what does that actually mean. It is
often not said whether they have a business access at work or a
flatrate at home. Without that, the information loses a lot of its
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
following questions:
* how the collaboration process differs
* how good is the content
* how liberal is the content (not contamined directly or indirectly by
the government)
Does someone of you knows more?
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
g can freely share in
> the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
> http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
> On Oct 20, 2009, at 8:20 AM, Ziko van Dijk wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Having read
>> http://edition.cnn.com/2009/TECH/10/14/wiki.ch
editor over the external links section.
> I tend towards the "argh, no, not another project" view on things. I
> think because, and perhaps this is unfair, I dislike that they may
> drain talent and resources away from the encyclopedias.
> _______
> access [[:zh:六四事件]] (which is *very* "sensitive") you will see
> "Connection was reset" and you'll be unable to use the Wikipedia in 90
> seconds. That also produced a bad impression like oh, the site is
> down. Clearly, you are not able to see any information ab
g list
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of minutes. Anyone else find that?
> Sorry, I meant *seconds*.
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Ziko van Dijk
Hi all,
> LiquidThreads has been in alpha testing on Wikimedia Labs [2] for
> several months, and, more recently, it's been used in a production
> context on the strategy wiki, where it has been quite well-received.
orking yet.
Is there a decent turorial, anyway? Sorry, but I am not a software specialist.
Kind regards
2009/12/19 David Goodman :
> mysterious codes? All that is needed is knowing how to indent and sign.
> David Goodman, Ph.D, M.L.S.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:DGG
> Blue Oxen Associates http://www.blueoxen.com/
> ==
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Ups - sorry and thank you!
2009/12/30 lyzzy :
> Hi Ziko,
> Am 30.12.2009 um 21:12 schrieb Ziko van Dijk:
>> Hello,
>> I cannot see any messages, has anyone a clue why? I use firefox and
>> also tried iron.
>> Kind regards
>> Ziko
; Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/foundation-l
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English (swing 8.9%)
> > United Arab Emirates: Arabic 66.8% UNDER English (swing 5.4%)
> > Egypt: Arabic 18.5% UNDER English (swing 11.3%)
> > Lithuania: Lithuanian 9.3% UNDER English (swing -6.4%) - vernaculars
> > 9.3% under English (swing -6.6%)
> > Iran: Persian 0.6% UNDER English (swing 0.5%)
> >
> > --
> > André Engels, andreeng...@gmail.com
> >
> > ___
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>> R: Mark Williamson
>> Two main factors influencing choice of Wikipedia language:
>> # Fluency of the Internet-using population of a country in English.
>> # Quality of the native Wikipedia.
>> A:
>> Like you say. Man
2010/2/8 Philippe Beaudette :
> Can you imagine, finding places that have WP articles and projecting
> the logo globe on them?
> That would be an amazing public visibility thing. In SF alone, for
> instance, Grace Cathedral, Coit Tower, the Transamerica Pyramid....
>> foundation-l mailing list
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arge donation to Commons?
> Anyway, that's the kind of page I was looking for -- it just needs to
> be updated! Thanks.
> -- Phoebe
> ___
> foundation-l mailing list
> foundation-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> Unsubscribe: https://li
m: maintaining a Wikipedia language edition
means also doing a lot of technical stuff. The gals from Limburg would
love to see users from other language editions supporting them with
MediaWiki extensions, geolocalisation and the not so easy aspects of
categorization. http://li.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gebroek
which I was still going to ask you questions - you
are more experienced still.
Kind regards
2010/4/2 phoebe ayers :
> Ziko,
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Ziko van Dijk
> wrote:
>> When he told me about, I looked up again what I had written about
>> (small) Wik
ll of the world's knowledge.
> Jimbo's actions make that consensus deeply problematic.
