On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 08:23:11AM -0800, William Woods wrote:
> I am running FreeBSD 4.0 -current on my IBM Thinkpad 600E, last nights cvsup and
> make world and I herd a rumor that cardbus was supported? Is this true? I have
> a adaptec SlimSCSI 1480A that I would love to get working....is there any hope?
No, CardBus isn't yet supported. The rumor you're hearing is probably
sprung off the fact that CardBus<->PCI bridges do work, at least in PCMCIA
compatability mode.
CardBus will probably not be supported to any high extent until FreeBSD
4.2. There will probably be some support in 4.1, though. And that's just a
guess - it all depends on the amount of time people spend on these things.
Will Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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?O M+ V-- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP+>+++ t++ 5 X++ R+ tv+ b++>++++ DI+++ D+
G++>+++ e->++++ h! r-->+++ y?
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