As said, all the great things Oral history can be done - outside of
Wikipedia. And what local Wikipedians like to do with it, will be
decided in the community.
Kind regards

2012/2/25 Castelo <>:
> On 25-02-2012 15:58, Michael Peel wrote:
>> Actually, Wikipedia sort of is the place for original content - when it
>> comes to illustrations in articles.
> Those illustrations are mainly in Commons, with exception of the images in
> fair use, but linked in the articles. That kind of original content also
> plays a minor role, only "illustrating" the article, but we cannot reference
> a sentence as "vide image", for instance.
>> It's possible to envisage audio recordings being used in appropriate
>> Wikipedia articles along the lines of 'listen to a fisherman from the coast
>> of Shandong talk about his work', more in the current role of
>> pictures/photographs rather than as references.
> In this case, the audio files will be in Commons, too, and as you pointed,
> won't be used for referencing a specific assertation in the text. It will
> be, just like images, illustrating the written content, as we do now with
> music samples in musicians biography[1]. I suggest transcribe the interview
> for Wikinews and use it in inline citations, as in {{cite news}}, for i)
> easier checking than by {{cite video}} and ii) facilitate translating.
> Castelo
> [1]
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