I get kernel panic on high loaded server with messages
savecore: reboot after panic:
vn_sendfile: mlen 326 space -20 hdrlen 326
# kgdb kernel.debug /var/crash/vmcore.0
Unread portion of the kernel message buffer:
panic: vn_sendfile: mlen 326 space -20 hdrlen 326
cpuid = 5
KDB: stack
Just after report about panic somewere in sendfile
and disabling sendfile functionality in software (nginx) I got another kernel
panic (at last twice for this moment)
System message after reboot:
Mar 5 05
OK about 3 hours with last patch
No panic.
Sysctl -
sysctl kern.ipc.sf_long_headers
kern.ipc.sf_long_headers: 1
Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
GS> Vitalij,
GS> here is latest version of the patch. If you already run the
GS> previous one, no need to switch to this one, keep running as
Just forget, system was upgraded to 296385 (just sync with another servers )
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> Hello.
VS> OK about 3 hours with last patch
VS> No panic.
VS> Sysctl -
VS> sysctl kern.ipc.sf_long_headers
VS> kern.ipc.sf_long
After updating my system to 11.0-ALPHA2 #20 r301583
I'm found that at last some application is broken.
here backtrace for xterm
#0 0x0008022d48b4 in mbsrtowcs_l () from /lib/libc.so.7
[New Thread 804816000 (LWP 102346/)]
(gdb) bt
#0 0x0008022d48b4 in mbsrtowcs_l () from /lib/
Found that after 313938 (Capsicum-ize lam) it's doesn't work.
portsnap auto
Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 6 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from your-org.portsnap.freebsd.org... done.
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Updating from Thu Feb 16 11:34:22 EET 2017 to Tue Fe
Hi all,
After last update my home machine begin doin some strange things -
Aug 21 08:28:25 home kernel: fxp0: link state changed to UP
Aug 21 08:28:25 home kernel: fxp0: link state changed to DOWN
Aug 21 08:28:27 home kernel: fxp0: link state changed to UP
Aug 21 08:28:33 home dhclient: New IP A
Garrett Cooper wrote:
GC> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 2:55 AM, Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
GC> > Hi all,
GC> >
GC> > After last update my home machine begin doin some strange things -
GC> ...
GC> Try reverting r239356 -- if that works, then please let jhb@ k
reach destination)
Yes, my problem easy fixed by changed ethernet card to em, but there are meny
motherboard with integrated ether's...
YongHyeon PYUN wrote:
YP> On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 08:27:01AM +1000, Peter Jeremy wrote:
YP> > On 2012-Aug-21 19:42:17 +0300, Vitalij Satanivskij w
After upgrading server from old hardware/software to freebsd current (## SVN ##
Exported commit - http://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/245479),
system hung's with message -
panic: make_dev_alias_v: bad si_name (error=22
si_name=enc@n5003048000bab37d/tpe0/slot@1/elmdesc@Slot 01/pass7
Alexander Motin wrote:
AM> On 18.01.2013 11:44, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
AM> > On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 09:36:00AM +0200, Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
AM> > V> After upgrading server from old hardware/software to freebsd current
(## SVN ## Exported commit - http://svnweb.freebsd.
Jaakko Heinonen wrote:
JH> On 2013-01-18, Alexander Motin wrote:
JH> > > AM> > V> panic: make_dev_alias_v: bad si_name (error=22
si_name=enc@n5003048000bab37d/tpe0/slot@1/elmdesc@Slot 01/pass7)
JH> > > AM> The panic is triggered by the check added by the recent r244584
JH> > > AM> T
May be just do sanitizing for elmpriv->descr?
something like change whitespace to "_" or just delete it?
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> Jaakko Heinonen wrote:
VS> JH> On 2013-01-18, Alexander Motin wrote:
VS> JH> > > AM> > V> panic: make_dev_
Alexander Motin wrote:
AM> On 18.01.2013 15:49, Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
AM> > May be just do sanitizing for elmpriv->descr?
AM> >
AM> > something like change whitespace to "_" or just delete it?
AM> Yes, that is not difficult. The only question i
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> Alexander Motin wrote:
VS> AM> On 18.01.2013 15:49, Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> AM> > May be just do sanitizing for elmpriv->descr?
