nd I also agree with Mr. Churchill when he said,
"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it
takes to sit down and listen."
Marc Riddell
foundation-l mailing list
on 9/21/09 7:00 PM, Philippe Beaudette at pbeaude...@wikimedia.org wrote:
> Just to follow up - I just sent a test submit, and it acted correctly,
> and sent me to application submission successful.
Did you receive my application successfully?
> wjhon...@aol.com wrote:
>> The entire page is founded on unsubstantiated and generic complaints
>> which all lists share. I'm on moderated lists which are completely horrible.
>> And I'm on unmoderated lists which are absolutely excellent.
>> Jimmy Wales himself has stated, and I've quoted
that in certain groups being anti-wikipedia is a
> requirement for fitting in. A statement that you take knowledge
> seriously.
Geni, it is not "anti-wikipedia" to recognize and understand the difference
between information and knowledge.
Marc Riddell
> 2009/10/10 Marc Riddell :
>> Geni, it is not "anti-wikipedia" to recognize and understand the difference
>> between information and knowledge.
on 10/10/09 11:36 AM, geni at geni...@gmail.com wrote:
> That enitrely depends on context. In the context of the
> 2009/10/10 Michael Peel :
>> I'm sorry; I can understand those sentences separately, but not when
>> they are combined. Wikipedia is a way to take knowledge (and the
>> spread of knowledge) seriously. That's why I'm here.
>> I would hope that being anti-wikipedia (or anti-knowledge) is not a
on 10/10/09 7:31 PM, Ray Saintonge at sainto...@telus.net wrote:
> At the high school level what may be acceptable when the students start
> may not be acceptable when they graduate. They should be learning how
> to think critically, and looking beyond what the teacher and the
> textbook
o supervise a child's internet access and/or
> usage, and certainly not to make arbitrary rules regarding said usage
> on the basis of a single culture's sensibilities on children and
> sexuality, especially sensibilities as baseless and harmful as this one.
> --
> Andrew Garrett
Yes. Very well said, Andrew.
Marc Riddell, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology/Psychotherapy
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iliar with the one you mention, but, let's try again.
Marc Riddell
> On Nov 26, 2009 8:56 PM, wrote:
> I already pointed out that you cannot impose "friendliness". Our current
> state is one in which any particular admin may sit on any particular editor
"Bizarre"? See beyond the visible, Tim.
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> Brian J Mingus wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Tim Starling
>> wrote:
>>> Give the Nobel Peace Prize to DARPA for designing the Internet. And
>>> they've made so many other excellent contributions to peace, like
>>> unmanned bombers and anti-missile lasers.
>>> Seriously, th
e Foundation-comfortable direction. Listen and Learn.
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> Marc Riddell writes:
>> Mike, please stop and listen. The Community, which is the heart and soul of
>> this very Project, is ventilating, and making some extremely important
>> points. Please stop trying to control, and re-direct, this dialogue in a
on 6/17/10 9:47 AM, Nathan at nawr...@gmail.com wrote:
> Wow, this thread just needs to end.
> Nathan
Interesting, Nathan. "Needs to end" for whom?
Would you say the same thing if this were a live in-person discus
ct competition as in sports or, more subtly, with the
science & arts awards.
Person-to-person affirmation goes a very long way; and is what collaboration
& community should be based upon. Give them the climate, and they will give
you the culture.
Marc Riddell
ld not volunteer. I see this as an important tool and one that
> should not be dismissed if we are going to broaden the base of our
> volunteers.
> Sydney Poore
> (FloNight)
> On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Marc Riddell
> wrote:
>> on 6/19/10 4:58 PM, Keegan Pete
s! Excellent insight, David.
Marc Riddell
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 8:49 PM, Birgitte SB wrote:
>> --- On Wed, 6/30/10, Veronique Kessler wrote:
>>> From: Veronique Kessler
>>> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] 2010-11 Annual Plan Now Pos
art talking TO them about what they
>> are to do.
>> The current talking TO them is not polite and will not lead to positive
>> results.
Yes! Talk WITH not TO. That's what collaboration is all about.
Marc Riddell
> On Fri, 24 Feb 2012 12:51:13 -0500, Marc Riddell
> wrote:
>>> It's really unfortunate that blacking out Wikimedia projects is
> becoming
>>> an
>>> accepted method of protest. Maybe we should start keeping track of how
>>> often different proje
on 2/24/12 1:35 PM, Nathan at nawr...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 1:20 PM, Marc Riddell
> wrote:
>> I agree with you, Yaroslav, that repeated and indiscriminate use of the
>> method would dilute its impact; and could come back to bite the Project.
e long haul". (From: "Ten things you
may not know about Wikipedia")
Should this read, "...the sum of all knowledge (except any controversial
content that may upset some people."
Are you concerned about the Project's image or its content?
w on earth do you equate the phrase "bible belt" with
Marc Riddell
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on 3/14/12 1:54 PM, Kim Bruning at k...@bruning.xs4all.nl wrote:
> "The CBC is getting rid of its physical music collections in Vancouver and
> other sites across the country, a treasure
> trove of over 100,000 artifacts amassed over decades. Valuable, rare and
> historic recordings on vinyl and t
Hi. I realize this has nothing directly to do with the WP Project, but
here's an article I thought many of you might find interesting:
Marc Riddell
on 6/25/11 2:18 PM, Milos Rancic at mill...@gmail.com wrote:
> On 06/25/2011 07:35 PM, birgitte...@yahoo.com wrote:
>> To clarify my position, I found the procedure as designed for handling
>> appointed seats to be inherently unworkable. I don't think the procedures
>> could have been followed dur
law enforcement part
of that collaboration. This parental, "We know what's best for you, and
don't have to explain our decisions to you" makes a farce (or worse) of any
claim of such collaboration. And the more silent they remain abou
nk you for what you've done, thank you for what you're
> doing.
Very nicely said, Alec. I would like to add something I posted on the
English WP Mailing List:
Why Wikipedia is important:
Without knowledge, myths are born. With myths, fear is born. With fear,
intolerance is born. With i
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> On 18 January 2012 23:08, Marc Riddell wrote:
>> http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/19/technology/web-protests-piracy-bill-and-2-
>> key-senators-change-course.html?_r=1&nl=afternoonupdate&emc=aua2
> on 1/18/12 6:16 PM, David Gerard at dger...@gmail.com wrote:
> Marc Riddell writes:
>> The Foundation - and those who represent it - seem to have forgotten
>> that
>> people are at the heart of what they are there to do. And, without the
>> heart, it cannot live.
on 1/8/09 4:22 PM, Mike Godwin at mgod...@wikimedia.org
>> A linguistic analysis by several experts in the
>> field concluded that you don't have a clue about effective group management.
on 1/8/09 8:41 PM, Thomas Dalton at thomas.dal...@gmail.com wrote:
> doesn't manage its volunteer base, it keeps its hands off and lets the
> community sort
on 1/8/09 9:20 PM, Erik Moeller at e...@wikimedia.org wrote:
> 2009/1/8 Marc Riddell :
>> This is pure unsubstantiated rhetoric. There are real-life, real-time
>> problems - serious problems - that directly involve the people occurring in
>> the English Wikipedia for exampl
> criticism? I'm struggling to think of anything that could be done on a
> foundation level that would be effective here.
Alex, your hostile attitude in both your responses prove my second point.
You, and attitudes like this, are a
on 1/10/09 3:56 AM, Ray Saintonge at sainto...@telus.net wrote:
> Perhaps in the earliest days Jimbo performed that role, but even viewing
> all of his actions in the best possible light still leaves the
> insurmountable scalability problem. It is hard to imagine any other
> Solomon scalably
> 2009/1/9 Marc Riddell :
>> Erik, there are some truly terrific, bright and creative people within the
>> greater Wikipedia Community. We really need to have a culture that makes
>> room for them all.
on 1/10/09 6:59 AM, David Gerard at dger...@gmail.com wro
>>> You claim to be defending the community in the abstract, but don't
>>> appear to want to put in the effort to actually work directly with the
>>> people in said community.
2009/1/10 Marc Riddell :
>> David, if you mean the e
This place becomes less civil, more unfriendly and more inconsequential with
every passing day. It is no wonder more and more persons are avoiding it
like The Plague. The universes-of-one are sealing its fate.
Marc Riddell
foundation-l mailing list
, speaks volumes.
Marc Riddell
From: bawolff
Reply-To: bawolff...@gmail.com, Wikinews mailing list
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 22:34:14 -0700
To: Wikinews mailing list
Subject: [Wikinews-l] Increased incivility at wikinews [en]
[I happened to stumble upon what appears to be an aftermath of
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Marc Riddell
> wrote:
>> When will you people finally acknowledge that there is something terribly
>> wrong with the deteriorating level of discourse occurring in the Projects?
>> And this trend is certainly not confined to Wikinews
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 10:13 AM, Marc Riddell
> wrote:
>> I have been trying for over two years to bring this issue to the serious
>> attention of the "powers that be" in the English Wikipedia. My messages are
>> met either with a "there he goes agai
> Hash: SHA1
> Marc Riddell wrote:
>> When will you people finally acknowledge that there is something terribly
>> wrong with the deteriorating level of discourse occurring in the Projects?
>> And this trend is certainly no
>> Marc Riddell wrote:
>>> It is clear that the Wikinews Project HAS come up with a successful model.
>>> The question is: are the other Projects even listening?
Michael Snow wrote:
>> What are you suggesting is the successful model Wikinews has come up
>>> Marc Riddell wrote:
>>>> It is clear that the Wikinews Project HAS come up with a successful model.
>>>> The question is: are the other Projects even listening?
> Michael Snow wrote:
>>> What are you suggesting is the succ
> George Herbert wrote:
>> Civility, or more properly abusive editors, is not a petty problem. If I
>> had Jimbo's God-Emperor powers several existing WP users would be walked out
>> the door and invited to not come back, on the grounds that they are
>> persistently abusive and disruptive to oth
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Phil Nash wrote:
>> ...and it's always (in my experience) a difficult
>> dichotomy between kicking these people out of the door and culturing their
>> behaviour so as to benefit the encyclopedia.
on 2/5/09 7:19 PM, George Herbert at george.herb...@gmail.com
on 2/5/09 6:27 PM, Marc Riddell at michaeldavi...@comcast.net wrote:
> A lot of good input so far regarding the state of communication in the
> wikis. I would like to take some time and construct a dialogue model for
> discussing this issue further. I feel this would be better - more p
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Marc Riddell
> wrote:
>> [snip]
>> With that in mind, I am proposing the following:
>> A guideline (or "rule" if you want) stating, Do not make any statement in a
>> discussion that does not contribute
on 2/8/09 2:41 PM, David Gerard at dger...@gmail.com wrote:
> I've proposed something that may help in this matter on en:wp:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Arbitration_Committee/Noticeboard#
> How_to_raise_the_tone_of_the_wiki
> Comments and suggestions there are likely to be
"dumb" politely explain why such action was wrong, and the correct way
> to do it. Remember, that all volunteers do not know better.
> Just a sane thought to ponder.
Thank you, Jon. You are a part of the thinking and the culture that is going
to help this Project survi
> 2009/2/8 Marc Riddell :
>> on 2/8/09 2:41 PM, David Gerard at dger...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> I've proposed something that may help in this matter on en:wp:
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Arbitration_Committee/Noticeboar
>>> d#
Civility, like courtesy, is contagious - it begins with you.
Marc Riddell
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Yes, perhaps they were, David - to him.
> and now you know more English words.
C'mon, David :-(
Marc Riddell
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tcut or appeal to authority that can solve this for en.WP. en.WP has to
> do the work and find these answers from within.
I agree with you, Brigitte, it is up to the en.WP Community to establish its
own common-ground culture. However, this is no small task since you are
dealing with a multitude of individuals who have established cultures of
their own. I believe that common ground should lie in the simple question:
How do you treat another human being?
Marc Riddell
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> on 5/31/09 7:29 AM, David Gerard at dger...@gmail.com wrote:
> [citation needed]
> People in high places appear to love us and/or respect our power, in general.
[citation needed]
The power to do what, David?
Marc Riddell
not a place for new
> ideas, which we call original research.
C'mon, Fred; it is "policy" to be "disagreeable"? And as for "closed to new
ideas"; that may be appropriate to the body of the encyclopedia itself, but
it applies very much in the various Mailing
will grow only in size, but not in
Marc Riddell
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 6:29 PM, Steven Walling
> wrote:
>> I concur with Phil. That thing is more press stunt than it is a conclusive
>> scientific study. The key thing that makes me discount i
> Marc Riddell wrote:
>>> on 6/27/09 6:35 PM, David Moran at fordmadoxfr...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> While not exactly science, having gone to more than one Wikipedia
>>>> picnic to break bread with my fellow contributors ... the
not to mention friendship. As I was told: That doesn't really fly here.
