> OK, I browsed through the source tree to locate something looking
> like an RSA package and found /usr/src/crypto/openssl
/usr/src/crypto is just like /usr/src/contrib - you *never* attempt
to build things out of it. That will fail.
What you need is simply the rsaref package. I think someb
> OK, so now that we've settled this, can we get something into the
> startup files? :)
I have patches to complete K5 (and K5-ise ssh). May I bring them in?
I also need to fix up the release area and sysinstall.
Mark Murray
Join the anti-SPAM movement: http://www.cauce.org
To Un
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
> What you need is simply the rsaref package. I think somebody was
> supposed to improve the wording that the stubs emit, the version I
> originally committed (but Peter now has sole responsibility for :)
Yes, this was on my mental list of things to
> It exists in source form - you just need to build secure/lib/librsaintl
> and install it.
Perhaps, but according to the conversation I had with Peter, at least,
it also wants to be in the ports collection and build a package
version of itself. :) Not everyone has source on their box.
- Jordan
On Sun, Feb 27, 2000 at 12:48:53AM -0500, Jim Bloom wrote:
> but on a new version of current this expands to
> add pass tcp from : to any 25 setup
> Note the extra spaces around the colon.
This is required by the ANSI-C spec. Tokens replaced by `cpp' shall b
I cvsupped -current at about 10.30 am (CET). Thats the last lines of
my buildworld log:
cc -o make_hash -O -pipe -I. -I/usr/src/lib/libncurses
-I/usr/src/lib/libncurses/../../contrib/ncurses/include -Wall -DFREEBSD_NATIVE
It is rumoured that Stefan Schmidt had the courage to say:
> i have got a problem with a router running FreeBSD 3.4-REL:
> Every three days or so it hangs, whiche means that the console is not
> responding any more, open tcp ports don't respond == are timing-out just
> like they're filtered. I gue
This time it happens with a recent cvs version of wine (about 1 week
$ wine -desktop 780x560 ./iew31.exe
Could not stat /mnt/fd0, ignoring drive A:
ld-elf.so.1: assert failed: /usr/src/libexec/rtld-elf/lockdflt.c:54
wine: can't exec './iew31.exe': invalid exe file
My version of
Jim Bloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On the old version of current this expands to
> add pass tcp from to any 25 setup
> but on a new version of current this expands to
> add pass tcp from : to any 25 setup
You might wis
3.7 Mbit is about 450Kb/s. You should be able to get around 600kb/s in
big transfers.
But the ballpark figure is about right. The problem is the architecture
of the devices that basically incur a 1 ms delay once in a while to read
registers, which is a separate USB transfer which takes >= 1ms.
No. It has the same bug. That method of concatenation only works for strings.
Jim Bloom
Kai Großjohann wrote:
> /
> | #define rule(ADDR,MASK) \
> | add pass tcp from ADDR ## : ## MASK to any 25 setup
> |
> | rule(,
> \
> Does it do what you
Jim Bloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> No. It has the same bug. That method of concatenation only works
> for strings.
Well, I tried it and got the following:
| $ cat foo
| #define rule(ADDR,MASK) add pass tcp from ADDR ## : ## MASK to any 25 setup
| rule(,
| $
Kai Großjohann wrote:
> /
> | $ cat foo
> | #define rule(ADDR,MASK) add pass tcp from ADDR ## : ## MASK to any 25 setup
> | rule(,
> | $ type cpp
> | cpp is hashed (/usr/bin/cpp)
> | $ cpp foo
> | # 1 "foo"
> |
> | add pass tcp from to an
I'm experiencing some problems with ntpd. It would appear that a few
(10-15) minutes after I start it, the machine crashes completely...
