on 5/20/11 5:26 PM, Erik Moeller at e...@wikimedia.org wrote:

> [Also posting to Bugzilla]
> According to the ops team, there are a number of separate and
> unrelated ops issues that have come up in the last few days:
> 1) Not all users are experiencing slowness, but a subset of users are.
> There's no definite smoking gun, but the most likely cause are ongoing
> issues with one of our routers in Tampa. The router will have to be
> taken down for maintenance to fix this issue, and order to perform
> this maintenance operation with minimal disruption, we need to have
> key ops engineers on standby to deal with any issues that may arise.
> My understanding is that the best available maintenance window is
> Tuesday next week.
> 2) There was a software deployment on May 18 which caused an
> application server overload; it was reverted the same day.
> 3) The mobile servers are currently intermittently overloaded,
> throwing internal server errors, and servers to provide additional
> capacity have been racked today.
> 4) In case you're looking at it, ganglia.wikimedia.org is not
> displaying correct server status information (as of yesterday); it's
> in the process of being fixed.
> We're still in the process of setting up a new primary data center
> location in Ashburn, VA, which will give us higher site reliability in
> general, and also create the possibility of safe failover in
> maintenance or emergency situations.

Thank you for this, Erik. Even this computer-challenged person could
understand what you wrote :-).

Be healthy,

Marc Riddell

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