Re: newpcm and Vibra16X

1999-09-19 Thread Pat Lynch
I have an extra Vibra16X if you haven't gotten one yet, I'm dying to have my sound working again. -Pat _______ Pat Lynch [EMAIL

Re: newpcm and Vibra16X

1999-09-20 Thread Pat Lynch
've been away for 3 weeks traveling across the United States to visit my grandmother in AZ, US. Haven't has a chance to catch up on -current totally yet. -Pat _______ Pat Lynch

Re: On refusing to talk to dialups

1999-09-24 Thread Pat Lynch
; as ORB and Paul Vixie's attitude towa5rds it has been excellent. Its much easier to get off RBL than it is ORB, especially if you are on it by mistake, like a friend of mine was. -Pat ___________ Pat Lynch

Re: On refusing to talk to dialups

1999-09-24 Thread Pat Lynch
in the rule : check_relay in Ruleset 98 essentially after checking the one, if it passes the first (RBL) it then checks it vs. the second (DUL) if it actually gets an address back... it rejects the mail, with the message. ______

Re: On refusing to talk to dialups

1999-09-25 Thread Pat Lynch
yes, Dynamic dialups are the real problems. I have a static dialup, and its essentially mine to do with what I want. its not counted among my ISP's dialup pools. ___ Pat

Re: On refusing to talk to dialups

1999-09-25 Thread Pat Lynch
Actually, I should clarify, my dialup is actually dedicated. not dialup-when-I-need-it. don;t know if this makes a diofference but I pay ALOT of money for the use of my own guaranteed modem 24/7. -Pat ___ Pat Lynch

Re: Sound Blaster ViBRA16X and pcm driver

1999-12-07 Thread Pat Lynch
ave is, is there an easy way for a "user" to probe for these ID's and get this kind of information? -Pat ___ Pat Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Speaking of moving files (Re: make world broken building fortunes )

1999-12-26 Thread Pat Lynch
On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Ben Rosengart wrote: > > vi -- which is in /usr. > > Good example of something else that would be great to have in /bin. > > *ducking* > > -- > Ben Rosengart and as a coworker, I'd have to tell you how to use cat

Re: Speaking of moving files

1999-12-26 Thread Pat Lynch
tool makes Junior level administrators cower in fear. Just for that reason it makes it the best tool for intimidation. -Pat -- Pat Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROT