alculations and operations to find
file containing bad sector(s) and put it in FAQ, Handbook, or Wiki.
Miroslav Lachman
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Eugene Dzhurinsky wrote:
On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 12:21:44PM +0100, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
Eugeny N Dzhurinsky wrote:
We have this problem from time to time on bunch of machines. As we are
using gmirror, the easiest way is to force re-synchronization (rewrite)
of the whole drive. The problem is
Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
Miroslav Lachman<> writes:
Yes, rewriting by dd or any other way works for reallocating or
clearing pending sectors counter, but in server environment
In a server environment, you'd be a fool not to have some sort of
redundancy set up.
Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
Miroslav Lachman<> writes:
So... can somebody with enough knowledge write some docs / script how
to find the affected file based on LBA read error from messages /
SMART log?
ZFS will tell you straight away, but I guess if you used ZFS, you
Gary Jennejohn wrote:
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 10:55:19 +0100
Miroslav Lachman<> wrote:
[big snip]
fsdb (inum: 3)> blocks
Blocks for inode 3:
Direct blocks:
3001 (1 frag)
fsdb (inum: 3)> findblk 3001
fsdb (inum: 3)>
findblk did not r
Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
Miroslav Lachman<> writes:
The LBA of bad sector is *79725167* [...] s1 starts 63 sectors from
the beginning of the drive and /var/db has offset 39845888. So am I
right that I need to find block number *39879105* by findblk command?
Uh, 79
Gary Jennejohn wrote:
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 17:18:45 +0100
Miroslav Lachman<> wrote:
Gary Jennejohn wrote:
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 10:55:19 +0100
Miroslav Lachman<> wrote:
[big snip]
fsdb (inum: 3)> blocks
Blocks for inode 3:
Direct blocks:
Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
Miroslav Lachman<> writes:
Dag-Erling Smørgrav writes:
Uh, 79725167 - 63 = 79725104 and 79725104 - 39845888 = 39879216. How
did you arrive at 39879105?
I am sorry, it was my confusion.
My calculation was for *LBA=79725056* reported in me
Gary Jennejohn wrote:
On Wed, 17 Mar 2010 12:41:33 +0100
Miroslav Lachman<> wrote:
I absolutely don't understand how you get the number 4 (it is some magic
for me :]) but it works!
Umm, it's standard C code: 1<< 2 = 4. It's a power of 2,
Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
Miroslav Lachman<> writes:
As you can see, there are really two different numbers LBA=79725056 in
messages and LBA = 0x04c0826f = 79725167 in SMART log.
I don't know how comfortable you are reading kernel code, but I would
suggest look
thout any reaction).
I don't know who is responsible person for rc system and related PRs,
but it seems there is not enough man power to check/take/commit/or close
PRs related to rc.
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing
Doug Barton wrote:
On 4/12/2010 9:45 AM, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
I have bad experiences with freebsd-rc mailing list - no responses to my
direct e-mails and no responses for PRs (PR sent more than year ago,
direct e-mails 3 month ago without any reaction).
I don't know who is responsible p
servers in production. But it
does not mean all IBM / HP / SM servers will work.
You can see more on Hardware Notes
Miroslav Lachman
rc script.
Miroslav Lachman
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Alexander Best wrote:
I'm glad to see that you're filling in some of the many missing bits
in this file.
yet another addition.
> .if ${MK_TCSH} == no
And what about usr/share/skel/dot.cshrc?
Miroslav Lachman
rd format.
I think 2010-07-20 is really readable than 20100720 or 2010/07/20 and
"2011-01-06 00:03:50" is better than "Jan 6 00:03:50" (in logs)
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
ns using that define might have. I needed it for my
remove_invalid_inherit() function to work.
Can it be extended to getfacl too? I am waiting for recursive
functionality for a long time. It is available on linux and maybe some
other OSes.
Miroslav Lachman
or each port we have in the ports tree?
Miroslav Lachman
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Cy Schubert wrote on 2019/05/01 05:56:
In message <>, Miroslav
Lachman wri
David Chisnall wrote on 2019/04/30 10:22:
On 29/04/2019 21:12, Joe Maloney wrote:
With CFT version you chose to build, and package individual components
such as se
FreeBSD Core Team Secretary wrote on 2019/05/10 03:24:
The FreeBSD Core Team is aware of recent controversial statements made
on social media by a FreeBSD developer. We, along with the Code of
Conduct review committee, are investigating the matter and will decide
what action to take. Both the C
priority 128 path cost 200
member: lagg0 flags=143
ifmaxaddr 0 port 4 priority 128 path cost 200
Everything works without any problem.
The only problem in the beginning was PF rules. I added rule to allow
traffic to the VM IP
Thank you for all your work on FreeBSD. Wish you luck in your new job.
Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
Glen Barber wrote on 2019/06/20 18:22:
Dear FreeBSD community:
As I have a highly-visible role within the community, I want to share
some news. I have decided the time has come to move on
mber some issue in the past which was (accidentaly?) fixed by
running "make buildworld && make builkernel && make installkernel &&
make installworld" on the build host (to some different DESTDIR) and
then "make installkernel && make installworld&quo
obj shared on the build
machine? I'll try this later. Thanks!
Yes, I think so. But I am not a developer nor I know much about how
build process works.
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
I am running PC-BSD 10.1.1 on Dell PowerEdge T20 (Haswell with
E3-1225v3) with nVidia GT 630. It is running fine, no crashes at all.
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
on to this problem with swapuse?
IMHO it shoul be fixed or better documented in man pages.
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
to increase verbosity for log files.
I didn't know blacklistd. It seems very interesting. It would be nice if
somebody will port it to FreeBSD.
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
POLA". Removing Perl from base, removing BIND from base...
these were more significant changes than changing something in locales.
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
m was reported yesterday on Stable
Periodic jobs triggering panics in 10.1 and 10.2
Also ZFS with jails.
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
thing like that over for a while, but looking
at the source for pwhash I decided I'd want to start from scratch.
"openssl passwd", maybe?
It is really old implementation and cannot produce any modern hash than MD5.
Miroslav Lachman
none with mount ability of SMB/CIFS or I
don't know about it.
Miroslav Lachman
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s is used in current ports for things like PHP extensions.
These ports meta-packages are not hiding real packages so this can be
improved for base packages.
It is just a quick idea how to satisfy both sides ;)
Miroslav Lachman
x27; (for example
/mnt/usr) to not mount /usr over existing directory on root filesystem.
Miroslav Lachman
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t thing it will change anything on
the future of packaged base.
So it is better to spend our time on working local solution to new
problem. It has some pros and some cons and I hope the pros will
outweigh cons.
Miroslav Lachman
Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote on 03/11/2016 15:05:
On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 02:58:17PM +0100, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote on 03/11/2016 14:31:
On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 02:20:59PM +0100, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 04:10:56PM +0300, Slawa Olhovchenkov
Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote on 03/11/2016 15:51:
On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 03:39:08PM +0100, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
recompile whole system and reinstall on all machines instead of just
I am proposed: patch packages (replaced or removed some files).
some small package. It has it
Perhaps this is possible, but it's not obvious to me.
Thank you.
Can you publish it as a port? I know there is one written in Perl but I
like your sh without dependencies.
Miroslav La
Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote on 03/14/2016 20:29:
Miroslav Lachman <> writes:
Bryan Drewery writes:
Can you publish it as a port? I know there is one written in Perl but
I like your sh without dependencies.
This seems like a nightmare to me. This was one of the reasons I don't
like other OS distribuitions and I stayed with FreeBSD for more than 15
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
eeBSD team. I just
think that things like this can and should be communicated better next
time. Sysadmins and sysdevelopers have different point of view to a lot
of things and it is better to talk about it before things are done and
cannot be undone.
Miroslav Lachman
dwidth and
storage for backups after upgrade. (but I don't know how many files are
usually unchanged between upgrades)
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
To un
converted all machines back to "installkernel & installworld" from NFS
mounted build server. It is faster and predictable than freebsd-update
(in my case).
I hope that pkg upgrade will be good replacement one day. But I don't
think it is good enough right now.
Miroslav Lachman
. For recoveries and remote installs I
always use mfsbsd images (about 45MB).
Miroslav Lachman
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ys/ROOT/b4supd_20160728 mounted no-
sys/ROOT/b4supd_20160728 mountpoint / local
sys/ROOT/b4supd_20160728 canmount off local
sys/ROOT/default mounted yes -
sys/ROOT/default mountpoint / local
sys/ROOT/default canmount
d HDD.
I rewrite about 10MB on its start and then about 10MB on the end.
I have some script to do this - simply takes media size from diskinfo
command, substract 10MB and then dd with seek
Hope that it will help you
Miroslav Lachman
media cannot be removed
(install via remote KVM with real local USB stick) and there is no need
to not allow user to reboot from the installer.
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
done in each GEOM RAID class separately?
But after all, I realy appreciate your work in this area! I hope I will
have time to test it soon.
Thank you!
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
drive is wrong.
The drive's content should be inacessible until operator do some action
(for example gmirror clear on broken disk device).
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
tunately, I am not a C programmer, so I cannot write patches, but I
can test whatever you will need in this area.
You are right, it should be separate project. I am looking forward to
your proposal / wiki page.
Thank you again for your work on GEOM improvement
Scot Hetzel wrote:
2011/10/5 Miroslav Lachman<>:
I am waiting years for the moment, when these GEOM problems will be fixed,
so I am really glad to see your interest!