> There is a petition for Wales' founder flag to be removed, which has gained
> widespread support since his actions. (
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/Remove_Founder_flag )
> -A. C.
iven the importance of Commons for all projects, with at the
same time an inherent weakness of Commons because many Wikipedians use
it but do not engage in it specifically.
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
Hello Naoko
Thank you for the explanations, by the way I find it interesting to
read the feedback, the users' comments.
Sometimes it is difficult for me to follow things because Vector has
changed or is displayed in various projects differently.
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
were a betting man, I'd say the next
> "deadline" will be "before Wikimania!" When that passes, everyone can get
> distracted spending six months focusing on the annual fundraiser and we'll
> see you in
> Combining the two, and removing the potential bad bits (i.e. "double" and
> "review") how about "Checked Revisions"?
> Mike Peel
> ___________
> foundation-l mailing list
> foundation-l@lists.wikimedia.or
Well, what James Alexander says - maybe we can make up something of
"edit". "Checked edit".
2010/5/24 William Pietri :
> On 05/24/2010 01:41 AM, Ziko van Dijk wrote:
>> In German Wikipedia, our word "gesichtet" is a little bit strange.
>> &q
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gt;> > foundation-l mailing list
>>> > foundation-l@lists.wikimedia.org
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>>> >
>>> ___
>>> foundation-l mailing list
>>> foundation-
2006 use is the first.
> --
> geni
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>> can't be worthwhile. Only that I think you're fighting an uphill
>> battle against a number of _natural_ (not human originated) biases,
>> and I wish you luck!
>> [*] A while back I wrote up a longer and highly technical version of
>> this explanation as part o
create online
encyclopedias in "simple language", in and outside the Wikimedia
world. Wouldn't it be suitable to reconsider and try to give those
initiatives a place? Who else is more capable to create and support
such encyclopedias than we are?
Kind regards
Ziko van Di
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Ziko van Dijk
> wrote:
>> In the discussion, the question of creating a Wikipedia in simple
>> German came up.
> This would be useful.
>> As we know, to-day Wikimedia language committee policies prohibit a
2010/6/25 Milos Rancic :
> My first answer is that Wikipedia is good enough for children and that
> we do not need a Wikipedia fork with dumb language.
I wonder where such an attitude comes from. "Dumb"?
Ziko van
y other
>> project not marked as a "project for children".
>> ___
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>> It's true, and I want Wikimedia to be that stable. In fact, I want it
>> to be *more* stable than most American universities are at the moment
>> -- certainly more than mine!
>> -- phoebe
>> _
rica and Latin America.
> --
> אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
> Amir Elisha Aharoni
> http://aharoni.wordpress.com
> "We're living in pieces,
> I want to live in peace." - T. Moore
> ___
> founda
up is mainly populated by computer
specialists and natives of English. The second group consists of
language specialists and non natives of English. But of course there
are many exceptions.
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
2010/7/28 Shiju Alex :
>> We welcome automation in translation, but n
> improve their process should be the focus here?
> ___
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Ziko van Dijk
n. Could you report more about that, Mark?
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
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> people to review or help. This was all missing from the effort and I think
> what caused most of the problems.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Muhammad Yahia
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> >
> > Nemo
> >
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> >
stablished. But only
after a couple of years, you'll already have your first notable
anniversary (we had 5 years of WMNL in 2011), look back and cannot
imagine that there was once a time without a chapter.
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
Wikimedia Nederland
2012/2/8 phoebe ayers :
> The Wikimedi
e etc.
Kind regards
Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland
dr. Ziko van Dijk, voorzitter
afraid that a new group at this point would bump into the
> same problems as the old one did, and has to go through that whole learning
> process all over again.
> So yes, lets be critical, and constructive as much as possible.
> best,
> Lodewijk
> No dia 14 de Fever
: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/foundation-l
Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland
dr. Ziko van Dijk, voorzitter
foundation-l maili
ck, compared to the mails on a
mailinglist or talk page comments, all done by people as individuals.
Kind regards
Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland
dr. Ziko van Dijk, voorzitter
> and Wikibooks and so on. Give them the opportunity to fix up the
> language used by the Foundation and the chapters.
> Remember: how can community members support and become more deeply
> involved with the work of the chapters and the Foundation if they
> can'
> info.
> Some companies sometimes hire external services (private historians) to
> "clean up" their archives and some good stuff can get out of this, such a
uncommon in the different Wikipedias.)
Not everything has to happen *in* Wikipedia.
Kind regards
2012/2/25 Castelo :
> On 24-02-2012 07:48, Ziko van Dijk wrote:
>> Leave the use of historical sources to historians, and then cite from
>> their books. That's what h
gt; Best regards,
>> Lodewijk
> ___
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{cite video}} and ii) facilitate translating.
> Castelo
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Dickinson#Singing_style
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2012/2/26 Castelo :
> On 25-02-2012 23:02, Ziko van Dijk wrote:
>> As said, all the great things Oral history can be done - outside of
>> Wikipedia.
> Yes, it "can be done" but it's not "been made". The information is there for
> decad
Wikimedia Nederland
dr. Ziko van Dijk, voorzitter
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e questions I had, and I
>> never happened t be looking up something with one of the longer
>> articles...
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Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland
dr. Ziko van Dijk, voorzitter
Wikimedia Nederland
Postbus 167
3500 AD Utrecht
Dear all,
Here a little contribution to the discussion about new organizations
for the Wikimedia movement. As far as I know, at this point there are
not many groups who consider seriously about becoming such a new
organization. Sometimes people mention the Esperanto Wikipedians
because they cannot
> Sam.
> --
> Samuel Klein identi.ca:sj w:user:sj +1 617 529
> 4266
> ___
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> Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedi
both Wikipedia and the travel
> site, and an increase in both contributors and images.*
> --
> James Heilman
> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
> ___
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> foundation-l@lists.wikimedia.org
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ipedia and Wikivoyage).
> PS. I'll tell the German Wikvoyage community about this discussion.
> ___
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onations, proper
> licensing attribution, and other issues heard. There are lots more, but if
> you have ideas please share.
> Steven
> 1. http://strategy.wikimedia.org/wiki/Product_Whitepaper
> 2. http://strategy.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile
> ___
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The Netherlands
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Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands
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or without specification.
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Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands
000 words.
> Ogden's Basic English was published in 1940. It's unlikely that those
> who asked for simple.wikipedia.org were unaware of it.
> Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
> ___
> foundation-l mailing li
come to a sister project and don't learn immediately that the rules
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
2011/7/1 WereSpielChequers :
> One thing I find irritating and complex about our structure is the
> proliferation of small wikis. Now I've no objection to the idea that
> Ziko van Dijk, 02/07/2011 00:14:
>> But in those sister projects communities, I have met fierce resistance
>> to any new branding or technical rearrangement. They even tend to
>> avoid to associate themselves with
imedia trademark and maybe abuse it. There must be an
official recognition anyway from Wikimedia Foundation.
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
2011/7/13 Lodewijk :
> I am not sure if this is about the same thing. I read Alec's questions as
> being about content projects that want to affiliate th
n poor countries, but maybe
e-publishing is, and there are certainly at least some places on the
internet that are suitable for new primary and also secondary sources.
Wikipedia cannot solve all problems in the world, and even Wikimedia
Kind regards
Dr. Ziko van Dijk
The Netherl
s and
secondary sources. It is the utmost important distinction in history
science. I am sure that any introduction to historiography will agree
with me on that.
Kind regards
2011/7/27 Achal Prabhala :
> Dear Ziko,
> On Wednesday 27 July 2011 09:38 PM, Ziko van Dijk wrote:
such as Wikisource, Wikibooks etc.
Please let me know what you think about the possibility and potential
usefulness of Language Contact Persons.