Feb 28 14:10:02 egrorian ntpd[153]: ntpd 4.0.99b Mon Feb 28 12:12:17 GMT 2000 (1)
Feb 28 14:10:02 egrorian ntpd[153]: using kernel phase-lock loop 2040
Feb 28
Nik Clayton wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 10:23:37AM -0500, Forrest Aldrich wrote:
> > I'm wondering if there might not be a way to streamline this install
> > process, such that a boot floopy and script could be created to take a
> > minimum amount of information, and then "do the right thi
"Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote:
> > OK, I browsed through the source tree to locate something looking
> > like an RSA package and found /usr/src/crypto/openssl
> /usr/src/crypto is just like /usr/src/contrib - you *never* attempt
> to build things out of it. That will fail.
> What you need is
[forwarded from -questions to the above groups because this seems to be a
legit "problem" and I wanted the "right eyes" in -current to see it. ]
--- start of forwarded message ---
From: "John Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Installation floppies and USB
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 21:19
John Reynolds~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>[forwarded from -questions to the above groups because this seems to be a
>legit "problem" and I wanted the "right eyes" in -current to see it. ]
>I have a system with only a *USB* keyboard port (no PS/2 or AT-style ports).
> When I boot the installat
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Dave J. Boers wrote:
> It is rumoured that Stefan Schmidt had the courage to say:
> > i have got a problem with a router running FreeBSD 3.4-REL:
> > Every three days or so it hangs, whiche means that the console is not
> > responding any more, open tcp ports don't respond ==
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
< said:
> Can someone explain to me the point of NOCRYPT?
Historical. (IIRC it's also tied into the release-building process,
or at least it was.)
Garrett A. Wollman | O Siem / We are all family / O Siem / We're all the same
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | O Siem / The fires of freedom
After stealing the /sys/netgraph/tee makefile (because I'm making a
netgraph node), I tried compiling it --- and that appeared to go
fine... however, when I tried to load it, I got:
[1:19:319]root@test:/u1/dgilbert> kldload ./ng_l2tp.ko
kldload: can't load ./ng_l2tp.ko: Exec format error
Feb 28 0
I am running FreeBSD 4.0 -current on my IBM Thinkpad 600E, last nights cvsup and
make world and I herd a rumor that cardbus was supported? Is this true? I have
a adaptec SlimSCSI 1480A that I would love to get workingis there any hope?
If so, how would I get the system to see the external CDR
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 11:47:22PM +0800, Peter Wemm wrote:
> "Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote:
> > > OK, I browsed through the source tree to locate something looking
> > > like an RSA package and found /usr/src/crypto/openssl
> >
> > /usr/src/crypto is just like /usr/src/contrib - you *never* attemp
I have gotten several panics while doing a "make release". I have not
been able to get a dump, (not configure correctly or the kernel was too
scrod). I have put two console logs up on my web server:
If anybody cares to look, The last panic appears to real
> > I have had problems with the 1st PCI slot in the IBM Netfinity 5000, it
> > reboots my system constantly, I dont know why, but now Im not using this
> > slot any more, and everything runs great.
> Could you tell me BIOS version and BIOS setting of your server ?
> Should I turn p
Christoph Kukulies wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 11:47:22PM +0800, Peter Wemm wrote:
> > "Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote:
> > > > OK, I browsed through the source tree to locate something looking
> > > > like an RSA package and found /usr/src/crypto/openssl
> > >
> > > /usr/src/crypto is just like
I've added a port, ports/security/librsaintl, that should build and install
the librsaINTL.* files in /usr/lib, in case you did a binary install or
are stuck with the USA source.
The port is quite a hack, but I'd be interested to know how it works for folks.
Note that there have been several vers
Sorry for asking a stupid question.
I've successfully upgraded my system to current on
29th of February. I want to start sshd so I insert the
sshd_enable="YES" in the /etc/rc.conf but the server
won't start because its searching for the ssh_host_key
file. How do I generate that file?
I also
> > installing the rsaref package if you're in the US or the rsaintl
> > package if you're outside the US. Of course, the rsaintl package
^^^ ^^^
> > doesn't quite *exist* yet, but that's another story. :-)
> librsaintl existed righ
> OK, I cvsup'ed from ftp.internat.freebsd.org cvs-crypto
> Just for the record, FWIW:
> # make -i
Use make world. Doing it this way does not ensure that the bits are
built in the right order.
