I need pass asynchronously data from kernel
to a userland process, include a quantity variable of
data (void *opaque).
The userland process to consume the data independently
(it takes the data and build some structure,
perhaps a queue o link list, to consume later ).
I think that this is similar to upward flow data mechanism in the
network subsystem. The data received at a network interface
flow upward through communications protocols until they are placed
in receive queue of destination socket, the system schedules
protocol processing from the network interface layer by marking a
bit assigned to the protocol in the system's network
interrupt status, and posting a software interrupt reserved
for triggering network activity. Software interrupts are used to
schedule asynchronous network activity.
But I don't know how I can trigger this software interrupts
from my code into the FreeBSD kernel.
On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 Gersh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>While would probally be possiable to do with some hacker
>having the kernel execute some random privoded by
>a userland process is not only a bad idea from a
>stabality standpoint but also a horid
>security mess.
>The best soultion would be to port the userland function you need into
> the kernel, However this might not be possiable (part of a comerical
> application you dont have source code to, whatever the case im not
> sure).
>What is it exactally that you need to do? There is probally a better
>soultion availiable to you, perhaps useing a charcter device driver
> might be a better idea.
On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Dear Friends
>> I'm incorporating the Real Time Protocol RTP (rfc 1889) to
>> FreeBSD 4.0 kernel.
>> Months ago, I compiled successfully the RTP Library API developed
>> by Lucent into the FreeBSD kernel with the right logical and
>> adjustments for the BSD kernel of course (copyin, copyout, malloc,
>> I have changed many of the original API library functions
>> to kernel systems calls, and it works fine.
>> Now, I need invoke a userland function with several parameters
>> from the a function into the kernel.
>> How I can do?
>> Do you know a example?
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