mathematica.el in org-plus-contrib outdated (i.e. command MathematicaScript became wolframscript in new version)

2019-12-07 Thread dalanicolai
As stated in the subject of this e-mail, the command MathematicaScript became wolframscript in the newer versions of mathematica. To make ob-mathematica.el work again with newer versions of mathematica simply replace all occurences of MathematicaScript with wolframscript in that file. An extra com

please mention the blog-admin package for blogging with nikola

2020-03-06 Thread dalanicolai
Hi, Please mention the blog-admin package for blogging with Nikola on the worg site. I chose to blog with Nikola because I found on the worg site that is support org-mode. It took me a lot of time and effort t

Bug: org-html-export-as-html changes numbered sections to number one exclusively [9.3.7 (9.3.7-elpa @ /home/dalanicolai/.my_emacs.d/elpa/org-20200602/)]

2020-07-04 Thread dalanicolai
aniel Laurens Nicolai Created: 2020-07-04 Sat 18:06 Validate EXPECTED TO HAPPEN: Numbers get exported to 1, 2 etc. Emacs : GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 2, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.13, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2020-03-28 Package: Org mode version 9.3.7 (9.3.7-elpa @ /home/dalani

[BUG] demarcate block splits block even when outside of src-block

2022-06-12 Thread dalanicolai
[9.5.4 (release_9.5.4 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.0.50/lisp/org/)] When trying to create a new src-block via `M-x org-babel-demarcate-block` immediately after a previous code block (only empty lines in between), then the command behaves like when splitting a src-block (inserting an #+end_src firs

Re: [BUG] demarcate block splits block even when outside of src-block

2022-10-25 Thread dalanicolai
Great! Thank you... On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 11:41, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > dalanicolai writes: > > > [9.5.4 (release_9.5.4 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.0.50/lisp/org/)] > > > > When trying to create a new src-block via `M-x > > org-babel-demarcate-block` immediate

[FR] Add support for racket images in org-babel

2022-12-15 Thread dalanicolai
Hello, I am trying out racket which seems to provide a quite nice plotting package . Also, it is easy to install and configure, easy to learn. and it has great learning material. It looks like a great simple (compared to comm

Re: [FR] Add support for racket images in org-babel

2022-12-21 Thread dalanicolai
t is given). Anyway, I am struggling to find out how to come up with an alternative clean(er) solution. On Sun, 18 Dec 2022 at 13:38, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > dalanicolai writes: > > > I have not asked anywhere yet, but I do not know a 'standard org-mode' > way >

[PATCH org-contrib 0/1] Fix org-eldoc functionality

2023-05-25 Thread ~dalanicolai
Eldoc functionality only works after a restricted set of commands (see the variable 'eldoc-message-commands'). Because `org-self-insert- command', by default, is not in that list, eldoc functionality works poorly in org-mode (it does not work when typing, only when navigating). This patch fixes it

[PATCH org-contrib 1/1] Fix org-eldoc: add 'org-self-insert-command' to 'eldoc-message-commands'

2023-05-25 Thread ~dalanicolai
From: Daniel Nicolai --- lisp/org-eldoc.el | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/lisp/org-eldoc.el b/lisp/org-eldoc.el index 5b4f66d..7137c46 100644 --- a/lisp/org-eldoc.el +++ b/lisp/org-eldoc.el @@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ :group 'org-eldoc :type 'string) +(eldoc-add-command 'org

How to send patch for org-contrib?

2023-05-25 Thread dalanicolai
Hello, I have just created a patch for org-eldoc.el in org-contrib. I tried to send it using the 'Prepare a patchset' functionality on sourcehut which requires me to enter some email-address for where to send it to. As I have no idea where to send it, I simply filled in the address of this mailing

Re: [PATCH org-contrib 0/1] Fix org-eldoc functionality

2023-05-25 Thread dalanicolai
Thanks, for the quick merge. And noted... :) On Thu, 25 May 2023 at 13:03, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > ~dalanicolai writes: > > > Eldoc functionality only works after a restricted set of commands (see > > the variable 'eldoc-message-commands'). Because `org-self-inse

Re: How to send patch for org-contrib?

2023-05-25 Thread dalanicolai
Ah great, good to know... thanks again! On Thu, 25 May 2023 at 12:57, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > dalanicolai writes: > > > I have just created a patch for org-eldoc.el in org-contrib. > > I tried to send it using the 'Prepare a patchset' functionality on > >

Improve formatting and documentation inline source block [9.3 (release_9.3 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/28.0.50/lisp/org/)]

2021-02-18 Thread dalanicolai
Sorry, sending this from the browser because none of Emacs sending options currently work From: dalanicolai To: Subject: Bug: Improve formatting and documentation inline source block [9.3 (release_9.3 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/28.0.50/lisp/org/)] Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 18

Simple org-publish configuration example in manual does not work

2021-02-27 Thread dalanicolai
Hello, sorry for sending this email directly, but currently sending mail from Emacs does not work correctly. I was trying out the org-publishing functionality, but I found that the first example in the documentation given at does not w

Re: contact management in emacs

2021-02-27 Thread dalanicolai
ning history in Org Mode (Samuel Wales) > 14. Re: Tips on maintaining history in Org Mode (Ihor Radchenko) > 15. Re: Tips on maintaining history in Org Mode (Ihor Radchenko) > 16. Re: Tips on maintaining history in Org Mode (Ihor Radchenko) > 17. contact management in emacs (Alan Sch

What's up with ob-template.el? It seems heavily outdated

2021-05-21 Thread dalanicolai
I am trying to improve org-babel support for maxima. However, when starting from ob-template.el , which is advised in the section "develop support for new languages" in the org-mode docs

Re: What's up with ob-template.el? It seems heavily outdated

2021-05-26 Thread dalanicolai
Ha! Well not too much response here... Anyway @Pedro: So I do not have too much time to work on an updated template. But I have added a somewhat updated template file to my emacs-lisp repo here along with some handy tips <>. T

Re: What's up with ob-template.el? It seems heavily outdated

2021-05-26 Thread dalanicolai
Because of the image in that repo the link does not jump exactly to the right location... anyway the tips are just below that image/animation. Also, for some reason the link to my repo failed... so here <> it is again (well it just links to th

Build agenda asynchronously

2021-08-16 Thread dalanicolai
There was a question on Stack-Exchange if it would be possible to build *org-agenda* asynchronously. I could not quickly find any good answers neither in the mailing lists nor anywhere else. As I assume this will be a quite helpful feature for some more users, I am notifying you about it here. Th

Advice for new feature 'image block` for new `sketch-mode` package

2021-09-20 Thread dalanicolai
Hello, I am developing a new package for quickly sketching svg images, (see, and try out, sketch-mode at With the package, I can already quickly create a sketch and subsequently quickly save it and insert a link in some org-mode buffer (using the `b` transient suffix)

Re: Advice for new feature 'image block` for new `sketch-mode` package

2021-09-20 Thread dalanicolai
Also, I already looked at the org source to see how to add e.g. a #+BEGIN_IMAGE block, but I found the 'api' quite overwhelming. So I am hoping that some experienced developer could maybe give some advice/explain (for) how to approach/implement this. On Mon, 20 Sept 2021 at 20:19, d

Re: What's up with ob-template.el? It seems heavily outdated

2021-09-25 Thread dalanicolai
Hi Bastien, For sure I am happy to contribute it to (w)org. I have very recently assigned copyright to the FSF for sketch-mode <> (it is currently on So do I have to assign separately again for this contribution? (Wo