- Jordan
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the
Jim Bloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>That small test works fine, but doesn't solve the problem I was having. Try
>this small test case to see my problem:
>#define addr
>#define mask
>#define rule(ADDR,MASK) add pass tcp from ADDR ## : ## MASK to any 25 setup
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 08:23:11AM -0800, William Woods wrote:
> I am running FreeBSD 4.0 -current on my IBM Thinkpad 600E, last nights cvsup and
> make world and I herd a rumor that cardbus was supported? Is this true? I have
> a adaptec SlimSCSI 1480A that I would love to get workingis there
Seeing that your USB controller fails to work properly when the FreeBSD
kernel takes over, I bet somewhere there is a problem with shared
Because a USB keyboard here works either with USB support or without USB
support compiled in.
The only solution for you would be to compile a new
< said:
> I'm not ready to play with the openssl/ssh stuff yet, but I wanted to
> test Soren's latest ATA stuff so I cvsup'ed and started a buildworld
> with the following make.conf options:
> My buildworld failed here in the 'make dependencies' stage:
That's because lots of things were b
Have a few issues...
(pardon the laundry list :)
Fresh install of RC2 (4.0-2214-CURRENT).
Fresh meaning remove slices, create, yada...
After install, tweak some minor things while building an SMP kernel,
install pdksh and less from ports, and install CVSup.
Update source, check
Out of da blue Peter Wemm aka ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
> I've added a port, ports/security/librsaintl, that should build and install
> the librsaINTL.* files in /usr/lib, in case you did a binary install or
> are stuck with the USA source.
> The port is quite a hack, but I'd be interested to k
Greetings, I'm just wondering if anyone has encountered the following, and
what solutions you may have come up with / ideas you may have.
This may not be a FreeBSD problem, since I am using the latest XFree86
pre-4.0 snapshot.
Almost every time I load a page in Netscape (latest port), I
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Bush Doctor wrote:
> I'm still not clear on the issue of RSAREF :( In the US do we need to
> have the rsaref port installed in order to use openssl/openssh in the
> source tree? If not then in /etc/make.conf we can set "RSAREF=NO" and
> buildworld will DTRT with respect to o
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Nawfal M. Rouyan wrote:
> sshd_enable="YES" in the /etc/rc.conf but the server
> won't start because its searching for the ssh_host_key
> file. How do I generate that file?
Mark *still* needs to commit the /etc/rc* changes to make sshd generate a
hostkey (I'll do it tonight
Cliff Rowley wrote:
> This may not be a FreeBSD problem, since I am using the latest XFree86
> pre-4.0 snapshot.
> "XFree86-BigFont extension: shmat() failed, size = 4096, errno = 24"
I've got the same problem also, and can confirm it is a
-current/XFree86-3.9.18 problem. (Probabably mainly an
Sorry, gang, I just didn't realize how huge the netscape cache
directory had become. No wonder it was taking soo long.
Bruce Burden
> Mark *still* needs to commit the /etc/rc* changes to make sshd generate a
> hostkey (I'll do it tonight if he hasn't by then, since we were hoping for
> a RC3 tomorrow).
Today.. :) I'll be pretty busy tomorrow preparing for the trip and
have just gone and committing a fix.
- Jordan
To Unsub
Could somebody repost the flag intended for make.conf to
keep the des libs from taking over libcrypt's links? Wrote it down, deleted
it, lost the paper, and comenced feeling dumb ;)
Thanks for all of the hard work everybody!
Damieon Stark
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 02:21:33PM -0600, Damieon Stark wrote:
> Could somebody repost the flag intended for make.conf to
> keep the des libs from taking over libcrypt's links? Wrote it down, deleted
> it, lost the paper, and comenced feeling dumb ;)
Feel dumber when you go to actually lo
Donn Miller wrote:
> Cliff Rowley wrote:
> > This may not be a FreeBSD problem, since I am using the latest XFree86
> > pre-4.0 snapshot.
