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Evolution-list mailing list
? Any ideas ...
Nicht vergessen! Am Sonntag, den 11. Mai ist Muttertag
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Evolution-list mailing list
Yes! That does it. Disable the "Prefer Plain Text" Plugin does it.
Wow easy but effective. Cool!
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: chenthill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Evolution-list@gnome.org
Gesendet: Mittwoch, den 14. Mai 2008
cross-porting fairly easy.
Big Email Archives can be a pain in my experience. but I used the Windows to
Thunderbird way ... there might be better options now.
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: chenthill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: Patric Schira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: ev
And now I just noticed that Evolution (last patches on HH) is not picking up
all emails and also not all calendar items.
I recall seeing emails with similar content, but not sure whether there is a
work-around or fix in the makes for this?
The stability issues are there, too. Today I killed Ev
i deleted the Cache out of .evolution in the home directory. That did help to
get all the emails into my inbox.
(The cache itself and in the mail director the exchange online folder content)
... The calendar seem not to like this approach ...
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: Axel
If its Spam Evolution should filter it into the Junk folder, but not reject it
and keep it in the online inbox. I checked via the browser on our owa site.
Its a bug in either way.
I hate to stress it, but working Exchange Email, Exchange Calendar is really
the must haves for Evolution. I don't
, you should be able to use IMAP and/or Exchange to integrate. However, If
you are backend is OX and other imap services you may like to try KONTACT or
Thundberid/Lightening and compare it to Evo, before your settle. The data
export/import might also be simpler ...
- Ursprüngliche M
Another thing I changed today after it happen again: Delete Exchange folders in
.evolution and .evolultion/mail.
Then restart Evo and diasable all Caching and Download for offline reading
options (there few places where this needs to be done). I have a Message Filter
to check all incoming mail a
e the backend processes. My exchange server is on the other
end of the world and networks delays do happen of course.
I don't want anyone to go on a wild goose chase, but I was just thinking out
loud that there might be such a dependency ...
Just a thou
overall stability
from my point of view. Of course the backend disconnects are not helping the
cause. so its still better then the older version in my opinion.
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: Art Alexion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Axel <[EMAIL
is someone can you post your version and also OS information? I used
Evo on Mandriva for about 1-2 hours and it 'felt' more stable - although just
in online mode only and it could have been a lucky moment ;-)
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: Barry D. Hassler <[
is a seriously better experience then in kubuntu.
If there are any similar views or concersn please let me know.
Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail.
Dem pfiffigeren Posteingang.
picture of course is, that its almost the same. I mean OOO, Evo,
xserver is no difference. And the channels in Ubuntu are very well managed,
more updates are faster available - just a view of a few days though.
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: Art Alexion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&
something easy ... ;-)
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: Davis Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: evolution-list@gnome.org
Gesendet: Samstag, den 31. Mai 2008, 02:36:00 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [Evolution] Cannot Authenticate with Exchange Server
Yep - tried that. Same thing.
On Fri, May 30, 2
Dear All -
The time zone info for my current location, Bangkok, is wrong. I read older
emails that these are text files which can be edited. However, I can find them.
If i look into usr/share/zoneinfo these are binarie files and not editable.
Please advise.
Kubuntu 8.04 - Evo 2.22.2
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: chenthill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Evolution-list@gnome.org
Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 5. Juni 2008, 06:07:31 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [Evolution] Time Zone Info
What is the distro whic
I am under the impression that Evo has its own translation tables. The one for
Bangkok is wrong, someone just typed rubish there - UTC. +6:42:04, although it
should be UTC +7 (for instance like Jakarta).
System time and all other system-zone files are correct.
Hey that's super. Really appreciate it.
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: Chenthill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Evolution-list@gnome.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Freitag, den 6. Juni 2008, 15:59:04 Uhr
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [Evolution] Time Z
Don't we think we can advance to RTF or HTML in 2008. I mean ascii or plain
text was already there in BBS times. I agree on it not being .doc or docx or
odt format, but HTML and RTF are universally usable formats, that every email
app should be able to use and users should not need to think abou
trial and suddenly I get
"Ignore or Recover from a EVO crash" window.
This does not happen later in the day, if I close Evo and restart it ... It
happen to me for the last few days.
I am on the latest evo 2.22.2+patches, Kubuntu 8.
at all.
Personally, I would love to see both project merging. The Kontact team created
a very nice and intuitive front end, but the Evo team has just so much more
know how on the Exchange, but also imap connector side.
Food for thought!
email clients on linux, windows, or mac to
compare the behaviour.
All of that said, I do like to point out that your many contribution are
welcome by myself and I am sure most of the Evolution community!
- Ursprüngliche Mail
Von: Patrick O'Callaghan <[EMAIL P
le slow but bearable).
This problem only applies to the mailbox with the exchange server. It
doesn't happen with the Gmail account.
What can I do here?