It will be move to right direction even if changes will not be backward
The current state
y other way, then glabel should
not be allowed to place labels on the disk device at all. (if we cannot
be sure it is non conflicting)
The current state is simply wrong, because user can do something what
cannot work and is not documented anywhere.
Miroslav Lachman
Lev Serebryakov wrote:
Hello, Miroslav.
You wrote 6 октября 2011 г., 16:59:19:
The current state is simply wrong, because user can do something what
cannot work and is not documented anywhere.
It is Ok in UNIX way, in general. You should be able to shoot your
leg, it is good :)
s PR and
freebsd-jail@ archive.
Maybe it will change in jail v2 land or jail config by Jamie...
Miroslav Lachman
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- fewer users = fewer manufacturers will
support FreeBSD (drivers).
Miroslav Lachman
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make etc..
Come of them are rough and need some tweaks.
I would like to share them with others, if there are interrest to
include it in stock FreeBSD base.
And if we are talking about better completion and history support, what
about following?
set history=1
set histdup=prev
set savehist
Erich Dollansky wrote:
On Friday 10 February 2012 18:05:59 Miroslav Lachman wrote:
Warren Block wrote:
On Fri, 10 Feb 2012, Gonzalo Nemmi wrote:
I would like to share them with others, if there are interrest to
include it in stock FreeBSD base.
just publish them at least here. It
# Use history to aid expansion
+ set autoexpand
set mail = (/var/mail/$USER)
if ( $?tcsh ) then
bindkey "^W" backward-delete-word
I am fine with this change. It is better than nothing. :)
Miroslav Lachman
Miroslav Lachman
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time (bootonly.iso too)
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it is younger technology than Gjournal.
Miroslav Lachman
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bilities of tcsh.
We all can still use our good old .cshrc modifications, our own prompt,
colors, etc. as we already do.
That's why I am proposing as much "Good features (TM)" enabled by
default as possible. Because we others can easily disabled them if we
don't like them. B
. I did it in the past on one of our Sun Fire X2100 M2
with FreeBSD 8.x.
Miroslav Lachman
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ll be widespread and taken as a standard.
Miroslav Lachman
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ent in /etc/defaults/periodic.conf and in a manpage.
Miroslav Lachman
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r FreeBSD major version.
There were bigger problem with pf.conf in the past - freebsd-update
deleted it and machine was unprotected after reboot. So properly
announced syntax change and tutorial to conversions is not problem for
me and I hope for some others too.
les, so
you can use it on the right side to:
block in on le0 proto tcp from to any
pass in proto tcp from port = 23 to flags A/A
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
e mailing lists and forums few
days / weeks after release.
On the other hand, FreeBSD has good quality of docs included Release
Notes. (thank you for your work!)
If there is some "man power", some items can be more detailed with links
to other online resources like FreeBSD
... oh wait, it should be
'service ctld restart'"
I think it should be more user friendly. Something as Apache 2.2.x has
httpd and httpd.conf, but users are using 'service apache22 restart' and
'apache22_enable="YES"', because there can be more &
Miroslav Lachman
6. `mergemaster -p'
7. `make installworld'
And man page for etcpupdate -p has this:
-p Enable “pre-world” mode. Only merge changes to files
that are necessary to successfully run ‘make
installworld’ or ‘make installkernel
Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
files than
uncompressed on a compressed filesystem. To me, it's the same as
compressing large database dumps and not relying on filesystem compression.
YMMV, but I really don't see any benefit of changing the newsyslog code,
just change defaults in newsyslog.conf.
Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
can change them, but sane defaults
should be beneficial for new users without much background knowledge.
Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
l in an editor session where
changes can be made, using the editor, and committed. This could even be an
enhancement to bsdinstall: call it expert mode or whatever.
Manipulating partition table in editor session can be achieved by few
lines of shell script as a wrapper around gpart backup &
On 04/06/2024 23:52, John Hixson wrote:
On Mon, Jun 27, 2022 at 03:27:54PM +0200, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
On 16/06/2022 15:56, Rick Macklem wrote:
Miroslav Lachman <> wrote:
On 24/01/2022 16:13, Rick Macklem wrote:
So, I think Mark and Yuri are correct and l
efore moving it into kernel space.
This is really good news. I can't help with the code, but once you get
something I can test, let me know. I'd be happy to help with testing.
Best regards
Miroslav Lachman
_x11), jid 0, uid 1001: exited
on signal 6 (core dumped)
My system is 13.3-p3 amd64.
Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
On 12/07/2024 11:56, Tomoaki AOKI wrote:
On Fri, 12 Jul 2024 10:20:19 +0200
Miroslav Lachman <> wrote:
Something similar happens to me, but when logging into KDE Plasma.