> > "XFree86-BigFont extension: shmat() failed, size = 4096, errno = 24"
> I've got the same problem also, and can confirm it is a
> -current/XFree86-3.9
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
> > Mark *still* needs to commit the /etc/rc* changes to make sshd generate a
> > hostkey (I'll do it tonight if he hasn't by then, since we were hoping for
> > a RC3 tomorrow).
> Today.. :) I'll be pretty busy tomorrow preparing for the trip and
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Will Andrews wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 02:21:33PM -0600, Damieon Stark wrote:
> > Could somebody repost the flag intended for make.conf to
> > keep the des libs from taking over libcrypt's links? Wrote it down, deleted
> > it, lost the paper, and comenced feeling
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 10:42:22PM +0200, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> Do you have any plans to make XFree86-devel port of it? This let us to test
> it and refine before XF-4.0 will be released.
I already made one. However, since XFree86 4.0's release is impending
within the next three or four weeks (a
> Hmm. Whats the status of the sysinstall changes we were talking
> about? Namely, displaying rsaref on the correct vty during installation,
> and teaching it to pick up the RSA packages?
I'm going to do this tonite, before I roll RC#3.
- Jordan
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
> > Hmm. Whats the status of the sysinstall changes we were talking
> > about? Namely, displaying rsaref on the correct vty during installation,
> > and teaching it to pick up the RSA packages?
> I'm going to do this tonite, before I roll RC#3.
On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 11:11:27PM +0200, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> Thanks for pointing. What is your opinion about it (stability, compatability,
> performance etc)?
Haven't had time to screw with it any more than just a basic twm setup. I'd
have to reinstall most of my X apps to use it (and I alrea
Will Andrews wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 10:42:22PM +0200, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> > Do you have any plans to make XFree86-devel port of it? This let us to test
> > it and refine before XF-4.0 will be released.
> I already made one. However, since XFree86 4.0's release is impending
> within
I tried starting sshd via the rc.conf infrastructure after another
buildworld/installworld this morning and still see the:
sshd[166]: fatal: rsa_private_decrypt() failed
error. I thought perhaps some of Peter's changes might have helped, but
it seems to still boil down to the need to s
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Chris Timmons wrote:
> I tried starting sshd via the rc.conf infrastructure after another
> buildworld/installworld this morning and still see the:
> sshd[166]: fatal: rsa_private_decrypt() failed
> error. I thought perhaps some of Peter's changes might have h
Jim Bloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> That small test works fine, but doesn't solve the problem I was having.
Oops. Sorry.
~/.signature: No such file or directory
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> William Woods writes:
: I am running FreeBSD 4.0 -current on my IBM Thinkpad 600E, last
: nights cvsup and make world and I herd a rumor that cardbus was
: supported? Is this true? I have a adaptec SlimSCSI 1480A that I
: would love to get workingis there any hop
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Will Andrews writes:
: CardBus will probably not be supported to any high extent until FreeBSD
: 4.2. There will probably be some support in 4.1, though. And that's just a
: guess - it all depends on the amount of time people spend on these things.
It will likely be
According to Nawfal M. Rouyan:
> won't start because its searching for the ssh_host_key
> file. How do I generate that file?
ssh-keygen -N '' -b 1024 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
Ollivier ROBERT -=- FreeBSD: The Power to Serve! -=- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
FreeBSD keltia.freenix.fr 4.0-CURRENT #77: Thu
> #define addr
> #define mask
> #define rule(ADDR,MASK) add pass tcp from ADDR ## : ## MASK to any 25 setup
> rule(addr,mask)
This is a well-known artifact of the ANSI C rules. You need to do two levels
of macro in order to get the macro args expanded in the paste o
I wrote:
> when fed through an ANSI preprocessor (i.e. not "gcc -E" and not /usr/bin/cpp
> on 3.x!). This also works if (e.g.) addr is defined on the command line.
and of course I _meant_ to write "(i.e. "gcc -E" and not /usr/bin/cpp..."
gcc -E _is_ an ANSI cpp.
