Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,

Andriy Gapon wrote:
AG> on 04/02/2014 19:10 Vitalij Satanivskij said the following:
AG> > Dear Andriy and FreeBSD community,
AG> > 
AG> > I'm aply patch and ofter few minutes of work get new panic 
AG> > 
AG> > screen shot on picture.
AG> > 
AG> >
AG> Does this happen too early to get a crashdump?
AG> Do you have a chance to attach with remote kgdb?

How I reproduce crash - simply attach cache device (zpool add pool cache 
/dev/gpt/cache0 ) and 
run ls -R -la /pool 

I repeat eksperimet and try to get core.

About kgdb - server on which we test path is no very critical so I can connect 
via remove ipmi (acceptibly from local network) 
and run some comands at any time and of course I try to get kernel core dump

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