kernel crash via /usr/bin/ktrace

1999-12-15 Thread tstromberg
While testing ktrace today for the FreeBSD-Audit project with smashwidgets, I left the room and came back to my bios booting up. Unfortunatly smashwidgets wasn't in full logging mode for speed, so I don't know what arguments or environment variablesm were executed to trigger the crash. What annoy

Re: More crashes under heavy exec() load in -CURRENT (and strange savecore)

1999-12-03 Thread tstromberg
-> -> Matt Dillon told me to try to up my PV's in my kernel as a first step. After upping it to 1000 (this could have nothing to do with it), my machine would no longer dump core, or drop into DDB, it'd simply reboot. So I lowered it back down to the default,

More crashes under heavy exec() load in -CURRENT (and strange savecore)

1999-12-03 Thread tstromberg
I've been experiencing more strange crashes. I've been getting them about once or twice a day lately, but only if I'm running my testing for the FreeBSD-audit project. I'm basically brute forcing the FreeBSD toolchain, and reporting the results to the audit mailing list. Unfortunatly, the crash