VS> AM> >
VS> AM> > something like change whitespace to "_" or just delete it?
Jaakko Heinonen wrote:
JH> On 2013-01-18, Alexander Motin wrote:
JH> > At cam/scsi/ses_set_physpath.c ses_set_physpath(). Duplicate names are
JH> > impossible there, as previous name components are unique. Special
JH> > characters haven't yet seen, but I think theoretically possible.
JH> I see
Jaakko Heinonen wrote:
JH> On 2013-01-19, Jaakko Heinonen wrote:
JH> > On 2013-01-18, Alexander Motin wrote:
JH> > > At cam/scsi/ses_set_physpath.c ses_set_physpath(). Duplicate names are
JH> > > impossible there, as previous name components are unique. Special
JH> > > characters haven't yet seen,
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> Jaakko Heinonen wrote:
VS> JH> On 2013-01-19, Jaakko Heinonen wrote:
VS> JH> > On 2013-01-18, Alexander Motin wrote:
VS> JH> > > At cam/scsi/ses_set_physpath.c ses_set_physpath(). Duplicate names
VS> JH> > > impossi
Jaakko Heinonen wrote:
JH> On 2013-01-23, Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
JH> > VS> JH> http://people.freebsd.org/~jh/patches/scsi_enc_ses-si_name.diff
JH> > VS>
JH> > VS> Ok that patch work's too.
JH> >
JH> > Is there any chance, that on
Data on pool have compressratio around 1.4
On diferent servers with same data type and load L2 ARC Size: (Adaptive) can be
for example 1.04TiB vs 1.45TiB
But it's all have same porblem - grow in time.
More stange for us -
ARC: 80G Total, 4412M MFU, 5040M MRU, 76M Anon,
One more question -
we have two counter -
kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.l2_size: 1256609410560
kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.l2_asize: 1149007667712
can anybody explain how to understand them i.e. l2_asize - real used space on
l2arc an l2_size - uncompressed size,
or maybe something else ?
System - 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #2 r255173
While trying to get some statistics from zdb
zdb -dd disk1 > stat.log
get some assertion:
Assertion failed: object_count == usedobjs (0x85727 == 0x3aa93d), file
fs.misc.arcstats.l2_io_error: 4547377
and growing.
System is r255173 with patch from rr255173
At last maybe somebody have any ideas what's realy hapend...
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> One more question -
VS> we have two counter -
Yes, load on machine (on fs) is very extensive.
Ok thank you for usefull information
Richard Todd wrote:
RT> Vitalij Satanivskij writes:
RT> > Hello.
RT> >
RT> > System - 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #2 r255173
RT> >
RT> > While trying
intel sata controler (Motherboard is Supermicro
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> Same situation hapend yesterday again :(
VS> What's confuse me while trying to understend where I'm wrong
VS> Firt some info.
VS> We have zfs pool "P
AJ> Some background on L2ARC compression for you:
AJ> http://wiki.illumos.org/display/illumos/L2ARC+Compression
I'm alredy see it.
AJ> http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base?view=revision&revision=251478
AJ> Are you sure that compression on pool/zfs is off? it would normally
AJ> inherit from
Patch brocke cache functionality.
Look at's Dmitriy's mail from Mon, 07 Oct 2013 21:09:06 +0300
With subject ZFS L2ARC - incorrect size and abnormal system load on r255173
As patch alredy in head and BETA it's not good.
Yesterday we update one machine up to beta1 and forgot about patch
Also worth checking your disks smart values to confirm there are no
SH> visible signs of HW errors.
SH> Regards
SH> Steve
SH> - Original Message -
SH> From: "Vitalij Satanivskij"
SH> To: "Dmitriy Makarov"
SH> Cc: "Steve
. Set vfs.zfs.max_auto_ashift=9
SH> Regards
SH> Steve
SH> - Original Message -----
SH> From: "Vitalij Satanivskij"
SH> To: "Steven Hartland"
SH> Cc: "Vitalij Satanivskij" ; "Dmitriy Makarov"
; "Justin T. Gibbs"
; You'll have to be more specific. I don't have that email or know what
list on which to search.