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In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This time it happens with a recent cvs version of wine (about 1 week
> old).
> $ wine -desktop 780x560 ./iew31.exe
> Could not stat /mnt/fd0, ignoring drive A:
> ld-elf.so.1: assert failed: /usr/src/libexec/rtld-elf/lock
John Polstra wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This time it happens with a recent cvs version of wine (about 1 week
> > old).
> >
> > $ wine -desktop 780x560 ./iew31.exe
> > Could not stat /mnt/fd0, ignoring drive A:
> > ld-elf.so.1: assert f
On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Robert Watson wrote:
> I've posted about this previously, and am still hoping for a useful answer
> :-). I have a box with an ISA 3Com 3C509 Etherlink III card in it, but
> the ie0 and fe0 probes now come before the ep0 probe in the boot sequence.
> If those two probes are en
On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Andrey A. Chernov wrote:
> This patch revive almost all login.conf and password/account expiration
> features, makes OpenSSH more FreeBSD login compatible and fix non-critical
> memory leak.
> Please review and commit.
I'm not very comfortable with this, to be honest. I
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's the backtrace from gdb:
> (gdb) backtrace
> #0 0x2805ce30 in kill () from /usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1
> #1 0x2805ca0d in abort () from /usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1
> #2 0x28053c6e in lockdflt_acquire () from /usr/libe
If it is the same kind of acer as I have you may be in luck,
hidden away on the back panel hidden behind a sticker and a
metal knockout there are 2 ps/2 style connectors. Pull the
top off of your box and see if you have them (near the parrellel
port) I have been running -current on this box for a
> Will Andrews wrote:
> > On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 10:42:22PM +0200, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> > > Do you have any plans to make XFree86-devel port of it? This let us to test
> > > it and refine before XF-4.0 will be released.
> >
> > I already made one. However, since XFree86 4.0's release is impe
Hello all..
I'm attempting to upgrade from 3.2-Release to -current, got all the sources through
anonymous cvs and went through the process. Ran into a glitch that was solved by
updating a module,, then all went well for about 45 minutes. Then I got the error
"Dont' know how to make argwatch.
Is ipv6 fully supported in 4.0? I see that many ipv6
options in the LINT file but there are no mentions of
ipv6 support in the release notes...
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
To Uns
After upgrading from 3.4 to RC2, i'm noticing something that I never saw
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address(state)
tcp0 0 SYN_SENT
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Originator: Daniel Ortmann
>Organization: N/A
>Confidential: no
>Synopsis: consistent "make -k buildworld" crash with 2 swap partitions
>Severity: critical
>Priority: high
>Category: kern
>Release:FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT i386
Sorry if this is a repeat, I don't think my letter was sent...
On attempting to upgrade from 3.2-RELEASE to -current, make world fails. The problem
lays with /src/gnu/usr.bin/cvs. In /sr/gnu/usr.bin/cvs/lib/Makefile it's looking for
files in /src/contrib/cvs/src and /src/gnu/usr.sbin/cvs/lib
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Nawfal M. Rouyan wrote:
> Is ipv6 fully supported in 4.0? I see that many ipv6
> options in the LINT file but there are no mentions of
> ipv6 support in the release notes...
Yes, it's an oversight (one of many :(
In God we Trust -- all others must submit an X.50
Cliff Rowley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Second:
> Using KDM in place of XDM, XFree86 just dies immediately, resulting in
> several attempts at launching, and then a 30 second pause. XFree86 works
> perfectly otherwise.
i see the same problem here (with an kde build outside of the ports
but w
At 01:30 PM 2/28/00 -0800, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Chris Timmons wrote:
>> I tried starting sshd via the rc.conf infrastructure after another
>> buildworld/installworld this morning and still see the:
>> sshd[166]: fatal: rsa_private_decrypt() failed
>> error.
76 matches
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