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands
foundation-l mailing
Is there anywhere more information about the Global Wikipedian,
introduced at Haifa? By chance, I got the business card of Rauan at
the chapters meeting.
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands
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The Netherlands
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at least 2-3 are no longer active. But there was noone who felt
responsible (or authorized?) to remove those names.
Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands
foundation-l mailing list
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands
foundation-l mailing list
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Actually, in Haifa I did not visit a lot of presentations,
intentionally, because I thought they were recorded and going to be
uploaded. I used the time in Haifa to talk to people and make new
Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands
from without the Wikimedia movement. One can
argue about the numbers, but the principle by itself is good.
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands
foundation-l mailing list
useful feedback,
> we could imagine something like an advisory board or scientific
> committee (not executive), appointed by the local chapter (and which
> could just be the chapter board of trustees, to start with), which would
> assist and somehow oversee the local office, with frequent reciprocal
; The Foundation needs to be mature enough to admit that they've screwed up
> this survey, apologise and try again. Next time, start by figuring out what
> you want to achieve by asking the questions and then choose the questions
> accordingly.
Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands
> *Historical, cultural & artistic research & advising.*
> --
> http://www.sarahstierch.com/
> ___
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The Netherlands
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Sorry, I did not mean you, I should have deleted the previous text.
2011/9/4 Federico Leva (Nemo) :
> Ziko van Dijk, 04/09/2011 14:26:
>> I would like to know: Is the introduction of WMF people on national
>> boards a serious idea, or is it just a whim, a piece of loud thinki
ject". They grew to six later. In
German, they were four, later five.
In Dutch, at some times 3, but also 5. In Afrikaans, no real list. In
Frisian, originally 3, later 4, the "four F's". Frisian, Facts, Free,
ObjektyF. "But don't be too worried about rules. Contribut
ars. And why should you?
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands
foundation-l mailing list
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it is wrong what we have on our business cards.
Am I the only one seeing a problem here?
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands
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>> foundation-l mailing list
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Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland
dr. Ziko va
Wikimedia Nederland is reporting monthly on its activities. We just
completed December, and for convenience I send you here the link to
the whole list of reports.
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
Vereniging Wikimedia
l Assembly
Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland
dr. Ziko van Dijk, voorzitter
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s with this kind of expertise; or
> * that some interested academician contacts us.
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reserves the ability to
> appoint and remove members and will still be informed of changes).
> --Michael Snow
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does it
mean when English speaking Wikimedians talk about "local chapters"?
Shouldn't it be "national chapters"? I consider Germany as a national, not a
local entity...
Ziko van Dijk
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> Ting
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Ziko van Dijk
erican institutions and personalities in a way usually a
chapter would. American Wikimedians have no reason to take effort for a WMUS
if they see this and that they can have US states chapters.
* The world is divided into countries, like it or not, and this has
consequences for us.
Ziko v
here, and I am looking forward to the results of these splendid work
Kind regards
"Wer durch des Argwohns Brille schaut,
sieht Raupen selbst im Sauerkraut."
Wilhelm Busch
Ziko van Dijk
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > ZaDiak
> >
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Wikimedians should meet each other.
> Ting
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Ziko van Dijk
> > 2009/2/9 Ziko van Dijk :
> >
> >> If I understand it right, Wikimedia or other stewards can trace what a
> >> single steward is doing. Even if a dictatorship forces a local steward
> to do
> >> something, there is the danger that this becomes pub
Sometimes it would be useful to have a kind of organisation for these
language editions, not chapters, but something else, for PR purposes,
contacts with language institutions etc.
Kind regard
Ziko van Dijk
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al title, also interesting for a curriculum
vitae (resumé) of the participating Wikipedians.
Kind regards
Ziko van Dijk
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know more English
> words.
> - d.
> ___
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Ziko van Dijk
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> >
> --
> KIZU Naoko
> http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Britty (in Japanese)
> Quote of the Day (English): http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/WQ:QOTD
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