JTG> Thanks,
JTG> Justin
JTG> On Oct 16, 2013, at 2:01 AM, Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
JTG> > Hello.
JTG> >
JTG> > Patch brocke cache funct
SSD is Intel SSD 530 series (INTEL SSDSC2BW180A4 DC12)
Controler is onboard intel sata controler, motherboard is Supermicro X9SRL-F so
it's Intel C602 chipset
All cache ssd connected to sata 2 ports.
System has LSI MPS controler (SAS2308) with firmware version -, but
only h
SH> Still worth testing with the problem version installed but
SH> with trim disabled to see if that clears the issues, if
SH> nothing else it will confirm / deny if trim is involved.
SH> Regards
SH> Steve
SH> - Original Message -----
SH> From
cache2 (164G)
351651848 7- free - (3.5K)
Any hypothesis what alse we can test/try etc?
Steven Hartland wrote:
SH> Correct.
SH> - Original Message -
SH> From: "Vitalij Satanivskij"
SH> > Just to be sure I unde
SH> - Original Message -
SH> From: "Vitalij Satanivskij"
SH> To: "Steven Hartland"
SH> Cc: ; "Justin T. Gibbs" ;
; "Borja Marcos" ;
SH> "Dmitriy Makarov"
SH> Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 9:01 AM
SH> Subj
if (csize == 0) {
SH> /* zero block, indicate that there's nothing to write */
SH> Could you try this patch on your system Vitalij see if it has any effect
SH> on the number of l2_cksum_bad / l2_io_error?
SH> Regards
SH> Steve
Steven Hartland wrote:
SH> Hows things looking Vitalij?
SH> - Original Message -
SH> From: "Vitalij Satanivskij"
SH> > Ok. Just right now system rebooted with you patch.
SH> >
SH> > Trim enabled again.
SH> >
SH> >
Error was seen on confiruration like that and on configuration where was seted
as secondarycache = none for disk1 (disk1/data still fully cached)
SH> Regards
SH> Steve
SH> - Original Message -
SH> From: "Vitalij Satanivskij"
SH> >
Have 10.0-BETA1 #7 r256765 whith terible load's "load averages: 23.31, 30.53,
wich degraded more and more with time.
Kernel compilied with dtrace support and using script called hotkernel from
DTraceToolkit-0.99 found some stange statistics
: 153.15m
L2 ARC Size: (Adaptive) 433.75 GiB
Header Size:0.49% 2.12GiB
I will test for longer time, but looks like problem gone.
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> Steven Hartland wrote:
VS> SH> So previously you only started seeing
SH> Thanks to Vitalij for testing :)
SH> Dmitriy if you could test on your side too that would be appreciated.
SH> Regards
SH> Steve
SH> - Original Message -
SH> From: "Vitalij Satanivskij"
SPA Mismatch: 526.37m
L2 ARC Size: (Adaptive) 391.03 GiB
Header Size:0.59% 2.30GiB
So looks like problem not disapered ^(
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> First of all Thank you for help.
Just after system reboot with this patch
kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.l2_compress_successes: 6083
kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.l2_compress_zeros: 1
kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.l2_compress_failures: 296
compression on test pool (where I'm test this patch) is lz4
so is it ok ?
Steven Hartland wrote:
So that's patch not disabling compresion on l2arc?
Steven Hartland wrote:
SH> I would have expected zero for all l2_compress values.
SH> Regards
SH> Steve
SH> - Original Message -----
SH> From: "Vitalij Satanivskij"
SH> To: "St
I dont apply previos patch on high load server, only on test where find that
it's not disabling compression.
Thank you for help, i will try new patch as soon as posible.
SH> Have you seen any l2_io_error or l2_cksum_bad since
SH> applying the ashift patch?
(at least no problem was before)
but thay not corespond to l2
Don't even know what to do with situation.
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> I dont apply previos patch on high load server, only on test where find
that it's not disabling compression.
VS> Thank you for help,
Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
Andriy Gapon wrote:
AG> on 14/01/2014 07:27 Vladimir Sharun said the following:
AG> > Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
AG> >
AG> >> I am not sure if the buffers are leaked somehow or if they are actually
in use.
