-> Matt Dillon told me to try to up my PV's in my kernel as a first step. After upping 
it to 1000 (this could have nothing to do with it), my machine would no longer dump 
core, or drop into DDB, it'd simply reboot. So I lowered it back down to the default, 
and now it cored again. I'll pop it up to 1000 again to what it does. 

Just a little bit more information that I noticed. I had DDB in my kernel, and it 
never dropped into it (that I know of, I came into the room when it was rebooting). I 
don't have DDB_UNATTENDED, so there should not have been a timeout.. 

So I'm left to presume that DDB mode was never initialized. Is it ignored if dumpon is 

Thomas R. Stromberg                         Asst. IS Manager / Systems Guru
FreeBSD Contrib, BeOS Dev, Security Geek    Research Triangle Commerce, Inc.
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