> Sincerely,
> Virgilio A. P. Machado
You are not alone in your observations, Virgilio; more agree with you than
will admit. It is truly a sad state of affairs.
Marc Riddell
My thoughts are with his family.
> -Chad
This is, indeed, very sad news. I can still see in my mind's eye his very
moving announcement of the death of President Kennedy. His values were
unshakeable. He leaves quite a legacy.
Marc Riddell
s ever made.
> Birgitte SB
I agree with you very much, Birgitte. Both of these messages sound like
Marc Riddell
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volved in whatever
> decision to get involved and make a difference. Starting mailing list
> threads just doesn't seem like it. I also note that the mailing lists have
> been on the decline since June of 2006.
> /Brian
Thank you for t
nto mediocrity as newer,
more tolerant, more innovative projects come into being.
Marc Riddell
> As we have more to protect (formatting, layout, content organization,
> stylistic unity) there is a negative attitude toward anyone who might
> jeopardize it through clumsy attemp
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 7:34 PM, Milos Rancic wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Marc Riddell
>> wrote:
>>> And it is this control group, this "consolidation of power" which was
>>> described earlier in this discussion, that is keeping the P
It's very good to see the English Wikipedia back and running smoothly again;
my withdrawal symptoms were getting hard to handle :-). Seriously, thank you
to all the people who fixed the problem.
Marc Riddell
foundation-l mailing list
> Thomas,
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 9:40 PM, Thomas Dalton wrote:
>> I have just received an email telling me I am eligible to vote in the
>> board elections when I have already voted. Please don't send
>> untargetted mass emails - they are spam.
on 8/9/09 5:15 PM, phoebe ayers at phoebe.w...@g
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Gerard Meijssen"
>> To: ; "Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List"
>> Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 10:35 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] How bureaucracy works: the example
>>> [...] Wikipedia is one of the
>>> biggest websites in the world. Obv
same thing in my field. You cannot teach
someone who will not be taught. You cannot teach someone something they
think they already know.
Marc Riddell
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27;t need to study for it,
>>> Academics don't have the time or patience to explain basic points for
>>> years on end to people who feel that reading books or papers about the
>>> subject is unnecessary. I'm sure the biology exp
ou describe the very essence of collaboration. The facts of
something can have very different appearances depending on the angle of
sight - what's most important is the dialogue those different angles
produce. It's also wise to know that there are things you are neve
as this should be extremely
rare. Wisdom, not power, is called for here.
Marc Riddell
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oject we are all working on. The Community should be able to
openly discuss all of the laundry that belongs to it - both clean and dirty.
This way, we may not always like what we hear, but we can always trust that
we are hearing it all.
Marc Riddell
"moderations" are
clearly designed to keep the first two in a favorable light; and, dead last,
you have the people who, not so ironically, create the substance of the
thing that makes the first three possible. This setup sounds achingly
familiar. And, like all similar setups throughout his
t; who claim (with a
>> straight face) that they are "independent", but whose "moderations" are
>> clearly designed to keep the first two in a favorable light; and, dead last,
>> you have the people who, not so ironically, cre
on 10/22/10 8:49 AM, Gerard Meijssen at gerard.meijs...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hoi,
> People who appreciate an upgrade from totally useless... obviously...
> Thanks,
> GerardM
To what "use" are you talking about, Gerard; groupthink-l?
Marc Riddell
> On 22 October 2
> on 10/22/10 10:11 AM, Fred Bauder at fredb...@fairpoint.net wrote:
> This is a public list for discussion of matters which concern and affect
> the Wikimedia Foundation. It is open to supporters and critics of our
> projects; to novices and old hands.
I am listening, and do hear what you are
of little
> importance. For medical issues the accuracy is highly important, and if
> one can't guarantee that each page load contains the accurate
> information then one shouldn't be pretending that it is in any way
> authoritative.
on 11/24/10 6:10 PM, wjhon...@aol.com at wjhon...@aol.com wrote:
> Would this project answer the question I am trying to address today?
> "Which American actors died in 1970?"
> There does not appear to me, to be any obvious way of using the built-in
> search engine to answer this question.
on 11/24/10 6:33 PM, wjhon...@aol.com at wjhon...@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 11/24/2010 3:29:12 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> michaeldavi...@comcast.net writes:
>> Could it de done with a Category: 1970 Deaths - Actors, or some such
>> thing?
>> Marc
> Evidently the phra
on 11/24/10 6:59 PM, wjhon...@aol.com at wjhon...@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 11/24/2010 3:56:52 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> phn...@blueyonder.co.uk writes:
>> Try http://toolserver.org/~daniel/WikiSense/CategoryIntersect.php
>> plug in values "en", "Deaths in 1970" and "America
on 11/24/10 7:25 PM, wjhon...@aol.com at wjhon...@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 11/24/2010 4:11:03 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> michaeldavi...@comcast.net writes:
>> I just pulled up the Articles on two actors who I know died in 1970. One
>> was
>> in the Category "English Film Actors"
emselves from the Police should become a policeman. I find that
> sort of
> attitude to be alarming.
> Will Johnson
Very, very well said, Will. But that's exactly the way it is. That's the way
it is when people who construct and manage an environment like this don
>> On 19/12/2010 23:07, Fred Bauder wrote:
> There can be no viable alternative to Wikipedia.
This is the type of thinking that sets you up to being blindsided.
Marc Riddell
foundation-l mailing list
on 1/26/11 7:09 PM, SlimVirgin at slimvir...@gmail.com wrote:
> A few editors on the English Wikipedia have been noticing a problem since
> around January 15 of "connection timed out" messages, very slow performance,
> and being logged out.
> Preview is getting hard to use because so slow, or f
> On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 15:34, Ting Chen wrote:
>> the Wikimedia movement is like a big family. Even though we sometimes
>> quarry with each other but especially in time like this we are all with
>> you. In the last days I often think back of the hospitality from all of
>> you to so many Wikime
Welcome to you, Goeff. Your academic and work credentials and experience are
impressive. Congratulations. I especially like your background as a busker.
And your bringing your music to work. You should be a healthy addition to
the Wikimedia staff.
Marc Riddell
on 2/5/11 3:11 PM, Theo10011 at
27;s actually mostly community members frustrated with
> the quality of discussions who call it that. The staff avoid that kind
> of tone, understandably, as it might seem unprofessional. Personally, I
> prefer not to suggest that anyone is a troll, except for Domas (he likes
> it).
in the Project for 4 years now. However, the
initiative for change, and the know-how to create it, doesn't appear to
exist at the highest levels of the Project. Pity.
To Samuel: And, so do I.
Marc Riddell
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From: Marc Riddell
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 18:34:48 -0500
To: Sue Gardner
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Nine Reasons Women Don't Edit Wikipedia
> On 20 February 2011 14:24, Marc Riddell wrote:
>> Sue, as you know, this is the area of my greatest concern regarding the
Familiar points to ponder.
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Familiar points to ponder.
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at kind of thing.
> Does anyone know: do we do much of that? And if not, should we?
I don't know whether or not it's done now, Sue, but it's a great idea!
Marc Riddell
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ime we
communicate with another person. And the ability to interact with another
person in a civil manner should be a requirement for everyone working on the
Project. It then becomes the hallmark, the distinguishing feature of a
Marc Riddell
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:42 P
e to be during the
> hiring process in how we think about the position.
Michael, do you, and the rest of the Foundation staff, have any idea how
detached - yes, estranged - you are becoming from the Community that is at
the heart of this Project?
Marc Riddell
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"It's the oldest temptation. Not gold or the power it can buy, not love, not
even the deep, drumming fires of lust: What we coveted first was knowledge."
"Haunt Me Still"
Chapter 1
Line 1
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 18:20, MZMcBride wrote:
>> Going along with this
>> theory that we've brought in a majority of the people who are willing to
>> work on these free projects already, perhaps the focus should shift to
>> making their lives easier? And maybe from there, the pool of those wi
pdate|Executive Director's summary]],
> [[strategy:Openness|ideas]])
Thank you, all, for this. This resolution is great news; and a great
commitment of support for the Wikipedia Project, as well as for the
individual Community Members who are at the heart of it.
Marc Riddell, Ph.
I posted this on the English WP on April 11:
The responses I received suggested it might be a problem with my provider. I
spoke with a Comcast tech. She considered the problem and concluded that I
needed to clear my cache & cook
sibility of safe failover in
> maintenance or emergency situations.
Thank you for this, Erik. Even this computer-challenged person could
understand what you wrote :-).
Be healthy,
Marc Riddell
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on 11/25/08 5:35 PM, Jimmy Wales at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
lots of independent
> action loosely coordinated... the wiki way).
In this type of "loosely coordinated" situation, how do you prevent the more
aggressive persons from dominating a projec
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