Thanks for your answer!
> You likely need to extend `org-babel-scheme--table-or-string' to > understand Image: type. > It looks to me that when `org-babel-execute:scheme` gets executed, then the result will not get inserted as a link, as that would require the results type 'file', right? >From the manual <>, it seems to me that using the 'file' type is required to get the result inserted as a link. However, I can not see how the code does the following as explained in the manual. The manual <> states (under Type/file): > If ‘file’ header argument is missing, Org generates the base name of the > output file from the name of the code block, and its extension from the ‘ > file-ext’ header argument. In that case, both the name and the extension > are mandatory. > suggesting that a file gets written also when there is no :file header argument. But from the `and` condition here <> in `org-babel-execute-src-block`, it looks to me that a file is only written when a :file argument is provided (via the `with-temp-file` that follows within the 'when file ...'). Anyway, this I only found when trying to find out how the result gets formatted as a link. I guess to get the racket `Image` file-path to formatted correctly, it would be preferable to only touch ob-scheme for that. In which case, I think the 'result' under 'org-babel-result-cond' at the end of 'org-babel-execute:scheme' should get (re)formatted conditionally (when the results is a racket image (link)). So in the end, I conclude that maybe the advice as mentioned in my 'original' mail, might be already the 'cleanest' solution (and that it does not cause any problem concerning a file getting written to disk, as luckily, org does not seem to write files when no :file header argument is given). Anyway, I am struggling to find out how to come up with an alternative clean(er) solution. On Sun, 18 Dec 2022 at 13:38, Ihor Radchenko <> wrote: > dalanicolai <> writes: > > > I have not asked anywhere yet, but I do not know a 'standard org-mode' > way > > to make org-mode show the plot images. Racket creates a temp image file > and > > returns a string that includes the path to the file. The actual format of > > the string is: > > > > "\"#<Image: /var/tmp/geiser-img-16711484841671148484684.png>\"" > > > > I could create a patch for it, but I am not sure how to best implement it > > (in a clean way). > > You likely need to extend `org-babel-scheme--table-or-string' to > understand Image: type. > > > however, it would be great if support could be added to ob-scheme itself. > > I would be happy to do it, but as mentioned before I don't think I know > how > > to do it in the proper way. I would probably just add a condition around > the > > 'result' in 'org-babel-execute:scheme' as follows: > > I do not know much about scheme. > > Generally, ob-* libraries try their best to convert native language > types to Elisp. If #<Image: ...> is something that is unambiguously > identified as image file, I do not see why we cannot support it, > converting the #<Image: ...> representation to file link. Especially, > when users request :results file. > > -- > Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, > Org mode contributor, > Learn more about Org mode at <>. > Support Org development at <>, > or support my work at <> >