The post below shows up at #7 in google search for "freebsd pf version".
The title of the post is "Do not use FreeBSD 9.0 as a PF firewall "
Probably a "known issue", but it could be useful to demand a follow-up post
along the lines "9.2 is now the norm and sysutils/pftop is no longer
I had submitted the following request from the "contact us" link on
the BSD Magazine website, but I never received an answer.
The BSD Magazine is free to download and that's great. What I would
like however, is to subscribe to the mag and receive in my mail the
PDF of the magazine automatically wh
I created the Nabble account, but I'm afraid I need some help with it.
In the account I opened sub-forum of archive type for a mail list
(freebsd-jail). I then modified my user info in to the e-mail
specified by nabble:
I think I got it and looks got ATM
___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
I must admit my ignorance of such things.
Nabble seems to be a server-side implementation; Is it an app
installable on the client side (does not seem so).
Is your suggestion then to replace the current mail-server with a
Nabble-like app? If not, and your suggestion is client-side, am I to
set up
I suspect this is not the correct list, and probably a PIA to
implement, but I'll voice my wish anyway: I would like to see
filtering options on the mail lists.
The idea is; you could log-in if you wanted, on the left would be the
lists to which you have subscribed (or all lists, with subscribed o