Thanks for any advice.
evolution-list mailing list
To ch
m new to Ubuntu & Linux).
Also, I have never debugged anything in my life. I'm one of those
Windows users Ubuntu is allegedly designed to capture. :-D
I'll try but it will take a couple of days.
On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 10:15 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
Maybe I should hire someone to sort this out for me!!!
On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 10:54 +0100, Ralf Mardorf via evolution-list
> On Thu, 7 Jan 2021 09:25:02 +0000, Axel Lieber wrote:
> > On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 10:15 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list
> > wrote:
OK, Milan, will do. Tks.
On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 11:09 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 10:56 +0100, Axel Lieber wrote:
> > Maybe I should hire someone to sort this out for me!!!
> heh, I see, it's quite complicated on
On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 10:15 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 09:36 +0100, Axel Lieber wrote:
> Could yo install debuginfo (dbg) packages for evolution-data-server,
> evolution, evolution-ews, gtk3 and glib2, please?
> Once you
Been using Evolution for about a half year now (on Ubuntu). Through several
updates there was never any problem, Japanese language emails would be
displayed correctly and writing them was also fine. Never had to do anything
special, it just worked. Three days ago (I think) there was a wholesale
e line, it works. If I hit left mouse button and pull somewhat to
the right to select only a part, as soon I hit the right mouse button, it
deselects the current selection.
Client is Evolution 3.4.4 on Debian.
Please help how to get rid of this interface smudge
Kind reg
How to do this with Evolution? Thunderbird and Outlook can do this.
Kind regards, Axel
evolution-list mailing list
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> https://mail.gnome.org/archives/evolution-list/2014-October/msg0.html
> Which was answered. And yes, it is findable by google.
Yes I found that, using Evolution 3.4.4 (Debian Wheezy) and on said
location I can only select any folder to put all sent Email to.
estioner were
sharing a common understanding of the issue.
Kind regards, Axel
evolution-list mailing list
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it results in a pretty bad user experience feeling and wtf moment.
On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 10:19 PM, Andre Klapper wrote:
> On Mon, 2015-04-20 at 15:26 +0200, Axel Kittenberger wrote:
> > Dear list, following usage scenario. Select some address in the To:
> > Fiel
Klapper wrote:
> On Mon, 2015-04-20 at 23:01 +0200, Axel Kittenberger wrote:
> > If you want to suggest one could also use ctrl+c to copy or what not.
> I didn't want to suggest anything - I asked what you want to achieve
> instead.
> Looks like you want to copy som
ointer is within the selected text. Then I get the
> menu you wanted. That seems logical to me as the mouse pointer is
> outside of the selected text unless I back it up slightly.
> Bart
> On Mon, 2015-04-20 at 23:32 +0200, Axel Kittenberger wrote:
> > In my case as
Hi all,
I am using Evolution under Ubuntu 16.04.
Recently I decided to set the font "Scaling Factor" accessible through
gnome-tweak-tool to 1.73, to make sure applications know the physical
size of my screen. Then I reduced the size of the fonts "Window
Titles", "Interface", "Documents"
ont on the screen the step of applying the font scaling
factor is missing.
From: Axel G. Rossberg
Subject: [Evolution] Adjusting font size of calendar display
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2018 11:47:43 +0100 (BST)
Message-ID: <20180904.114743.1342065297584462952.a...@rossberg.net>
> Hi a
re again comparatively small.
I'll try to get a later version of evolution running as you suggest,
and report back if the problem persists.
evolution-list mailing list
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Somehow, evolution-ews cannot pull in calendar entries from Outlook 365.
Needed to created problem:
I create and save a calendar appointment (of normal size)
"Outlook on the web for Office 365 Business" (web interface).
Expected result:
Evolution calendar (with EWS) displays this appointment sh
Thank you. Because of privacy issues, I have sent the log directly to
From: Torsten Krah via evolution-list
Subject: Re: [Evolution] EWS: "message exceeds the maximum supported size"
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2018 15:09:38 +0200
> Am Dienstag, den 02.10.2018
With Torsten's help, I ended up sorting out this problem myself.
The experience suggests the following request to evolution-ews
developers: please report ItemId together with an error messages, it
would make resolving this kind of issues a bit easier.
The details:
The reason for the error "messa
inks in the app. Any idea what I might
try? I do have gvfs installed and running arch linux.
Thanks a lot in advance!
/Axel Dahlberg
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
evolution-list mailing list
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Thanks a bunch Milan! That's indeed very helpful! I opened an issue for this
for qutebrowser here:
In the meantime I will make use of your workaround.
Thanks again!
/Axel Dahlberg
Sent with ProtonMail Secure
After reaching out to the developer of qutebrowser (always very helpful :)) he
pointed out that it seemed I had a faulty .desktop file for qutebrowser and
indeed this was the issue. So now it's working.
Thanks again to Milan for the help!
/Axel Dahlberg
Sent with ProtonMail Secure
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