Sometimes it happens that desktop applications that start from a saved
session (Firefox, Thund
On 12/07/2024 18:45, Tomoaki AOKI wrote:
On Fri, 12 Jul 2024 14:35:15 +0200
Miroslav Lachman <> wrote:
On 12/07/2024 11:56, Tomoaki AOKI wrote:
*Hardware problem
*Main memory (including memory slot)
*Dedicated grhaphics memories, if any
he kld_list in rc.conf is no longer needed, that any problems
it used to solve are solved, and that the preferred way is to load
everything from loader.conf. So I'm curious, what's the right thing to
do then? (I load most of my modules from rc.conf)
Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
On 30/07/2024 14:55, Michael Gmelin wrote:
On Tue, 30 Jul 2024 11:38:57 +0200
Miroslav Lachman <> wrote:
Does this also apply today? I recently read from someone on a mailing
list that the kld_list in rc.conf is no longer needed, that any
problems it used to sol
On 30/07/2024 12:31, Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
Miroslav Lachman <> writes:
Dag-Erling Smørgrav writes:
This does cause the module to be loaded at boot time, but it's slower
than loading it later, and it increases memory fragmentation.
Does this also apply today?
atch out for,
or is memory fragmentation not such a big deal?
Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
click edit, add disk, iso and nic to VM
Start VM
But what is weasel / how can I start it? I see only cirrinad and cirrinactl.
Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
n you must
installed them too and verify /etc/shells settings.
Additionally you may need a copy of /etc/profile and /etc/csh.cshrc if
you modified them.
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
Real IP was replaced with AA.BB.CCC.DDD
And it works. Services inside jail must be listening on both IPs or
wildcard * (
And be sure to disable hosts services to listen on IPs and ports you
want to be served from jail.
Miroslav Lachman
you want)
And move this discussion to proper mailing list:
Miroslav Lachman
Am 23.03.2018 um 16:07 schrieb Miroslav Lachman:
Joerg Surmann wrote on 2018/03/23 13:49:
Hi all,
I have a Problem to understund how to manage 2 Networks inside a Jail.
i have cr
our packages (built with poudriere)
As Guido Falsi already said it is not guaranteed that you will not have
ports with some X libs, because some ports does not have option to
disable X11 dependencies.
Miroslav La
copy and update my laptop?
Yes and we are using it (for STABLE, but it works for all versions).
You can build it on you build server and export it with NFS.
Miroslav Lachman
Boot ROM in PCIe/PnP/etc
options in the firmware. I never have had such a confusing
Did you try to boot some ISO media through IPMI remote media option?
I don't know if X9SCV-Q have this option. I have X9SCA-F which is
somewhat different than yours.
pt can have only
domain names (CN or Subject Alternative Name), for example. An
example which is not supported by Let's Encrypt is a certificate for
S/MIME email encryption which has an email address.
Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
Rick Macklem wrote on 2020/03/19 03:09:
Miroslav Lachman wrote:
NFS (or any other server) should check list of revoked certificates too.
Otherwise you will not be able to deny access to user which you no
longer want to have an access.
Yes, good point.
I won't claim to under
full openssl
commands or write my own tools / scripts around it I choose easy-rsa on
machines where somebody else needs to work with certs.
Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman
___ mailing list
.5 Inch Drive Form Factor
SlotType: PCI Express Gen 3 SFF-8639
Can anybody shed some light what the real problem is?
Is the hardware not properly detected or is the driver completely missing?
NVME PCIe architecture is out of my knowledge.
I really appreciate any help.
Miroslav Lachman
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e way... :)
I didn't find any evidence of RAID card but maybe I cannot look for it.
Miroslav Lachman
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I've been blessed with either being able to turn this off, or not having
to deal...
vmd is in the kernel of 13-CURRENT installer I tried but I don't see any
vmd device.
Miroslav Lachman
Scott Long wrote on 04/17/2020 21:18:
On Apr 17, 2020, at 11:46 AM, Miroslav Lachman <> wrote:
Scott Long wrote on 04/17/2020 18:17:
You are correct about Intel vs AMD. Comparing the full output of pciconf from
FreeBSD with the fragment of lspci from Linux suggest
Kurt Jaeger wrote on 04/17/2020 21:44:
pciconf -lBc pcib12
pciconf -lBc pcib13
Printscreen attached.
Attachments are stripped from the list -- can you put them somewhere
online ?
Here it is
Miroslav Lachman
Scott Long wrote on 04/17/2020 22:17:
On Apr 17, 2020, at 1:47 PM, Miroslav Lachman <> wrote:
Kurt Jaeger wrote on 04/17/2020 21:44:
pciconf -lBc pcib12
pciconf -lBc pcib13
Printscreen attached.
Attachments are stripped from the list -- can you put them som
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