Lambert wrote: >The easiest

Re: Invoking a userland function from kerne

2001-07-27 Thread y-carden
> On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 Terry Lambert wrote: >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >> >> I need pass asynchronously data from kernel >> to a userland process, include a quantity variable of >> data (void *opaque). >The easiest way to do this is to have the user space process >register a kevent, and then KN

Re: Invoking a userland function from kernel

2001-07-26 Thread y-carden
> On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 Terry Lambert wrote: >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >> >> I need pass asynchronously data from kernel >> to a userland process, include a quantity variable of >> data (void *opaque). >The easiest way to do this is to have the user space process >register a kevent, and then KN

Re: Invoking a userland function from kernel

2001-07-24 Thread y-carden
I need pass asynchronously data from kernel to a userland process, include a quantity variable of data (void *opaque). The userland process to consume the data independently (it takes the data and build some structure, perhaps a queue o link list, to consume later ). I think that this is si

Invoking a userland function from kernel

2001-07-23 Thread y-carden
Dear Friends I'm incorporating the Real Time Protocol RTP (rfc 1889) to FreeBSD 4.0 kernel. Months ago, I compiled successfully the RTP Library API developed by Lucent into the FreeBSD kernel with the right logical and technical adjustments for the BSD kernel of course (copyin, copyout, mall