AG> >> It's one of the very few places where da
Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
AG> The first hunk of the patch is renaming of abl2 to l2hdr.
So it.s ok just change
trim_map_free(abl2->b_dev->l2ad_vdev, abl2->b_daddr,
ab->b_size, 0);
Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
Build world with path failed with error
error: use of
undeclared identifier 'l2hdr'
ASSERT3P(l2hdr->b_tmp_cdata, ==, NULL);
Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
With patch system panic on boot.
After remove cache device from pool system boot without problem.
After this cache added again and sone kernel panic happened
Screen shot of panic here http://i61.tinypic.com/30sbx2g.jpg
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
I'm aply patch and ofter few minutes of work get new panic
screen shot on picture.
Andriy Gapon wrote:
AG> on 04/02/2014 12:08 Vitalij Satanivskij said the following:
AG> >
AG> > Dear Andriy and F
Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
Andriy Gapon wrote:
AG> on 04/02/2014 19:10 Vitalij Satanivskij said the following:
AG> > Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
AG> >
AG> > I'm aply patch and ofter few minutes of work get new panic
AG> >
AG> > screen sh
Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
Ok. I'm get coredump on panic.
What else i need to do?
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
VS> Andriy Gapon wrote:
VS> AG> on 04/02/2014 19:10 Vitalij Satanivskij said the following:
014 11:11 Andriy Gapon said the following:
AG> > on 05/02/2014 14:22 Vitalij Satanivskij said the following:
AG> >> Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
AG> >>
AG> >> Ok. I'm get coredump on panic.
AG> >>
AG> >> What else i need to do?
AG> &g
Thank you.
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
VS> For now I begin testing l2 cache without compression (with you path
provided in last messages) in production.
VS> I will test the new patch on the test server first, and then
Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
I'm testing you patch for sometime and looks like everything is ok.
At last for 5 day of working any notisible memory leak wos not found.
AG> I've been able to spend some time on this issue.
AG> Could you please try the following patch?
AG> http://people
Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
No checksume errors or any other errors found for now.
Andriy Gapon wrote:
AG> on 18/02/2014 15:38 Vitalij Satanivskij said the following:
AG> > Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
AG> >
AG> > I'm testing you patch for sometime and l
kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.l2_write_buffer_bytes_scanned: 4642717602824192
kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.l2_write_buffer_list_iter: 48013995
kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.l2_write_buffer_list_null_iter: 80483
Andriy Gapon wrote:
AG> on 18/02/2014 15:47 Vitalij Satanivskij said the following:
AG> > No
There is system -
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz (2400.05-MHz K8-class CPU)
real memory = 137438953472 (131072 MB)
avail memory = 132517056512 (126378 MB)
motherboard - X9DR3-F
Keyboard is
Logitech, identified as
ugen1.2: at usbus1
ukbd0: on usbus1
kbd2 at ukbd0
Yes, that's why I'm asked for help.
Update, ipmi virtual keyboard alsow not working :(
Sergey V. Dyatko wrote:
SVD> On Fri, 14 Jun 2013 11:36:56 +0200
SVD> Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
SVD> > See this thread and solution "Supermicro 6027R-N3RF+head, usb trouble"
SVD> >
SVD> It was 'fi
Sergey V. Dyatko wrote:
SVD> On Fri, 14 Jun 2013 12:51:44 +0300
SVD> Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
SVD> >
SVD> > Yes, that's why I'm asked for help.
SVD> >
SVD> > Update, ipmi virtual keyboard alsow not working :(
SVD> >
SVD> can you try
In attach file with dmesg log and usb debug enabled.
Maybe it's help?
Ryan Stone wrote:
RS> I am able to reproduce this on a Supermicro X8-something that I have. A
RS> git bisect took me down a strange path into a /projects branch. It is
RS> possible the branch got a bad merge from -CURRENT
Just some update
10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #7 r253358: Mon Jul 15 15:03:06 EEST 2013
USB keyboard's still not working (liteon controler on logitech keyboard)
Have no idea how to realy locate problem. Maybe some one can help?
Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
VS> Hello
After changes commited in Revision 253321
diff is -
Build of databases/mysql55-server and databases/mariadb55-server/ failed.
Both with same error.
[ 47%] Building CXX object sql/CMakeFiles/sql.d
Some time ago, after update system on several servers I'm notice strange memory
For example
Mem: 1245M Active, 937M Inact, 4093M Wired, 13M Cache, 1670M Free
ARC: 495M Total, 50M MFU, 192M MRU, 17M Anon, 29M Header, 208M Other
For zfs configures is
Have same problem.
Clear enviroment (just new installed system + i386 jail)
When building gettext and libiconv find system "uniq" crashing
pid 88854 (uniq), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
pid 88859 (uniq), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
pid 88864 (uniq), uid 0: exi
On fresh installed system -
10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #3 r255173: Tue Sep 3 13:31:22 EEST 2013
With fresh i386 builded jail. I'm found some bug with core dumped uniq
After recompile whole system with debug symbols found some trace
gdb /usr/bin/uniq uniq-1676
KB> Your installed libraries do not have proper debugging symbols.
KB> Since the issue seems to be in the compat32 layer, you may try to start
KB> with taking the ktrace of the failing program and see what syscall failed,
KB> if any.
For me problem gone after disabling
options CAPAB
IK> Thank you :)
IK> I watch the mailing list. ;)
IK> http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/mid.cgi?20130903172529.GA9
IK> Unfortunately I did not have time to check the problem with uniq...
Gettext build failed because of failed uniq, so if u steel have problem u
know what to do.
Try to disable options
options CAPABILITY_MODE # Capsicum capability mode
options CAPABILITIES# Capsicum capabilities
in kernel conf, for me it's resolve problem
Ivan Klymenko wrote:
IK> В Sat, 24 Aug 2013 13:26:01 +0200
IK> Hans Petter Selasky пишет:
We have a kernel panic when loading current or 11.1 snapshot
As while booting from usb steck or from hdd/ssd with installed system
Kernel - GENERIC
DUMP can be found here http://hell.ukr.net/panic/panic.jpg
or even video record from screen http://hell.ukr.net/panic/recorder.webm
What's the output of
SH> ``pciconf -lcv pci1:0:0''?
SH> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Conrad Meyer wrote:
SH> > Hi Vitalij,
SH> >
SH> > On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 3:27 AM, Vitalij Satanivskij
SH> > wrote:
SH> > > DUMP can
rm, it should be trying to allocate three msi-x vectors there, and it
SH> >> appears that it's reported that 10 are available. What's the output of
SH> >> ``pciconf -lcv pci1:0:0''?
SH> >>
SH> >> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Conrad Meyer wrote
the kernel, but maybe check if there's a
SH> BIOS update available?
SH> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 3:51 PM, Vitalij Satanivskij wrote:
SH> > Dear Stephen
SH> >
SH> > I'm disable msix on igb both 1 and 0
SH> > and enable HPET in bios
SH> >
Dear John
I'm try patch with no success
Also I'm enable verbose boot and record boot process (hpet was disabled so
crash in another driver atach)
root@test:/usr/src # svnlite diff
Index: sys/
JB> > If you need any aditional information please tell me about.
JB> Can you perhaps turn off the stack trace on boot to not lose the panic
JB> (remove KDB_TRACE from kernel config) and maybe modify the panic message to
JB> include the IRQ number passed to nexus_add_irq?
Hm looks
JB> O, this is a different issue. Sorry. As a hack, try changing
JB> 'FIRST_MSI_INT' to 512 in sys/amd64/include/intr_machdep.h. The issue
JB> is that some systems now include more than 256 interrupt pins on I/O
JB> APICs, so IRQ 256 is already reserved for use by one of those
JB> interrupt
Tested both images in both modes on:
Supermicro X9SCL-F
E3-1230 CPU
Work perfectly
Glen Barber wrote:
GB> Hi,
GB> Could folks please help boot-test the most recent 12.0-CURRENT amd64
GB> memstick images on various hardware? Note, this is not a request to
GB> install 12.0-CURRENT,
77 matches
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