Actually, I should clarify, my dialup is actually dedicated. not
dialup-when-I-need-it. don;t know if this makes a diofference but I pay
ALOT of money for the use of my own guaranteed modem 24/7. -Pat
Systems Administrator Rush Networking
On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
> > yes, Dynamic dialups are the real problems. I have a static dialup, and
> > its essentially mine to do with what I want. its not counted among my
> > ISP's dialup pools.
> And if you signed the additional clauses to our AUP that basically places
> you at legal and financial risk for violation of the other parts of the
> AUP, with special respect to spamming, your static IP would be excluded
> from our filter. We just don't like to have to do this for an account
> that is anything less than a DS-1 loop, though it may be fractional DS-1.
> We really hate to do it for any dial up services, we will leave that
> business to the IP's who provide no real service.
> --
> Rod Grimes - KD7CAX - (RWG25) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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